...The one I have now would get stolen within a matter of days and I'd never be able to change it back, ever? >:
It's Friday/Saturday KHV. Throw a party in this thread now.
Yep, the outburst by Republican representative Joe Wilson during President Obama's address to Congress... What did you think of it? [Also sorry if this thread already exists, I didn't see one]
So I am taking ACTION... WITH THIS! -Holds up Neti Pot- This is war. War against the flu. >:
is my third day home sick from school, and I just wanted to let you know... ...The only thing good about getting sick (besides not going to school, but then again the make-up work will be hell)... ...Is the Häagen-Dazs sorbet. <3
[When I get my Electone this is the first song I'm learning dammit.]
I forgot I made this video :lolface: With some bonus CoM and KH2 and a DDR song WHUT A KH TOPIC ON KHV
...That I just got my first blister from playing bass? And I don't mean my first blister ever, I mean the first one I've gotten from playing. Also are there more to come? >:
We're named after a deadly fish virus.
Game OP: Link to article Ookamikakushi is a visual novel written by Ryukishi07 (Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Umineko no Naku Koro ni) and with art by Peach-Pit (Zombie-Loan, DearS, Rozen Maiden, Shugo Chara!, etc.) I read a summary on the story and it looked sort of similar to Higurashi -- same year and such -- but still interesting enough in its own right and depending on how the adaptation is done, the anime could be better. I love anything Ryukishi07 writes so I'll definitely be watching this xD Thoughts?
So entertain me. >:
How do you like your steak? THIS IS A SERIOUS QUESTION >: . SRSLY.
Try to explain the appeal of American football to me in three words or less. Girls, if you like the sport too then go for it. I said 'guys' because I live in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma where all of the guys are obsessed with football. GO.
This is an average thread on KHV lolface. There are generally many sarcastic remarks in the average KHV thread lolface lolface. Additionally lolface, the better grammar and spelling you use in your post lolface, the more positive a response you will lolface recieve lolface. However you must be careful lolface, because if you make it too long lolface lolface nobody will lolface reply to you lolface lolface lolface. People lolface here don't like reading big lolface walls of text. Lolface thanks for reading lolface. inb4fail lolface lolface lolface :lolface:
My printer refuses to print in black ink only... ...Because the yellow cartridge is empty.
...Must seriously be an excruciatingly painful way to die. I believe it messes with the muscles/nervous system... Just a few minutes ago we sprayed a spider, and first its back legs quit working and it dragged itself in an attempt to escape, but then it stopped midway and started flailing its (functioning) legs in the air, then it sort of did this weird somersault-type motions until it curled up and died. About halfway through my dog started freaking out a little bit and we had to put her out back ._. . Scooter hates spider death, apparently. Just thought you all should know that. :>
Fifty pages in, and still no plot. Just wondering, does it develop one at some point? That'd be pretty nice.
Is a synonym for 'worst thing ever'. >: