I'm in Glasgow, looking for you. Every corner I turn I look out for a massive bobble-head Fang strutting about with giant muscles.
You're saying you don't?
Posting from Glasgow Science Centre. I feel so insecure doing this in public ;;
What I meant was that she was going to choke me.
...and ah'll tak' the low road, and ah'll be in Glasgow before ye! Wi' a knife tae me throat, and a Kitty ready tae choke. On the bonnie, bonnie streets o' Glaaasgow~ no but really, RIP FEENIE, 1997-2012.
I am going to slap everyone who ignored/missed this upside the head, bakas B|
[]Ask Neku to stop talking so much.
The noobs .
Avatar: 8/10 - Nice placement, lovely colours and so kawaii~ Signature: 9/10 - Simple, but like above, it's pretty damn moe. My only complaint is the text, it's a bit too off to the side.
I shall go and get my shining knight-armour on then.
Shall I protect you again?
Generally, you sleep talk if you aren't in deep enough sleep paralysis. /luciddreamingresearchhurrah But I suppose you have evidence to dispute this?
Well isn't that sexist.
Deep breaths, Kellu. Deep breaths. Ohey clone, what do you want to lick today?
Much to my dismay, FF X-2. I'm so glad I never finished it.
Is she sexy?
Somewhere Over the rainbow Where I giiiiive a shiiiiit~
This thread is lacking XI.