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  1. phoenixkh93
    Yeah I see what you mean, I've just finished Terra's story on critical on BBSFM, haven't been killed yet at all which is a complete oddity to me, especially compared to my 2FM playthrough I just finished on proud in which I got killed more than I care to mention (still got optional bosses to go on BBS though so I don't think the no kill streak will hold). I think possibly it's not that it's easier per say, more that for me I really made it a huge deal in my head about how difficult it would be, steeling myself for having to face every boss 10 times over before I beat it, when in reality if you play it safe it's not too bad :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Aug 24, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. phoenixkh93
    Mysterious figure was pretty ridiculously difficult, especially as you had to beat him three times :S I remember on my very first kh1 playthrough I got stuck on Ursula for so so long. And during this playthrough of 2FM, the Luxord Data battle was insane with the timing for his desperation move :S I actually had to get my brother to help me XD I was doing the pause - unpause method to try and get all the Os, and for the last one had my brother unpause it for me while I furiously mashed X. It worked though aha :P
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jul 23, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. phoenixkh93
    I have completed all of the data battles except Xaldin and Xemnas, and I am really really stuck. I can last a good while against him but I'm finding it really hard to land many hits on him. I can't seem to catch the Learn reaction command, or if I do I get hit straight after and it doesn't come up with Jump. Or if I do get Jump, it completely misses when I activate it. I've seen videos as well where people manage to stack the Jump commands but I always get interrupted before I can. I can't seem to find a good walkthrough for it either. Please help it's driving me crazy :(
    Thread by: phoenixkh93, Jul 22, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. phoenixkh93
    Oh that artwork is wonderful! I was wondering what the colourful squiggles on the second one were, but then I realised it represents the Disney characters XD I like that Riku is Goofy :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jul 18, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. phoenixkh93
    I quite like it really, it's definitely grown on me. Still lots of the old features but with a new setup. I think it looks a but more mature than his previous ones, hopefully an indicator of how KH3 is going to progress. I think I especially love his new hairstyle aha, it's still Sora's signature look but looks less wild. I loved all his old outfits (except being not really bothered about 3D outfit) but I think it is time to move away from them.
    Order I think would be KH2=KH3 > KH1 KH3D
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 25, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. phoenixkh93
    Fair enough, well maybe it was just me then :) But really for the numbered games I would use at most the shortcut spells and some of the equip-able attacks, but especially in the first one I found it kind of annoying that if you had a few of those equipped you had to wait for the one you wanted to show up or accidentally press another attack command, or else just unequip everything else if you wanted to be able to consistently use the correct one when you wanted to. And it was a rarity to use any of the non shortcut spells, though granted cos I never really practised at it, it just seemed slow and fiddly during the heat of battle to open a second menu and scroll down to the spell I wanted, while not being able to do normal attacks.
    Item use for me was pretty much reserved for before I got cure and to give to the flowers in Wonderland.
    So it is a big bonus for me that you can pick and choose and swap exactly which commands to have right there and not have to faff around with the surplus ones.

    Also for summons I maybe used Tinker Bell during the Maleficent battle and Stitch during the Hades paradox cup but that was it. Though I do like having the summon cameo characters, I can understand that they are fun even though I never found them particularly useful. I preferred D links mostly because they had extra abilities and used a separate gauge (I'd always choose going into drive form over summon).
    You're right about the command styles, that was one of the big plusses for me and without them in re:coded I can see your point about it being restrictive.
    To be honest I think a bit of it is that I just loved the whole melding thing, trying to make something new and wondering what the outcome would be :)
    I guess I should just enjoy whatever new things come with the KH3 combat and still enjoy the BBS combat just in it's original game. Woops sorry for the essay!
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. phoenixkh93
    I'm not sure if this is a glitch or is somehow plot related and just passed me by, but in KH2 final mix Captain Jack doesn't have any of his abilities automatically equipped like every other world based party member, you have to equip them all yourself. I noticed when I was trying to figure out why the limit with him wasn't working. I don't remember it happening in the original but again I could be mistaken :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. phoenixkh93
    Yeah I think that too, they really made them epic I thought. Plus on normal enemies your quick reactions would earn you a cool and powerful attack, I always thought that was great and an extra added bonus. I don't understand what people don't like about them?
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. phoenixkh93
    Maybe that's where they'll get Roxas back? (If he does which I'm assuming he will). That's where he appeared the first time if I remember correctly. Either that or they just used a world they already had for the initial trailer :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 24, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. phoenixkh93
    Really hoping for a Pocahontas and Treasure Planet worlds :D
    And this is very exciting news, I'm a liiitle bit saddened by no deck commands though, I loved the freedom and customisation it led to, especially with the command styles that they led to. It's what made BBS one of the most fun combat wise in my opinion. I don't get a why people didn't like them?
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 23, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. phoenixkh93
    I'd quite like to see some interaction between Lea and Even, see if there's any anger or guilt about Axel murdering Vexen, and how they would interact after the fact. I can't see the members that we haven't already seen as somebodies being hugely important really (as in the first 8 and Roxas/Xion) but they may have some sort of cameo. I know Nomura once said that his favourite organisation member was Luxord so we might see him again somewhere. I would love to know their original names too, though it seems like they made have made up the organisation name before the real names, because I can't really see how some of them would sound particularly good (like with Demyx) I had a go trying to figure out all the version of Demy there could be but they all sounds a bit awkward (included in the spoiler tags if you want to see for yourself).
    demy deym dyme dyem dmye dmey edmy edym emdy emyd eymd eydm medy meyd mdey mdye myed myde ydme ydem yemd yedm ymde ymed
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 23, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. phoenixkh93
    THIS! It's never been one of my favourite films, but I would give anything to play as llama Sora :D

