Everyone here's now my sex slave!>8D
I wanna be the new sex god. Can I?
*looks under bed* Why are porn pics of D~D under my bed?!
.....I personally know some stalkers.
Can I be the new sex god?
Roxas stopped instantly and looked at her. "Are you okay? You don't remember anything about me, yourself, or Twilight Town."
Roxas stopped in front of a Mexican restraunt. What's more ironic than a Mexican restraunt in a Japanese game, Roxas thought to himself. He opened the door for his love.
*Because I set up a reservation for dinner at your favorite restraunt..." Roxas said while running through the streets.
Roxas stepped through and found himself in the Usual Place. "Let's go." He said, taking Namine's hand and running out into the back alley.
"Um...okay..." Roxas said while she looked around. He held the door open for her and opened a dark portal. "After you." He gestured his hand towards the portal.
OOC: Oh, okay.:D BIC:"So...you up for it?" Roxas asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
"You know....The Devil Wears Prada?" Roxas explained briefly."The concert in Twilight Town?" OOC: Don't you like TDWP, Rissy?
"Well, I don't have anything to do..." Roxas thought aloud. "Wanna go to that TDWP concert?" He didn't know if Namine liked The Devil Wears Prada or not, but he loved them.
Roxas was bear-hugged by Demyx. "Okay, man, you can stop..." Roxas gasped as he was released. He saw a shocked looking spreading across Namine's face. "Are you okay, baby?" He asked, ruffling the hair on the back of his head.
I was sorta a ****** today....
Am I a noob?
Look, I'm sorry Sonic. I just exploded without realizing what I was saying.
Shut up! You flirted with her because I remember people telling me you flirted with her. Whether you want to admit or not, you DID cheat on D~D. I can't even believe she went out with you after that. And then a few months later, you dump her. She shouldv'e dumped you in the first place. What pissed me off the most was that you did that to her while she was thinking about suicide.
No, Sonic, I have the right to say anything I want. You're just worried about your rep. You're also a *** because you flirted with FL behind my back when we were dating.Oh yeah, another reason you're a *** is because you cheated on D~D when you two were going out.
You know what?! You're the ***! You've been an @$$hole ever since you became a premmy. You're also a *** because you dumped one of the nicest girls on this site for no f*cking reason! Don't call me a ***, Sonic, because you're the real ***. Bunny! *glomps bunny*