Kingdom Hearts: Another Side, Another Story This is a KH story that takes place in The World That Never Was after Sora and the gang defeated the Organization. Maleficent and the Heartless have taken over the Castle That Never Was, and now the Heartless patrol the Dark City's streets. A group of teenagers have gathered together in a secret hiding place in the city's outskirts. They plan to over throw the Heartless Army, Maleficent, and the many Disney villains that accompany them, including Pete. They call themselves "Group Rebel." Will the group of rebels overthrow Maleficent and take back their city? Or will Maleficent find out about the refugees and smite them? Rules1. One OC and one villain per person. 2. Keep all things at a PG-13 level, including violence, romance, and language. 3. Your OC must be between the ages of 13 and 19. 4. No god modding at all. 5. If I'm off for a while (I get grounded pretty often), then I'll assign one of the members to oversee the RP. Don't take the matter into your own hands. 6. If you read this, say "Chapstick is tasty." 7. Don't break any of the forum rules. 8. Don't post in asterisks. Post like you're telling a story. 9. Don't start RPing until I give you permission. 10. The only magic spells you can use are Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Aero, Reflect, Stop, and Magnet. No "Fira's" or "Blizzaga's." OC FormUsername: Name (No last name needed) : Age: Appearance: Personality: Keyblade (If it's a OC keyblade, describe it or show a picture) : Bio: Favorite Type Of Music (Idk, I'm just a music freak) : Other Info: Magic (limited to 2 spells) : Character List (Group Rebel)Username: Roxas24Sora Name (no last name needed) : Alex Age: 15 Appearance: Black, medium length hair; green, cut-off sleeve hoodie; blue jeans; black Etnies shoes Personality: optimistic, caring, humerous Keyblade (If it's a OC keyblade, describe it or show a picture) : Twilight's Dawn Bio: Alex is the leader of Group Rebel. He is a keyblade master who knows his way in the city. He knows evry alley, building, and boasts that he climbed up Memory's Skyscraper. Even though he's usually joking around or trying to cheer someone up, he can be serious if the time calls for it. Favorite Type Of Music (Idk, I'm just a music freak) : Heavy Metal Other Info: N/A Magic (limited to 2 spells) : Blizzard and Thunder Username: Day~Dream Name (No last name needed) : Mischa Age: 14 Appearance: Long brown hair, brown eyes. Black short-sleeved shirt. Gray short skirt. Black Converse. Personality: Shy, serious, yet cheerful... sometimes. Keyblade (If it's a OC keyblade, describe it or show a picture) : The Nexus Keyblade. It's mostly black, red, and silver. It has thorn-like features on the top and a keychain that resembles one half of a heart. Bio: Mischa lost her parents to the heartless a few years ago and she swore that she would try and protect others so they wouldn't have to go through what she went through; thus eventually joining Group Rebel. Favorite Type Of Music (Idk, I'm just a music freak) : Rock Other Info: Magic (limited to 2 spells) : Fire, Thunder Username: Roxasrikusora Name (No last name needed) : Brandon Age: 14 Appearance: Blue hat,Black Hair,Red Shirt,Black Jeans And Blue Converse Personality: Calm,Keeps his cool and Optimistic Keyblade (If it's a OC keyblade, describe it or show a picture) : Fenrir Bio: A Boy who has been in the dark Realms and eliminated 1/4 Of the Heartless Favorite Type Of Music (Idk, I'm just a music freak) : Rock Other Info: Has lost memories, looking 4 who he is Magic (limited to 2 spells) : Reflect, Stop Username: Rissy Name: Briar Rose (Known as Rose by most) Age: 16 Appearance: Personality: Shy, Quiet, Nice, Kind, Misunderstood, Temper for her shortness. Keyblade:">Starry Heaven's Keyblade Bio: Rose grew up in The World That Never Was, living through the Shadow's eyes, seeing the Keyblader's killing them. She never really cared for them, until the Shadows continued to annoy her, and try to kill her. She saw a few of the Organization Members, wanting her to join them, since she was a Keyblader herself. She refused, living in the Dark Streets. Favorite Type Of Music: Hardcore, Screamo, Alternitive Other Info: She wears a dark outfit, skin tight, to let her be more flexible during the night. She is normal clothes during the Day, trying to fit in. Magic: Stop Username: scarred_heart634 Name (No last name needed) : Cassie Age: 15 Appearance: long curly blonde hair, dark purple tank top, faded jean mini skirt, barefoot (she doesn't like wearing shoes) Personality: shy, understanding, cheerful Keyblade (If it's a OC keyblade, describe it or show a picture) : Oathkeeper Bio: Cassie came to this city when she was running away from her past. She doesn't mind being alone because she is alone most of the time. She doesn't really have any friends and hates her family. Favorite Type Of Music (Idk, I'm just a music freak) : alternative Other Info: N/A Magic (limited to 2 spells) : Fire and Blizzard Character List (Villains) Note: After every Villain, I'll say what movie they're from.Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) : Pete (Original Disney Character) : Gantu (Lilo And Stitch) : Zira (The Lion King 2) : Hades (Hercules) : Gaston (Beauty And The Beast) : Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Carribean) : Roxas24Sora Syndrome (The Incredibles) : Frolo (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame) :
The first is awesome. The other two are awesome, but not as awesome. It's the best DBZ movie besides the Trunks one. My fave characters are Trunks...
XD DragonBall Z ftw! I own all three Broly movies. I think it's funny cause Trunks flicks Broly off in the last movie to piss him...
Haha.XD Sometimes when Goku entered Dragon Rush, he would say, "Ready, set, go!" I would be like, "....The f*ck?" Do you own any of the movies?
Damn straight.>8D Dude! The games are AMAZING! My favorite is Budokai 3. I never really liked the Tenkaichi's. I like that Super Destructo Disc.8D
No pervertedness = No approval from Chap >=( Krillin is amazing. Sure, he's not a Saiyan and all that, but he's still cool.
I'm gonna see it, to- WAIT!!!! ......Roshi's not a perv?!?! No Krillin?!?!
*takes tissue* Thank you. *breaks nose bone* Ouch! I wanna see that movie, but it looks nothing like DB or DBZ.XD
Well, despite you giving me a f*cking bleeding nose, it's pretty good. You should like whip out a Kamehameha on the person.XD
Mrs. Roxas24Sora.:D Jk, um.........D~D....Idk...
I know...I hope she cheers up soon.
Yeah, I'm trying to cheer her up, too.:(
Same here. Is it your gf?
Not much, you?
Just do what I do when I'm mad: Piss on someone's face.
Nope.:D Nightdream?
Hehe...I found Waldo. Nope. Dalk?
*wipes white stuff off* Either you're an Oreo, or you've been f*cked a lot.
You can piss later, ma'am. *grabs her*
All hail the mighty Dalk! *bows down to Dalk*