Smile Time - Angel :)
I got it in four clicks, I think Ghost Whisperer Fantasy Final Fantasy Square-Enix Kingdom Hearts
Are you talking about a Orichalcum+? Because I don't think there are Ocolerium's in the game.. If you were, they can be found: 1) In Space Paranoids, there is a chest 2) In the Sunset Terrace at Twilight Town in a chest 3) By completing 100 Acre Wood 4) In a chest in The World that Never Was, at the Brinnk of Despair 5) By completing Atlantica 6) By beating the Goddess of Fate Cup at the Coliseum 7) By getting at least one of every material in the Moogle Shop
I'm not really sure if I believe in ghosts, but I believe that there are supernatural things among us. The night my mother had passed, I woke up in the middle of the night, and thought I heard something crying. At the time, I had no idea that she was dead or anything, but I just felt that she was with me at that time. A lot of strange things happened to a lot of my family members that night, also. My aunt woke up to her dog barking like someone was in the house. My grandmother's alarm clock went off in the middle of the night, and my dad woke up in the middle of the night.
I got mine from Oh, and for the summer if you type the word "summer" at checkout, you get 10% off.
Probably, unless they replace it with another jungle-type movie. I'd rather have Lion King 2, though, because I liked being a lion ^^
First of all, you need to stock up on either ethers or elixers. Also, make sure you have Donald's limit, Fantasia, equiped. For the first wave of nobodies, I used normal form + magnega. Once they were gone I went into final form and used either magnega or firaga. If you run out of form before you get to the nobodies with all of the floating blocks, use fantasia. Once you get enough drive bars, use final form again, and that should probably take you to the end of the battle.
Demyx didn't escape from the battle...there was a cutscene where he faded after you beat him.. Anyways, I would say Vexen, because I hated how he died. I didn't choose him because I hated him and his personality.. I chose Axel, because he didn't deserve to die. I wanted to see a lot more from him, and because he's my favorite Org. member.
Who ever said that marriage was ONLY for opposite genders? If they allowed it, then it could be for everyone. Why would they call it something different? It would still be the same thing, just different genders. It would be easier if they just stuck with the word marriage.
THank you so much, I love it :)
Render/Stock: Axel Size: Default Text: xAXELxFIREx Thanks in advance
Personally, I hated Tarzan. The part with the swinging across the vines confused me. I had no idea where to go and got lost so many times. I liked Monstro, but i just didn't like the chamber part. There was no way to get through the chambers without a guide, as there was no way you could tell where to go. I actually really liked Atlantica, but the part where you had to grab onto the dolphin annoyed me because i could never find the damn dolphin xD
Okay, I didn't really read the entire 24 pages of this, so I'm just going to state my opinion. I don't understand why so many people absolutely HATE gay marriage. If you are in love, you should be able to get married with whomever you want. And also, you shouldn't have to move away from your friends/family to get married. America is made up of ignorant people, who don't take the time to actually look at and understand something. They are just told something is wrong, and will argue against it. If these people just thought something over, and realized the LOVE is LOVE, no matter which orientation. Also, another thing that confuses me is the fact that people think that being gay or straight is a choice. Someone doesn't wake up one morning and decides to be gay. I'm not sure if it's a genetic or a learned trait, but it is not a choice. And to the religion part of the argument. Not everyone believes in the same thing that you do. If you can live with people of different religions, different races, different anything, then why can't gay people get married? So, people should be able to get married, even if they are gay. If you don't like it, then deal with it. These people are going to love each other no matter how much whining and protesting against it happens. I'm not sure if this post even made sense, but that's just how I feel about gay marriage.
What does Jiminy do while in Sora's pocket? I mean, wouldn't he get sick or something during boss fights with all the running and jumping... They look alike too..
I've never actually played any FF's, so the only names I actually recognize up there are Kadaj and Chocobos. So I choose Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo, because, well, Sora riding a Chocobo would just look wierd.
I just finished watching the entire documentary, and it was amazing. The 9-11 thing just amazed me, though. I don't really know if i want to believe it or not.
Did anyone watch the entire movie, on google video? I started it and it's actually extremely interesting. The link is in the bottom of the description in the youtube video.
I kind of knew it wouldn't come here, and I've already imported so I don't really care. I have a few questions about the other things, though. Where is this Square-Enix store going to be? And what is KHN? Could someone possibly give me the link to the site or something?
I think some of the keyblades have changes, too. I'm pretty sure that the Oathkeeper was changed slightly, but I'm not sure. And I never knew that Roxas had the XIII on his shorts? EDIT: It was the Oathkeeper. You can tell from these pictures.. KHII: KHII:FM+: