that sucks. i was sick on monday so maybe i gave it to you through the screen :o
its all kinda sketchy really
he kinda deserved it though tbh she's not sure what she thinks right now. she also found out that Bill might've hired the guys to beat her up in...
yeah but he blew it and Sookie's a fairy/human hybrid
prob cuz of whatever she is but i dont know what she is yet. but Tommy finally went with Sam and abandoned his parents for a better life and im so...
yeah its getting very interesting now. still waiting to find out what Sookie is though cuz she doesnt have a blood type now
i am. i cant wait until tomorrow to see the next episode. Sookie just woke up from the coma screaming cuz Bill was there cuz hes the one that put...
well Bill proposed to Sookie and she didnt say yes fast enough and then Bill is missing and i had to yell at Sookie
kinda... getting into season 3 now and it's getting more interesting. lovin it :D
vampires, supernatural creatures, Sookie the who knows what having a relationship with a technically dead vampire, her idiot brother Jason...
ive become addicted to it. im already starting season 3. after the ending of season 2, i'm sooo excited to see what happens next
yeah but you were also saying something about getting a pedi as a guy. a few years ago i was at the mall with this guy and he wouldnt even go into...
lol you sure you're a guy? all the guys i know would be like "no way pedicures are for girls" but i know they'd love it :p ikr. so hopefully...
i cant wait until summer to go and get one i passed the written part of my driving test with a 94 :D
it feels the best when its happening though. especially with the massage chairs with the remote so you can adjust it its an awesome song just not...
yeah that could mess it up pretty quick. imo petis are more for in the summer when you're wearing sandals/flip flops cuz it helps to not mess it...
wow... anytime i've gotten a peti it's lasted at least a month. manis have chipped after 5min. but cuz of the tips and gel and everything its...
i always twirl my hair when im bored. i used to bite my nails but its impossible to bite through acrylic :/ but a week later and they still look...
but its mainly whistling that annoys me but only my brother and the guy from English and that one guy i was in a store with and i had to go...
still dont know why i can't stand when he whistles. im fine when my mom whistles to call the cats, im fine when Raffi whistles in his songs, im...