I heard somewhere that the abilities for each keyblade were switched. Can anyone tell me if its true or not? And if it is true, is there a list with the new abilities?
I let an 8 year old kid play KH2 and start a new game. I went upstairs, and when i came back down both of my files had been written over. The two files were on Standard mode (completely beaten with Sephiroth beaten) and Proud mode (half finished at the 2nd visit to Port Royal) I haven't let him touch any of my KH's ever again.
Tarzan isn't owned by Disney. It's actually owned by a company called Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. And I would have liked to see another Neverland, where you get to actually get off the ship. I don't know how they would use a plot, but I think it would be cool.
Pluto just sniffs around on the ground, and either cards, hp balls, or a bone will pop out of the ground.
Do you have to beat R/R to get the Japanese voices in Theater Mode, or do you just have to have Sora's story clear data? And, what's the best way to level up master form?
What is the mushroom keyblade's ability?
I got that same card throughout the game. So I don't think it's a glitch.
Use less sleights, and your cards won't go away. To get more cards you have to use a moogle room card, and buy cards from the moogle with moogle points.
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=9401 Is that what your looking for?
Hmm..I just looked on Youtube and found this, Namine on Sunset Hill
I was playing through FM+ and got to a video that's not on the kh-vids.com page and i was wondering if anyone's translated it yet. It has Namine on sunset hill with Axel and another org member.. This video right here - New Scene
I had the same problem, but i went to Wonderland and got TONS of green cards. So, you could probably try that.
OK I just beat Re:CoM and i'm on the battle report screen, and it says to press either O or X, which one do i press to save ???
When the tray is opened on the PS2, you should be able to pull on the very end of the tray(the part with the Playstation logo on it). It should come off easily, did on mine anyways..
With the slide tool, just turn your PS2 on, open the tray, and shut it off. Next just pull off the cover of the PS2 tray, and thats it. When Swap Magic loads, using the slide tool stick it into the left of the line in the tray, move it over and pull it out at the main screen. Then swap discs, push the tray closed, and stick the slide tool in on the opposide side, and slide it to close. I hope that was useful :)
..GOT.. damn..beat me to it
1) Where do I get a stop card? I can't find any and i'm on Floor 12. 2) What's the best world to use a Key to Rewards card?
Is the Swap Magic Coder a cheating device, like with entering the numbers and letters and stuff.. And if it is, what type of code would i use?
Is your ps2 modded? Or are you using a Swap Magic? You can't play imported games without either of those.
4040.. Woo