Back in Black - AC/DC
No. Epicsauce.
Bored... Agh! I wanna punch something I'm so hyper!
As long as you don't impale(sp?) yourself on one of the bikes. O.o
Avvy: 0/10 There is none. Sig: 8/10 I like it but it's sorta dark...
Hey people!
I'd say a bit of both. God gave life to bacteria, which evolved into what we know today.
I walked out into the living room and Hikaru Utada was on the TV (CBS to be more specific). Yay, Hiki!~
So-so Suicide - Finger Eleven
Yes. Besides, no one posted for two days...
"Banging can be fun." Nice
I saw this on msn. How the hell does she go from being 5 to 12 in one hop? Seriously... If your gonna do something like this, make it gradual.
Yes, but you wouldn't have any afterward. *Editt* Oh, nvm. I thought it was asking if you did... I don't have balls (Femaleeeeee) but if I did and did this I wouldn't have any...
I post more then I make because 90% of the ones I make go nowhere.
Since there wasn't a thread like this, I figured I make one. Well, I know I've been having issues with figuring out what songs are on a lot of my old CDs that I burnt a long time ago. So, I figured people might be having the same issue. Just rip the song you need to know what it is, and attach it to your post and then people can listen to it and tell you what it is. I don't have any songs atm (I still need to gather and rip them all), but I will post here soon.
*Post* *Runs away*
Cloud Nine - Evanescence
Well, it all started when I was trying to think of a new YT name. I had no ideas about my names and my last three accounts had been banned for uploading AMVS (BTW my old names were KickassAlchemist, YuzuInfinity, and AngelShikigami). So, one day, I was mulitasking and on the comp while I was talking to my friend on the phone. She got bored of my lack of talking and spontainously shouted "Cherry Pie!" to get my attention and I thought "That's it!" so I tried Cherry Pie but it was taken so I added Pwns for effect.
The More You Ruv Someone (The More You Want to Kill Them) - Avenue Q Violent Pronography - System of a Down Da Ya Think I'm Sexy - K (Aka the Chips Ahoy song and as a fun fact, is on the Blood + soundtrack. O.o) You Make Me Wanna Be A Man - Utada I Wanna Have Your Babies - Natasha Beningfeild ... and that's all I got for now.