i dont think i'd be able to shove ice cream through the computer :/
i actually have ice cream in the freezer if i wasnt so lazy
well i guess the least i could do would be to let you since you're working for free :p
yeah probably but i couldnt afford to pay you cuz i would eat all the ice cream
awesome now i dont have to fire you :D
as long as i dont have to pay you though... cuz then i'd have to fire you
i love cookie dough so all cookie dough ice cream
can it be all chocolate chip cookie dough? i love cookie dough
but i dont wanna have anything to do with the mafia other than watching Fat Tony and his group on The Simpsons *cry*
lol im a boss now? cool
maybe tomorrow later at night so i can always tell him i need to go bed if i need an excuse to get off the phone
do i really feel like calling him though?
you just reminded me that i still havent told my dad that i passed my driver's test :p uh oh...
kk. have fun i guess...?
it really is getting better though. she actually yelled at him today
sad part is im used to it
happens a lot though. my brother does something and i get blamed and then she never yells at him for anything that was his fault not mine
my mom's starting to yell at me about it but about a month ago she was talking about how everyone can just have their room however they wanted it...
maybe one day. but for now im too lazy to move stuff around for it
yeah at some point i wanna clear a spot ontop of my dresser and set them all up for a pic