Even the word picture is gone! Well this is fantastic! It always works well on TV tropes. Three cheers to Makaze, Mixt and Misty :) Quick question, when using the [*hide=COLOR]text[/hidden] version, are you supposed to select the colour as background colour or text colour, or does it not matter? Also how do you select the colour code without having to type it in, such as selecting it off the colour chart? shoowapdawaddywaddy
Yeah there's even a little gem where he says 'I've got it memorised'. It doesn't even bear any relation to what's going on in the episode, they just threw it in there for kindom hearts fans. Also the character is also a fiery red haired male. [video=youtube;O4fsOq6vREU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4fsOq6vREU[/video]
Watch Digimon Data squad. If anything, just watch the theme music (English version) on repeat. Also Quinton Flynn (Axel) does the voice of the main character.
First full pencil drawing I'm uploading. Tried out some new techniques and I'm fairly happy with it. The picture isn't actually of anyone in particular, I just kind of made it up as I went along. I think it was sorta inspired by old series Rachel from Friends, or at least the hair is. I think It might have turned out more realistic if I had used references, but I'll know that for next time now. Sadly my scanner made it incredibly grainy and faint so I had to touch it up on Pixlr. Please tell me what you think, seriously ANY comment would be appreciated. Click on image to enlarge View attachment 32782
Had it on repeat for about 3 hours now. [video=youtube;ZCz0AXvQlLA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCz0AXvQlLA&feature=related[/video]
...True that. I can promise I won't :) We don't have superbowl here, but from what I've seen it's pretty boring. What makes you say that? I didn't just have my one shot at having an olympic medal given to me and then snatched away, on live TV in front of millions. As for me, I'd say I'm pretty happy with life o.O
I actually find it stresses me out to watch it o.O Especially the gymnastics just then. The Japanese placed 4th and just missed out on a medal, and I felt so bad for them because it was one little mistake had cost them placing in the top three.Then they disputed the dismount penalty and got awarded extra points, bumping them up to second. And then I felt even more bad for Ukraine and GB because GB thought they were getting silver and got bronze, and then Ukraine thought the were getting bronze and now are getting nothing! It physically pains me to watch it ¬¬ ~Just venting my feels.
I prefer the even more old fashioned British/European way. However, even though I prefer DD/MM/YYYY in real life, on the internet I prefer 25 July 2012. That way there is absolutely no confusion for either Americans or Europeans as to which format is being used if there is an ambiguous date such as 4/8/2012.
Hmm I watched the British dub. It was a little...meh. Not bad, just not great either. Serious overload of dull surprise going on everywhere. I'm pretty sure half of them were just American's trying to put on false British accents anyway. But maybe as an American (I assume you are anyway) that wouldn't be as noticeable to you so you might enjoy it more.
What an epic, fantastic movie. One of my all time favourites. I think one bit that always stuck with me was when they were traveling through the Red Sea, and a flash of lightning illuminates the wall of water behind then. You can see the silhouette of a whale swimming next to them. Dang this is such a beautiful film. Oh, one of my favourite tracks is this, though it has to be said the whole soundtrack is just insane. Spoiler [video=youtube;ri4PcmWOS0Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri4PcmWOS0Q[/video]
In my arms-Plumb
6 bwahahah
43 Howdy Y'all.
Hm I actually like Taylor Swift :O The rest...meh. To be fair though, everyone is saying what bad taste they have, but what defines bad taste? Those artists are known and loved by millions around the world. Maybe the ones with bad taste are...us.*Tomatointhemirror*
Ah slenderman is creepy, especially the pictures, but believe me, it is a myth all started on the internet. I even remember seeing the thread where the first fake picture was posted. It was literally a thread to see who could come up with creepiest photo shops and that one was the most popular. So no need to be scared any more!
I think I must journey slightly off topic here to correct this 'scientific' way of thinking. Just because there is no evidence to prove something exists, it does not instantly prove the contrary, that it doesn't exist. If there is no way to test whether or not something is real, this does not automatically 'prove' that it is not real. All we can draw from this conclusion is simply that we do not have a way to test it. All it proves is that it can't be proven one way or the other. Now I understand your thinking, but by your logic, until we can state with 100% certainty that something is true we must say with 100% certainty that it is not true. This is incredibly unscientific. By this reasoning, until a couple of weeks ago, the Higgs Boson was completely non-existent until the very moment it was proved to exist, and before this moment was not a real thing. I think you'll find that most of the top scientists around the world did actually believe it existed even before the proof of it. They couldn't be sure, but just because they didn't have the evidence to prove it didn't mean it couldn't possibly exist. Maybe a better way of putting it would be 'in my opinion'. I personally am not sure one way or the other, and I doubt I ever will be until I experience something that convinces me incontrovertibly about the existence or non existence of ghosts. If anything happens during my stay at this supposedly haunted castle for a year, I promise I'll let you all know :)
I'm wondering where Suki is in all this. Maybe she and Sokka split after he named 'Yue bay' after his ex girlfriend. In any case there hasn't been a single mention of her, or of Sokka ever having had kids.
Damn you internet, for getting my hopes up. I should have known it was too good to be true.
Made me go 'D'awwwww' and then 'Hot dayum!' as I viewed from left to right. Spoiler Here's the full poster Spoiler