Auran looked at his hands and his eyes went a pale blue, "Give it back, its not yours, but mine" He said, perfectly calm
Auran's eyes darkened, and as his eyes were pure blue, they went a dark shade of blue as he stood up and looked Raina in the eyes, "I may have promised to be your Knight, but something that Alice gave me, i will do anything to get it back, i will tear this world apart..." He said as he looked up at the sky, "RYUU!! GET HERE AND GIVE ME BACK WHATS MINE!!!" He roared as loud as he could
Auran sat down, "Damn it! I need it back" He said as he looked at the ground
Auran immediately went into a rage, "What!! She gave me something to remember her by, and that little runt stole it!?" Auran said as he turned around and drew his sword, but spun on the spot and said to Raina, "Where can i find him?"
Auran paused for a moment, "What do you mean by 'the opposite' of them?" He asked Raina
okayyyy :D
Thank you, im glad you have such hope in me More hope than i have anyways :P
Haha no its hectic because we have a lot of schoolwork to do, to get us ready for our final exams next year thank you, i appreciate your support xD
Naww you'll get there school mainly, im finally in my second last year of school so its been hectic
Haha ive been okay what you been up to?
hahah i kept trying to tell you i live in Australia
haha i dont live in Japan xD
nothing much ayy, how you been?
Heey long time no speak
Auran smiled, but quickly hid his smile, "Mithos you are a God yet you do not speak Latin? And Raina, perfection is an illusion, but more importantly, how did you find me?" He asked, looking to the sky once more
Auran stepped away and said something in Greek "είμαστε η ανίερη" As he closed his eyes OOC: είμαστε η ανίερη means "We are the unholy" My bad its Greek not Latin
Auran spoke again, pushing Mithos back into the back of his head, "i have been a Nobody, for i was brainwashed, i have been a Demon, an Assasin and a Warrior for..." And with that he looked at the sky as thoughts of Alice ran through his head
Auran sheathed his greatsword, "I am Auran, i dont think you'd call me human, for i have been many things, now i guess i am a winged Knight that serves you?" He said and then added quickly, "Ill let Mithos introduce himself"
Auran shook his head, "Why does it matter? No one is hurt." He said to Mithos as he flew to the ground, and retracted his wings, putting the young girl on the ground
Auran looked, "I guess so, we shall fight then" He said as he launched himself at Ryuu, slicing his sword through the air at him, aiming for Ryuu's chest