East Jesus Nowhere -- Green Day
That's what I thought when I first played that game. Cussing people out in gorilla. Bad Tarzan.
In The End -- Linkin Park
That's like a peanut butter and banana sandwich, except you don't cut up the banana. You need a big glass of milk to be able to eat that though.
Rockstar -- Nickelback
Go to a dermatologist. I had the same problem, and went there, even though I went there for something to make my skin less oily. He gave me these pills and now my cuts and stuff start to heal within a matter of minutes. O.o Weird. I forget what the medicine is called, but they'd probably give you something similar. 'Sides, who doesn't like drugs? XD jkjk
Spotlight -- Mutemath (irony? XD) I meant the movie.
Rain -- Breaking Benjamin Supermassive Black Hole was in it though.
Come Back To Me -- Utada Lol. What confuses me is that it was on the soundtrack, but not even in the movie.
OMG you have the Swine Flu. jkjk I've been sick for a while and that's what everyone keeps telling me. O.o
Leave Out All The Rest -- Linkin Park
Haha. This is a replay of what my Allied Health teacher said. I suck at that class and he's always going on about how I should do better because it's my Major (BTW This is high school, not college.) I've never gotten higher than a C in that class anyway, even though all my other classes have had mostly A's and B's. In your situation, I don't see what the teacher is fretting over if she's gotten better grades all the other quarters. It's not like that one grade will show up on her transcript, only the final grade will. If she's gotten all B's, most likely (Unless she fails her final) she'll still get a B put on her transcript anyway.
So I was bored and was fiddling around with iTunes, when I found that you can put voiced menus on it. It was random and sorta niffty so I put it on it, but there was only one problem; It only works with English. Because I switch the languages on my iPod a lot (I do this mainly out of boredom, since the iPod has so many pictures, I don't really even need it to be in English.) I wanted a voice that could speak other languages on my comp. Does anyone know where I can download new voices for Windows Vista? Especially those that I can use when I switch the language, but a new English voice wouldn't be that bad either. Ty.
I'm sorry to say, but Chris Crocker is stalking you. Have fun. :)
Oh. I just downloaded them separately from one of her single albums they have on there.
Okay, this confuses me. This album was realized like a month ago in the US. Hikki was even on TV (and I think I posted a thread about it in the spamzone) for the occasion. Besides, it didn't have the last three songs on it. Yeah it is. That's how I got originally. It doesn't have the Sanctuary or anything. Only the "Come Back To Me" Remixes. Editt: Since I don't feel like typing here is the album I got and the link to the thread (Even though it's stupid and unimportant) about when Hikki was on TV. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=78144
But then again, I doubt she knows how to read well enough to read the book either.
I don't see why they shouldn't. It's only a church issue about people being gay, so why should it affect the state? Separation of church and state people! Some people are so close-minded. Like this one girl I talked to about it said she didn't support it because it was a sin, but I followed up with a "But that's only your religion" and she got all offended. I just don't understand people who are against it.
Idk why, it seems like it'd be nasty. I hate salt anyway.