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  1. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Weight of the World - Evanescence
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Cherry Pie Pwns
    The fact that in the end of KH2 and in the Birth By Sleep thing, that all of these keyblades just sorta appeared out of nowhere. I thought that there where only supposed to be the three: Mickey's, Sora's, and Riku's. If they just give keyblades to anyone like they did Kairi and all the people in the trailer, then why can't anyone just fix the world? That just confused me. Maybe I just need to play BBS....
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 8, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Down To You - Abingdon Boys School
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Wow... lol
    But can't aids be spread through straight people too?
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Your intro just gave me a seizure... jk
    Hey! Welcome to the utter randomness and insanity that is KHV. I hope you like it here.
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 8, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Cherry Pie Pwns
    That's What You Get - Paramore
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Follow You Home - Nickelback
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Water - Breaking Benjamin
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Next To Nothing - Breaking Benjamin
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Cherry Pie Pwns
    What kind of parents would let little kids go out like that?! That's like just asking some creepy old man to come and abduct them! And the thing with the nose... I can see someone getting a baby's ears done (I got mine at six months so my ears wouldn't become sensitive.) but the nose? My mom wouldn't even let me get that done if I wanted to and I'm 16.
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  11. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Middle of Nowhere - Ellegarden

    Lessons once learned are so hard to forget though
    They are simply papering over the cracks
    You have been creating something i've never had before
    But can you deny that you're at middle of nowhere?

    Do you think about your dream when you are falling down?
    I can help you smile bravely if you have something you really
    Do you think about your dream when no one believes you?
    I can help you spread your wings

    Though you claim, though you claim you're not
    Anyone, anyone like me
    Are you scared, are you scared of me?
    You're not crazy
    You're not unreal
    You're just complicated

    Think about your situation understand your refusal
    Disagreement disappointment
    Disapproval discontent
    Your conviction your stubborness
    Your emotion your confusion
    I won't deny you, i won't ignore you
    Do you hear me as i sing here?

    Do you think about your dream when you are falling down?
    I can help you smile bravely if you have something you really
    Do you think about your dream when no one believes you?
    I can help you spread your wings

    Though you claim, though you claim you're not
    Anyone, anyone like me
    Are you scared, are you scared of me?
    You're not crazy
    You're not unreal
    You're just complicated

    Think about your situation understand your refusal
    Disagreement disappointment
    Disapproval discontent
    Your conviction your stubborness
    Your emotion your confusion
    I won't deny you, i won't ignore you
    Do you hear me as i sing here?
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Depends on the book. The most recent time that I've cried over a book was when I read "Night" for English. I won't tell you when, because I don't wanna spoil anyone.
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Literature
  13. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Your bipolar. jkjk. That's how mine are. Last Quarter I almost got honor roll, but I failed Allied Health.
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  14. Cherry Pie Pwns

    Dream Job?

    Mine would have to me a photographer, director, or actor. I love taking pictures, bossing people around, and drama. Why I entered Allied Health instead of Multimedia, I will never know. Shame those jobs aren't really practical. Lol. Irl I'm gonna become a nurse, which is just under all those since I can stand blood and stuff pretty well. That's my only real talent. lol
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  15. Cherry Pie Pwns
    I hope this is the right place...

    Okay, so today I rediscovered one of the shows I used to love in a game: Code Lyoko. It's for the Wii. Now, back when it was still airing, I watched most of the show, so I have a decent handle of what's going on in the storyline... except for on thing. Who is this William guy? I don't think he was in the show and I'm sorta confused about him. Can anyone tell me what is up with him? Thanks!~
    Thread by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Cherry Pie Pwns
    I'm reading "Fool" by Christopher Moore. It's pretty funny.
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: The Playground
  17. Cherry Pie Pwns
    This quarter (It just ended today) sucked royally. Not as bad as first, but still bad. It was a short quarter and if you missed one assignment, you die. And I did... Here's what I got...

    Anatomy and Phys- B
    Allied Health- C
    Latin III- C
    Chemistry - A
    Geometry- A
    World History - (I don't know and quite frankly, am afraid for my report card on this one. o.o; )
    English- Either an A or a really high B. We've had assignments since the last time she told us...
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  18. Cherry Pie Pwns
    Ya, that's what it made me think of. That show was epic.

    Code Lyoko had bike things near the end. God, I'm such a nerd for knowing that.
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Cherry Pie Pwns
    *Resists urge to say over 9000*
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Cherry Pie Pwns
    That only makes it sould semi-suggestive... but it does seem catchy at night.
    Post by: Cherry Pie Pwns, Apr 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone