Wyverns, the angel things, and the Darkballs. I really didn't miss the Behemoths, they just annoyed me for some reason.
I'd kick out Goofy. His Knocksmash was good, but i hardly every used it. I liked Donald's Fantasia better. Also, Donald can cure.
In order to play it, you would need something called Swap Magic, or any other mod. You wouldn't be able to play it on your PS2 without it being modded.
I need help with this also, I'm missing one item and I can't figure out what it is
Nope, I guess I'll go and do those, then.
Does anyone have a list of all the synthesis items in order from Jiminy's Journal? I'm missing 3 items to get the last Orichalcum+, and i'm not sure what they are..
Does anyone have a DW Roxas code?
The code I used was 11CE0B6A 00000819, and it worked fine. If theres any more codes that need to be tested i'll test them tomorrow.
I need the codes in RAW format. I converted the Riku in all worlds code and it worked fine, but crashed when i tried to switch party members. I don't have a save for the unlock all drives, so i don't think i can do that one.
I know that SM Coder supports Action Replay, if that helps.
I'm using Swap Magic Coder. It's the only thing I have =/. I might buy an ARMAX soon though.
I did the Riku code, and nothing happened. I'm not sure if I converted it right, either. The code I used was C130EB60 BCA9A39C. And for the Master Code, I used EC878540 142F1110.
Are there any codes that need to be tested? I have FM+ and Swap Magic Coder, so I could probably test some codes.
I don't know any japanese, and it was very easy to play. I just watched the subbed videos on here, and got the whole story. The only thing is the dialogue in all of the different worlds, I just skipped over those.
After you beat the game, you have to wait for all the credits to end and get to the battle report page. There will be an option to save your game there, which will open up the fight against Terra (ES). He is an optional boss fight.
Is this game id only for KH2, or would it work for any other game? I only have FM+..
Would i be able to convert these codes to AR Max 1 if i downloaded some sort of converter? (I have Swap Magic Coder and thats all it has..)
If the Cloud thing is possible..then wouldn't it be possible to have AXEL in your party?!?! =O Because he fights with you in the battle before you go to TWTNW!!
Stop Cards: You can get them in a treasure room (not key to rewards) in Wonderland Key to Rewards Cards: They're really hard to get and you get them randomly when you beat heartless. You can usually find them easier in higher floors. And sorry i don't know about lethal frame =/
I think I heard it from another forum a while back. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I'd like to know.