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  1. phoenixkh93
    I love the Keyblade inheritance poem thing that Terra says to Riku.

    '"In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."

    a'ww it just... :3

    Another bit from that same conversation, in reply to Xigbars big revelation and all Sora says is 'That's...nuts!'
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Feb 17, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. phoenixkh93
    Yeah that's what I thought. What a random selection though, I can't see why anyone would have come up with this
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 18, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. phoenixkh93
    So who is Rowdy Brown and why does IMDb have both him and Jesse McCartney slated to voice Roxas in KH3? I have never heard of him before, especially not in connection with the series. Thoughts anyone?
    Thread by: phoenixkh93, Jan 18, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. phoenixkh93
    something mature and intelligent

    And a happy new year :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 2, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. phoenixkh93

    What makes you say if either Roxas or Ven returns the other would die?
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Dec 20, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. phoenixkh93
    ...Reading this has made me realise how much I want to find out at the story ends, but at the same time don't want it to be over. Sign of a fantastic story :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Dec 19, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. phoenixkh93
    I recently bought the artbook and I must say it is amazing (though I am a huge fan of the manga). All of it is really beautifully presented and each piece of art has a little note by Shiro Amano himself just saying his thoughts about each of them. There are plenty of amazing pieces that are not included anywhere in the manga and lots of full colour versions of the black and white prints in the manga. I'm very happy with it :)

    Just to clear up, the pre order artbook of 1.5 features game artwork only by by Tetsuya Nomura, the artbook that this thread is about has only Shiro Amano. Neither of them have any of the same drawings in :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. phoenixkh93
    So I recently got the new Yen Press releases of KH2 manga. mThey are absolutely fantastic. I would definitely recommend anyone who is able to to buy them and support the release in English :) I especially love the Land of Dragons and literally any part with Demyx in, they just crack me up XD

    There seems to be a bit of confusion about this but Shiro Amano is a man XD I recently purchased one of his official art books and it states in a mini biography on the back that he is in fact male :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. phoenixkh93
    I just think it would be hilarious if the two 'no ideas' turned out to be Xehanorted Demyx and Luxord. We literally have seen nothing of them since KH2. You get to the final boss and BAM you just hear DANCE WATER DANCE!
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. phoenixkh93
    Inspired by the book 'Never let me go' :)

    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  11. phoenixkh93
    I have a couple of ideas :)

    Crossover (art involving two or more different fandoms/themes)
    Progression (redoing a piece of your own art done a year or more ago and uploading them together for comparison)

    EDIT:thought of a couple more :)
    Self portrait.
    Comic (only say a one page comic strip, doesn't have to be a full on civil war size saga)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  12. phoenixkh93
    woo! I'll try my best :) however I won't be home for a while, but I will try to get one in
    Before the deadline :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Competitions
  13. phoenixkh93
    )(----EY L----ET'S TALK!

    For real though it's always nice to see a fellow homestuck. There is no one I know in real life who reads it. No one to vent my Gigipause feels at :( :(

    So nice to meet you :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. phoenixkh93


    Thread by: phoenixkh93, Nov 2, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. phoenixkh93
    So I was thinking while watching 358/2. There is such a big deal made over Sora and Roxas being separate beings (not to mention Xion). The same goes for Kairi and Namine. It's heavily implied though that Sora will be able to save Roxas and Namine and they will be able to become their own people, which is great!
    But why is no fuss made over the other nobodies? Axel is perfectly happy to be Lea again and none of the others have shown that they care at all about their nobodies getting their own identities separate from their original selves. In fact thinking about it, it kinda bothers me a little that Lea is just Axel without the face tattoos. He doesn't even have a different set of clothes!
    Thread by: phoenixkh93, Nov 1, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. phoenixkh93

    I think we're basically saying the same thing here, it's the same land he was on, he never left, he didn't need a gummi ship or anything he just stayed there :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. phoenixkh93

    I think it's not so important whether or not Xehanort has his heart in them. All he needs is XIII denizens of pure darkness. He used his own heart on Xigbar and Saix because it's a pretty convenient source of pure darkness he has to hand. Vanitas is already pure darkness so no need to Xehanort him up. Also I'm not sure the yellow eyes is so much a symbol of Xehanort so much as a sign to show evil-ness, which just so happens to be Xehanort and all affiliates in any case.

    On a vaguely related note, it struck me that if he had gone through with his original plan of using the Organisation as his new vessels, Demyx would have been a new Xehanort. Demyx. Demyx would have been an evil being of supreme evil. Is it just me who thinks this is hilarious?? Come on Xemnas you could tried to think about that outcome when you were recruiting! It also makes me wonder how someone as lazy as Demyx ever became a nobody in the first place haha
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. phoenixkh93

    No as in the bare little bit of land they were on during the ending of KH1 was Castle Oblivion already. DanceWaterDance asked how they got to castle oblivion after KH1 when the divisions between worlds had been re established, I remember hearing (and I think is correct) that they were already on it
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. phoenixkh93

    Heh I can kinda see that. But then I also think all the little accessories are just Nomura's style, loads of his characters are covered in zips and belts etc. In the KH2 manga It lampshades this. One of the books in the mansion is 'How to do up belt buckles'
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. phoenixkh93
    I remember hearing somewhere that Sora and co. arrived at castle oblivion because the bit of land they were already on after the World of Chaos battle was already the Land of departure/Castle Oblivion, they just had to walk for a while to get to the Castle. I don't know how official this is or not :) But I think that there are maybe a few things in Kingdom Hearts, plotwise, that you have to take with a pinch of salt and not think about too much haha :) Especially don't let these kinda questions get in the way of enjoying the story!
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts