I always thought it was a few years after the events of BBS that the apprentices and the others took part in the experiment that made them become nobodies. That's why Ienzo is a little kid in BBS but it's not until he's older and already aged naturally that he becomes a Nobody, and then stops changing and growing from that point. Same is true for Lea and Isa. I'm not sure about Aqua though. Since Ansem the wise ended up there too, maybe the dark realm is kinda like an afterlife where lost hearts go?
From what I remember, any weapon wielded correctly can destroy a heartless, but only the keyblades can free the captive hearts held within. With everybody else such as Tifa and Leon, they can destroy a heartless but it will just reappear again a bit later. Sora and the other keybladers get rid of them completely
Thank you for asking! As in just repeating what the English caption at the bottom says? I saw on KH insider someone said the one with Roxas had Sora saying something like 'That guy looks a lot like me' or something like that. And yes from what I can tell just regular kh2 FM+ from Japan :)
I found these on the trivia pages of KH insider but no translations there. These are taken of Jiminy's journal, but in the Japanese edition of FM, Tetsuya Nomura himself wrote the words on the top as if it was Sora. So it's kind of like Sora and Nomura have the same handwriting :) Does anyone have and idea at all what they say? Spoiler: Images
Since I always enjoy getting 100% completion on the games anyway, I tend to go for the lowest difficulty rating I can that still allows me to get the secret ending and any other trophies. So for instance on BBS I played critical mode simply because one of the trophies could only be unlocked that way. But I'll be honest I've played the numbered games and chain of memories all on both standard and hard mode, and I honestly couldn't tell that much of a difference. More damage taken but not like there's any extra challenges or restrictions
Thanks for the tip :) Yeah I could do, it's just sad we literally have no channels or shows here that will air more mature anime. Still stuck in the rut of season 1000 of Pokemon on Cartoon Network and not much else
oh okay thank you for explaining :) I did a little digging on google and found this So no Adult swim/toonami for us looks like :(
So what's the deal with Toonami? Is it a TV channel of it's own or is it just a kinda program that shows anime. In any case I've seen nothing of it here in the U.K. so I'm wondering if it even exists over here. As for the program, it looks a little bit crazy but Cowboy Bebop is one of my absolute favourite series ever, so high hopes :)
Welp cos I won the last two looks like I'm not allowed to enter :( But good luck to everyone! I hope there are some more contestants this time around :)
Hey I was wondering the same thing as you. I have brought the yenpress kh2 volumes even though I already had the Tokyopop ones. I noticed the lines seem cleaner and less bold in the Yenpress. There are some minor translation differences and all the Japanese sound effects have been translated which is good :) But I don't know if in the final Mix for kh1 manga has any extra content or not
Really old one I did but I thought since I've only got one more day at home, better this than nothing :)
Just seen this, I'll try my best during this weekend as I'm home to get something up :)
Thank's for the tip! I went in to Game and asked at the desk, man looked in the drawer and said 'It's your lucky day'. Proud owner of the artbook now :)
I really like how they have the more cartoony style for the KH one, really fits in with the style well. Jealous that Noctis has smoother legs than me though >:( Also that pose Noctis has just reminds me so much of the Leonardo dicaprio meme.
Saw it in the shop today :D I got really excited even though I don't have the money to buy it yet ¬¬ I'm really looking forward to scans of the pre order art book
Before I vote I'd just like to say I thought all the entries were fantastic :D 1)Jojo. I really love the painting style you used, especially in respect to the shading and brush strokes, as well as a kinda difficult face angle/perspective being pulled off really well. I admire that it seems like you put a good deal of time and effort into this. Also this is kinda random but I always find it difficult to draw teeth in detail like on portraits so I'm a little jealous of how well you did that haha :) 2) Hoodrat daddy. I just love the expression on this drawing, and the pose and body language suit it perfectly. I also like how even though it's a little sketchy it's precise. And wow the clothes, and especially the hairstyle, I think are just fantastic, you can really see you put a lot of attention to detail in there. Also hoodrat daddy the rules kinda say you aren't allowed to vote for yourself so I don't think your vote #3 will be counted but hey, nice try ; P
Whew late reply! Anyway here it is :) Not particularly a masterpiece but I had fun doing it :D It is Tomb raider but with a keyblade because Kingdom Hearts is the one. Evidently :P So she looks pretty much nothing like me because I wanted her to look like the typical action hero female which I look nothing like by any stretch of the imagination haha. But like, she has my hair so...There's that. Enough ramblings, here's the picture. TOMB BLADER
Yay this is good news! Now if only I could get all my old rep back...
You lot are amazing :) That trophy is dedicated to you! Thank you for your help. (...can you still rep people on here? It's been a while...)
Thank you very much :) but for me that exit leads to CLUs ship, and there are no chests there so :s im not sure haha :) but yeah I'll try a video walk through, that's a good suggestion thanks :)