Damn it Japan! Why must you control us like this?!
iTunes is evil like that. I only buy things from them if I'm too lazy to find the entire CD on Limewire (ie TWEWY soundtrack. ) That's why my $25 card has lasted almost 6 mouths now (even though I only have like $3 left. XD)
Back to 3 ^^
Medicate - Breaking Benjamin
Being epic.
I'm not gonna be able to get on for at least the next week because of driving school and having only 1 hour at home a day. :/ That was also the reason I wasn't on all this week either... Just a heads up. I'll get on if I find the time. Kay, people? Bai for nao.
Go find me one.
Tremble for my Beloved - Collective Soul
This is Halloween - Panic! At The Disco (Cover)
FYI - Utada
I. Hate. Sunburn. This is why I shouldn't go outside. :/
It doesn't matter if it's allowed or not. People are gonna do it, and the teachers aren't gonna stop it. Especially if you're reading a book or something that cusses. Like when we read "To Kill a Mockingbird" We had to say things like hell, damn, and (So I don't get flamed for being a racist) the N word.
98 O.O You're FH? Lol. I just realized that since you changed your avvy. *Being Blonde* Edit: COOKIES!~
95 I spy FH. It really has been restored!
Idk how to even use a Mac, so I guess I'm sticking to my PC. Besides, the government uses PCs so they must be better.
92 We've restored it to the spaminess of before.
4Chan is dead?! The world is gonna end!
88 AND we're counting again?
85 This thread lives?!
Attack - 30 Seconds to Mars