Hahaha ;D Ahh we gave up on that lol You got a phone? If ya do you should pm me your numba so we can text yeh?
"I used to be able to..." Auran said, glancing down
Auran looked up to the sky "And we get there how?" He said
Yeah im good too ayy :)
Hahaha fair enough man :D
Hahaa im not old enough to drive yet D: Aww you'll find someone i bet :D
Heyyy! how are you?
Auran glanced at Gexln then looked at Istar and said "Where the hell can i find her?"
Haha school mainly lol You?
Auran looked around "There has to be another way, screw you im going to find Nova" He said
"How can i settle it?" Auran said calmly
"He will not be summoned" Auran said with force
Haha awww damn! I cant believe i havent said hi either! Heyyyy!
Auran looked to the sky as a single tear rolled down his face "I may be angry with her, but i would never send a beacon to someone so that they can end her life, its inhumane" He said, his voice full of emotion
Auran's face did not lighten up "I will not be her vessel, I will not be a way she can live forever, I. Will. Not. Become. A. Puppet" He said grimly, looking at Istar with an emotion he thought he'd never have to feel again... Fear...
Auran's mouth set into a grim line "I didnt threaten to kill her, i threatened to tear her wings off, which is what i'll do, im angry because she made me believe that she loved me, and rage fuels the worst part of me" As he said that, his eyes flashed black, then turned pure blue once again
"So you won't get drunk?" Auran question Istar "Because i need a drink, but first i need to say something..." In a flash he appeared in front on Alice and said sternly "Come anywhere near me again and i'll tear off your wings for your little act" With that he walked back to Istar and kept walking down the road