that is realy nice but there is no way we will every go back out
tht sad but u wily didnt like aaron being her boyfriend did u
why she get hit tht great for u wht he do to get dump
hello how r u doing
a big o cookie will land on ur lap
chance - uverworld
hey i should hav said this a while back but thx for everything
please wht
i just wonder cuz my school is going to d.c next week and i have to stay back im happy tht u would say tht but wht done is done she would never...
hey u going to d.c
nevertheless - cross my heart
fireflight-stand up
so how is it going with Aaron and Megan so far
yea tht my fault dose megan no u still talk to me?
let just put it like this if i dont even miss her how can i like her when we were going out it was more like being friend and not the best friend...
ok fine do i still like her? no why there r many reason
what about 13 and 14 and 15 AND 100
they ask me the same ? yesterday but it was more like did u wish u didnt break up with her
fearless-falling up
i get 1 every 2 days and it not even my car