Jayney-Wayney Pudding and Pie, Missed Achievements and made me cry, Jayney-Wayney Pudding and Pie, Missed Achievements intended for I; udidit aaaaaaaaa (pretty sure Planet Scmanet Janet is classed as rock) Dirty Mouth Slowpoke (technically, because Kelly gave her song up and I claimed it (this reason is totally not legit amirite?))
You do realise you can watch it on Youtube, right?
God damnit, I was still trying to recover from that. HAHAHAHA JACK MY SWAG.
Everyone's worse than Rebecca Black because she's actually pretty good.
This list clearly isn't authentic. There are no Kelly ships.
I sincerely believe that Amaury would bring us more prosperity as an admin than this wannabe twelve year old.
Because it's a fizzy drink.
No, only Ashwin gets the Cookiie.
Yup .
Four seasons spread about twelve months. Nov-Jan: Winter Feb-Apr: Spring May-July: Summer Aug-Oct: Autumn
But it applies to the way I think about these things, therefore your argument against me is invalid, along with mine against yours. Although to be honest it's winter all year round in the UK.
Notice how that is for the US.
What is it then?
Snow in Winter? Never! Don't speak such blasphemous nonsense, Amaury.
Omelette du Fromage.
Pls stop copying my life. We also watched the movie version at the same time. I...was kinda meh on this book. I didn't particularly want to read it at the time, I was juggling a few books in my spare time too and everything was just rolling into one. However, I did end up enjoying it as it went on. Bradbury's writing techniques are rather interesting at times too. Don't see too much of that. But enough from me. What do you think, Linda?
Just wait until you see the Premium Zone.
Scream "desu desu" at the top of your voice. Should help.
Welcome to the internet.
Don't tell me you've never heard of a joke.