I have every treasure in the game except 44 and 45 for Riku on the grid. I've looked on guides and searched everywhere but no luck :( the guides say about going to the portal stairs, but give no directions to where this is, and how to get there. Any help at all would be appreciated :)
yes Yes YES!!!!!! I had absolutely given up hope of ever seeing an English localisation of the rest of the manga. I remember once a couple of years ago seeing volume 3 and 4 of the KHII manga on Amazon and ordering them without a second though. When they arrived they were in German *heartbroken*. After waiting for so long a little while longer seems like nothing at all.
Both very beautiful pieces :) It's a very difficult choice indeed but I think I will have to go with... 1) Jiku Neon. The amount of skill and patience to do an animation is incredible, and I really love the monochrome colour scheme you used. Overall a very haunting piece that I think is just incredible. 2) Ienzo. Another fantastic one! The background is absolutely stunning, and you can never go wrong with the Doctor as your focus :) I absolutely love both works, and I'm really sorry I can't give more time to saying what I love about them, bellieve me I would if it were possible, go on. And Jiku thank you so much for your kind words :)
Ah that's good :) I'm here for exactly today and tomorrow and I want to see the outcome! :)
So I'm going to Italy for 9 days! Exciting times. But then the day after I get back I'm off to my job next year as a youth leader in a retreat centre which means this is probably one of the last chances I'll have to say goodbye. Now I won't be gone for good, hopefully I'll be able to check in every once in a while (I want to see the Traditional art of the month result :P) but not half as much as now. So I just want to say thank you to the staff and the members for making me feel welcome and providing a brilliant service for us. Love and best wishes!
That's just silly. You would think people could put their prejudices aside for the sake of possibly saving a persons life. Related question, do they not allow any homosexuals to donate, or just those who have had sexual activity?
Wasn't the English dub of the film actually the first Three Japanese films condensed into one? Not that I didn't enjoy the film, but when you keep that in mind it makes it a lot less disjointed and random feeling. Did anyone else play that PS1 game Digimon world? That was such a fantastic game :)
Got to be Dinny :) Just got to be.
Great game! You should definitely finish the stories, then you just have the final chapter to do. I don't know if there's a correct order to do the stories, I did them in a different order each time I played through, but by the end all will become clear :D
That's a shame :/ What weird reasoning, but I suppose safety first. It seems sad that people who actually want to give blood can't while plenty of people who can don't bother
It's so weird seeing Kingdom Hearts ads on TV, it's kinda like out of place somehow. Something I obsess over so much, it somehow doesn't seem to fit in the real world, if that makes sense haha. In the UK one however, I'm pretty sure the guy says 'Slow motion' combat instead of 'Flow motion'. Could just be my hearing though.
I would like to point out that a forum dedicated to a children's Disney Video game is hardly MENSA. Now I have no problem with people being mature on here, but as for rudeness there is no justifiable reason. Besides that, it is possible to be mature and to retain a sense of humour. Oh, and thanks for the definition, I didn't know what the word I just used meant. I see you've now edited your post to remove that threat about exposing how immature I present myself just from what you've seen from my profile. If you still want to go through with it, please feel free on a separate occasion, but I feel this is already dangerously close to spam I also find it funny how much you are using the word 'mature' with 'cheese'. Anyway, I see what people mean about it just escalating, as more people getting Elite status, another tier will be wanted and so on. However would that be so easy? If the target is high enough and difficult enough to get to to begin with, it might first of all stop many getting there in the first place. I doubt that enough members would stay around long enough for it to get in that kind of position again. I may be completely wrong on that though.
Whistle for the choir by The Fratellis 'So if you're lonely, why'd you say you're not lonely?' Gets me every time. Also Rest by Nevertheless. Seriously everyone, just listen to it, it's so frigging amazing. [video=youtube;kGSvM6I6wiM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGSvM6I6wiM[/video]
I see. Because you're closer to Prem you must be far more sophisticated and mature than me. I bow to your superior knowledge of how I will feel in the future. It might not hurt for you to realise that just because you don't like an idea doesn't automatically make it a bad one. Hmm I get your point, but we already use the phrase Veteran quite liberally on this site, it would just cement that fact. Veterans are experienced people who are respected for what they have done and what they have contributed to, in this case to the site. Veterans are people who have earned respect and reward, as opposed to Nobles who are born into it and have done jack all to deserve it.
