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  1. phoenixkh93
    I think the gold chess piece is the goats head that is on the handle of Master Xehanorts keyblade, the one that's on the wall in the trailer. I can also see Vanitus's keychain on one of the pieces at the end of the trailer
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. phoenixkh93
    Pretty sure that's mount olympus, in the background at 0:42 you can see the statue that's in Phil's 'you'll have to do' song in the film of Perseus holding Medusa's head :)

    Sora's new outfit looks bamf :D But I think it will take me a little while to get used to the new animation style
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 16, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. phoenixkh93
    I'm pretty sure they do, I remember seeing this scene below at 6:31 when Xehanort turned Braig into a nobody, and you can see Even and Ienzo on the floor already, and Ienzo is still a child. (Apologies for the bad quality clip, I didn't know where else to find it).

    Not to mention Roxas in KH2 is the same height at KH2 Sora even though he was created from shorter Sora. Although he doesn't seem to change height over the course of Days, but that could just be because of only having the older character model and just using that throughout.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 14, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. phoenixkh93


    Well bravo that's just blown my theory out of the water :P Still a funny vine though haha, I take solace in that.

    Another interesting thing I thought of is that Ariel and Hercules are technically related. In Greek mythology, Triton is Poseidons son, who is the brother of Zeus, Hercules dad. So Hercules and King Triton are cousins, which would make Ariel and Hercules...cousins once removed maybe?
    Post by: phoenixkh93, May 19, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. phoenixkh93


    Ah good examples I hadn't thought of there with Mrs Potts, Kanga and Lady Tremaine. With the others though as far as I recall their children are not shown or mentioned?
    Post by: phoenixkh93, May 19, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. phoenixkh93


    Thread by: phoenixkh93, May 19, 2015, 6 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. phoenixkh93
    Hmm I would say they did a very good job on 2.5. Especially as for years we were all resigned to the Final Mixes never seeing the light of day outside of Japan. It's a shame it disappointed you though, but I doubt they 'half assed' any part of the game. It's obviously made with a lot of love and devotion. Are there some bits that could have been better? That's up to everyone's own opinion but if they could have been, I don't think it's due to lack of effort on Squares part.

    But what is this Damage storage glitch? Sounds very interesting :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Feb 9, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. phoenixkh93
    That is an incredibly beautiful keyblade design. But how on earth could they recreate it accurately from such a brief viewing? I guess we have to wait and see if it looks like the real thing :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 17, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. phoenixkh93
    This is so sad :( I had no idea though that his son did the voice of Ansem, that's a very clever casting choice there. Had they already done his voice recording for KH3?
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 17, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. phoenixkh93


    Cool, which keyblade? And what's it made out of? :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 13, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. phoenixkh93
    They are beautiful. Also if you tilt your head back, put one on your lips and gently blow, you can make them levitate :O
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. phoenixkh93
    Ha he nailed it XD Except the pronunciation :S Errrrqus and Xeh heh nort. But yeah I love Kingdom Hearts as much as anyone, but it's all kinds of hilarious to poke fun at.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. phoenixkh93
    I completely agree with you about Axel/Lea's voice acting. Now Quinton Flynn is a good voice actor, but it kinda seems like he forgot about what he'd decided to do with the characters voice between games. Like CoM it definitely sounds like he's trying to go for an evil posh English accent (albeit not a very convincing one) to KH2 where it sounds more like a carefree natural American one (which is the one I prefer tbh). Then in 3D it kinda goes all over the place, and that like you said 'looks like you forgot to write the sequel' is a good example. Maybe it was bad lines or bad voice direction but I just wish he was consistent more than anything.
  14. phoenixkh93
    Happy new year to you all too, and many more in the future :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 7, 2015 in forum: Community News & Projects
  15. phoenixkh93
    Vincent has always been my favourite character, but KH is kinda already overloaded with VII characters. But talking of Dissidia, Warrior of Light would be great haha, he just fits in with the theme of KH so much. But maybe a little too much, it might get people thinking he's one of the 7 pure lights. I also always liked Bartz, he's a very funny character. However I did hear that Laguna was very nearly in BBS but scrapped at the last minute, so I'd imagine if anyone will be in it, he will.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 6, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. phoenixkh93
    Okay my brother found a pretty much fool proof method that I tried today, worked perfectly. Equip firaga to a shortcut button, and make sure you have a keyblade/accessories that boost MP. Then enter second district from first and jump to just in front of the fountain. At this distance they won't spot you, no need to cast stop or anything, then just lock on and spam firaga. Should take about 6 hits for each and you can send off the spells very rapidly. If they jump out of range you might need to be a bit patient until they come back into range, but with this method I really quickly got as many synthesis materials as I needed :) The best thing is you can just keep going like this for ages, because firaga takes so little magic.

    Another one I heard if that doesn't work for you is to fly in on Dumbo and spin round splashing everyone, but I tried this and it didn't work as well as the above method.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. phoenixkh93
    This guy is really annoying :( Another tip I would say is once the target is locked on you, no matter how many you kill they won't drop the synthesis item, so don't waste time like I did trying to kill them all.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Dec 28, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  18. phoenixkh93
    yeah it's random, that's why there's no definite way of knowing what, for instance, Demyx and Luxord's original names are without them telling us in game like they did with the others. We can guess but with no set rule it's not possible to figure it out :(
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Dec 27, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. phoenixkh93
    That's amazing :D you are so lucky haha looks like it was wonderful :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. phoenixkh93
    Thank you! But damn I thought I was up to date on all KH lore :/ is it available to play outside Japan or am I just going to have to read up online?
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates