nope because i try that once but that it turn out wrong that why i only talk to close friends but i have to leave them all and go back to a...
this is how a heart break--Rob Thomas
i only go to close people and tell them but right now i have no 1
i would but there no 1 to talk to
yes and thx
trying to find a reason to live on i realy need to get a life right now
i would love to but no so what r u doing?
i just found out that im living in hell and lost all feeling
im doing fine just heart broken right now
yes and i said i dont no
good for u dont no yet
hello how r u doing?
Hello how r u doing?
that nice something good happen? fine
and how many r there
no they lock my room and made me sleep on the couch
realy happy i finaly got my room back