    I had not heard of this! Do you know where I can read it? :O

    And for me I'd love a Pocahontas world, that was always my favourite film growing up (I always thought it was harsh she got missed off the princesses of light considering she is the only one who was an actual real life princess).
    Maybe a Princess and the Frog world? Though I'm not sure it was popular enough to warrent it, but I'd still enjoy it :) Imagine the boss fight against Facilier and his friends on the other side.
    Also I know it would never happen as Disney's link is only distribution and translation, but I would so love a studio Ghibli world of some sort, like Nausicaa of the vally of the wind. They are all such beautiful films :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 22, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. phoenixkh93
    Hmm I defeated Marluxia again and saved it but it still just has one chest with bad cards in it :S I honestly don't know what else to try! I might just leave it now, I've spent so much time on it already :O Thanks for the help though :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 22, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  14. phoenixkh93
    Yeah I actually really enjoyed that one too aha, I spent a lot of time on it. It was really useful for levelling up commands and getting new ones as well :)[DOUBLEPOST=1434969866][/DOUBLEPOST]Success! I have finally completed the veggie panic game :D
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 21, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. phoenixkh93
    Yeah that can be traumatic :S Another one which I'm not quite sure if it counts as a mini game per se, but whenever you had one of those 'protect X and get them to this place!' sections I found those annoying, especially Snow White with Ven in BBS. The people you're protecting just seem so squishy and delicate, you can't leave them alone for 3 seconds :1
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 20, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. phoenixkh93
    As in two treasure chests in a single room per key to rewards?

    I am using my cleared save game, I've completed pretty much everything (including beating Marluxia) except for getting all the enemy and attack cards. I already got the 1st key to rewards for every world, but now when I enter any world using a key to rewards it just has 1 chest with regular cards like a lvl 3 kingdom key or something. I managed to get all of the cards you can only get after completing riku's side, but no clear bonus cards. We also tried on my brother's cleared save file but nothing.

    I only got the 100% trophies for 358/2 after defeating marluxia, do you think this might have something to do with it?

    Thank you for replying by the way :)
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 20, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. phoenixkh93
    I've noticed a couple of things in Re:CoM as well.
    First of all, if you are on a ladder and press jump while holding up, it flashes the jump pose for a split second and then skips to them slightly lower down on the ladder.
    Also, if you're in a bottomless darkness room and quickly pan past the door with the camera, the door appears distorted and glitchy.

    Another thing, on my game I can't seem to access any of the 2nd key to reward rooms, despite having clear data for Sora and Riku, and having 100% 358/2 trophy data. Though this could just be me being an idiot and missing something important.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 18, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. phoenixkh93
    Same for both of these, once I got to the tigger memory one I just kinda cheated. The most annoying thing was that on my first go just while playing through the story, I had very very nearly gotten the amount needed for the trophy on almost all of the mini games (excluding the vegetable one), wish I'd just gone for a little longer!

    oh yeah me too on that one :S On my first playthrough I had got all the points except one that I needed after multiple attempts so I just repeatedly crashed into one of the purple devastator heartless by the exit until I got it.
    Post by: phoenixkh93, Jun 18, 2015 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. phoenixkh93
    I'm having real trouble with trying to find the special treasure enemy and attack cards that are end game bonuses on Sora's story, such as the Starseeker and Luxord etc, I can't find any of them. I have saved clear data from both Sora and Riku's stories (with the little gold card on the save file to prove it) and 100% trophy completion for 358/2, plus I've already got all the 1st sets of Key to rewards rooms for every world. Am I missing something?
    Every time I get into the worlds Key to rewards room I just get basic cards such as cure lvl2.
    Thread by: phoenixkh93, Jun 18, 2015, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  20. phoenixkh93
    Especially to do with trying to get high scores for trophies/journal entries and things.

    Now I do love the mini games of Kingdom Hearts, they make for interesting additions to the game and can be really fun, but which ones did people find the most frustrating? For instance the magic carpet ride in KH2 which was actually only completable once every few attempts when an extra heartless would appear.

    But the one that's caused me most anguish so far is that flipping Panic Vegetable mini game in 100 acre wood during re:chain of memories. The one where countless vegetables trundle down the hill towards you and you have to smack them left and right 150 times to get the trophy. This wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to rescue the idiotic pooh bear, who decides to sabotage all of your efforts by casually meandering into the oncoming produce and getting himself killed. I say he should just be left to deal with the consequences of his own foolish actions. But if that wasn't bad enough he has the audacity to maniacally titter 'ohoho what fun!!!' as a monstrous pumpkin rumbles towards you and crushes you to pulp.

    Safe to say I have not got this trophy yet.
    Thread by: phoenixkh93, Jun 18, 2015, 11 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts