omg that'd be soooo awesome :o
that'd be so awesome if that was tonight's dream. i really dont wanna be a bug catching mermaid again
yeah. i had to look at the lyrics i had that i remembered when i woke up and thats what it seems like at least
i THINK its about what it'd be like if i was forced to move out and live on my own
well some of it. i cant remember the whole thing. i was at a concert with no one else around and for whatever reason i was on stage singing it....
it would make a weird movie... weirder than the song i wrote in my dream
my weirdest would prob be when i was a ghost but no one knew it and i could switch it on and off and this guy Shane saved a cat and invited me to...
i have a lot of weird dreams
kinda... i had a dream that i was a mermaid at my old school again and there were some others like me and the counselors were trying to get rid of...
im so addicted and should really go to sleep soon cuz it's 11:20pm
yeah its hilarious
harry potter characters as puppets
im also addicted to potter puppet pals
watch as soon as you get the chance. potter puppet pals r awesome!
school OMG no matter how many times i watch this its hilarious! the ending is the best
i slept until 11:30 this morning so im not tired but i wanna go to bed in a way so i can be up tomorrow and be sleepy tomorrow night cuz i gotta...
not really. life is boring
yeah in a way. typos sometimes know what theyre doing
makes more sense in a way with would
thats kinda gross in a way. but prob some extremely tasty guts