Lol your a silly girl, i live in australia
haha cause i was born in Australia
Hahahaha :P
Hahaha silly girl :P
Lol no its Jesse
Hahaha tomorrow lol :P Haha no its Jesse :D
Hahha nothing much, my birthday is tomorrow :D btw i have a name :P
Hahaha what??
Hahaha *big hugs* hows that? :D
Haha you want one from me?
Hah okay, has it healed any yet?
awww you okayy?
Awww what did you do?
How is it ****ed up?
Auran ran at the Heartless, tearing them apart with teeth, claw and horns "RAAAWWWWRRR"
just on here and listening to music you?
Auran's rage hit an all time high "THATS IT!!" He roared as his hands turned into claws and horns grew out of his head and he ran at Mithos, mixing his unnatural speed with blind fury
Haha its all good lol
Auran moved and tried to block the blast but was too late "Bloody hell!!" He ran over to Souichirou "Are you hurt??" He asked
Watchin tv and on here You? :)