39 beyond a shadow of a doubt. My gosh it just has so many levels. And those Wagnerian cadences! Pure art. Plus it's just so darn fun to listen to :D [video=youtube;6Q1yyoe377k]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q1yyoe377k[/video] Also, another under appreciated one is 'The Seven seas of Rhye'. Epic isn't the word! Please, please listen to their 'Night at the Opera' Album. It's so much more than Bohemian Rhapsody. You will thank me for it. Talking of that album, 'Death on two legs' is just intense.
That's the whole point of Kingdom Hearts. This is a Kingdom Hearts website. It's the whole reason most of us are here. The cheese is what I love about it :( Shotdownlikeagammypigeon. In that case, I would prefer something that doesn't sound so...snobby. I don't know how many Brits there are on this thread but the whole concept of Nobility to me conjures up images of pompous, spoiled brats with ponies who think they are better than the commoners. I quite like Veteran. Not only does it describe the position well, it gives the impression that the title has been earned through hard work much more than 'noble' does. I like the idea of the rewards tiers, especially about username colour being the last to be awarded, however I can see the difficulties this would pose, if it was too much hassle then I would be fine with just a 'lump sum' reward. To clear up for me though, why is HTML code a problem in usernames?
For colour, I think having it a similar shade to a staff one is just confusing and unnessesary. I personally like the goldenrod or rainbow suggestions, completely unique and absolutely cannot be confused with other groups. I also love dark green. I also think the being a member for at least two thing is a good suggestion as well. Not only would it probably take at least that long to meet the requirements, but I think dedicated members should be rewarded, and it would give people an incentive to stick with the forum, instead of getting people who rise to prem or noble super fast and then never come back. Now as for Rep and post count, I'm not too bothered and I think it would be best left up to judgement of more experienced members, but I'd like to make the point that what may seem easy for one may seem impossible for others, and I doubt any decision would be met with all around approval. However I really think it shouldn't be too easy, those who reach that kind of prem status will already be pretty seasoned posters who are dedicated, so that will be the type who stand a chance of getting elite. And if that's the case the target can't be too easy for them. Page views shouldn't count in my opinion. I don't ever visit the pages of even the most interesting members. EDIT: I actually love the look of the Teal. Is Noble definitely the name now? Cos I would have preferred something a little more Kingdom Hearts-esque. I like 'Keyblade masters' for both male and female members.
It was. There are several interviews where they say so. The original translation has Marcus talking about a little scar he got on his head as a kid, but Jeff Nimoy and Quinton Flynn saw how similar the pose was to Axel and decided to throw it in for the fans.
Aye, that there were. However he is a composite character. They only had one main character and one villain from each instalment, so they couldn't have all four of them there. This design is the one from the front cover of the box, and lot's of the concept art by You can pick an alternate costume that makes him look like the warrior in his red armour. Spoiler Spoiler Then his EX mode looks like the other box art of him. Spoiler Spoiler If anyone has played the PSP remake, it's the same character as from the opening cinematic. He was made to represent all the heroes.
Right anyone here ever played Dissidia? At the end it is confirmed that all the worlds are separate, but part of the same universe. Not only that, but Dissidia is a direct prequel to FF1 so much so that at the end of Dissidia, after everyone is transported to their own worlds and the Warrior of Light is left behind. he heads towards castle Cornelia to begin his adventure in 1. Also I just want to confirm to any who might be confused out there, but Final Fantasy is in no way related to Legend of Zelda, they are made by different companies. They did throw in that fun reference though. I also believe that in some versions, the name on the tombstone is changed to one of the characters from Dragon Quest, but I will have to confirm that later.