This looks good but I'm really confused by the size chart on the says a Medium is 15.75 inch waist??? Are these child sizes?
Ohhh this looks absolutely stunning, especially looks like very interesting gameplay for Aqua. Can anyone make out what the first thing mirror Aqua says is?
@Calxiyn Could you please resend an invitation for Vulpeus to the ID 1429622? It got automatically cancelled after 72 hours :( I'll be quicker next time!
@Calxiyn, me and my boyfriend just started playing in europe, joining vulpeus :) my id is 1370094 and his is 1429622 :)
I've been trying to download this but it gets to 100% and says 'installing' but then comes up with an error code 103 :S Anyone know how to get around this?
Yall have very nice blue eyes
Going to the London one :D :D :D
Tell him I love him <3
Absolutely brilliant, thank you :D Going to give that a go asap
Darn so it looks like it's not released in the UK yet then :( :( Or at least I can't find it anywhere. But I hope all you guys have fun :)
!!! I'm glad to have some news finally! But when they say NA release, will it be available in the UK too? I remember all those sad years waiting for RE:CoM :S
Thank you I've managed to beat him now :) But yeah that's the technique i used in the end
What is it? A new re recording of the film OST? or is it from the stage show?
I had this with a memory stick. Wouldn't even let me delete anything/format it. Still not found a solution I'm afraid but if I do I'll let you know
Merp really wanted to finish it, got to like lvl 4 but alas I have uni exams this week and there's only so much procrastinating I can do.
Happy 10th Birthday KH2! Shame that the KH3 release date theories didn't pan out.
wow that new sky at Mysterious tower is just gorgeous :) And I love the shiny shotlike tyoe attack before Sora gets gently pushed while still standing, downriver. I'm still unsure about the new character look, they seem slightly too shiny, and a little but plastic looking to me, but the close up of Riku, especially his hair looked really good. The gameplay does look fun though, I just hope there aren't too many gimmick attacks because if there are I'll probably forget to use a bunch most of the time.