Someone cure me please.
Our version is slightly shorter than this, but still DAMNNN. Dx It's not that it's even that hard, it's just the speed >: . Somebody break my violin. Or tear the music up. Or no, that wouldn't work because I practically have it MEMORIZED FROM PRACTICING SO MUCH. GAH. Brb while I go die.
These are two of a bunch of photos I took of my dog back in 2005. Unfortunately, the computer that had the photos on it isn't working correctly. I only have these two on my external, and I dunno when I'll get the rest, but meh. ...Basically, I took these when I was in fifth grade 8D. Wooo. But... CnC 'em anyway for future reference? [Numero Uno] [Numero Dos]
So I've been sitting here debating whether or not I should post this in a thread for a few minutes now because frankly, all of you are great artists, and I'm... not, lol. I'm learning. I love to draw, but I never took it seriously until a few years back. Even then, I eventually got disheartened and stopped. I've only just picked it up again recently, and I'm determined to get better... So even though I'm terrified to do it, I'm going to post this for you all in the hopes that you can help me improve. CnC. Btw, some irregularities are caused by scanning it in and tracing it with a MOUSE in gimp instead of using a tablet. I don't have one. Her hair is just messed up though 8D. [Link]
(I wasn't sure if this should go under movies or music so I just went with movies >>). But yeah, basically what the title says. What are some of your favorite film/TV/anime/whatnot scores and/or composers? [Please note, 'score' refers only to the orchestral compositions from the film, not lyrical music produced by artists independent to the production team] Some of my favorite scores: North & South (BBC series) The Piano Jurassic Park Crimson Tides Pirates of the Caribbean Madagascar Gundam SEED/SEED Destiny (select tracks, but a LOT of select tracks) Buso Renkin (select tracks) When They Cry (select tracks) Infinite Ryvius Samurai Champloo Battle Royale Pride and Prejudice The Lord of the Rings Star Wars (Select tracks -- tbh some of it is a bit TOO dramatic for my tastes!) Babe Death Note Umineko no Naku Koro ni (select tracks) And a few composers off the top of my head: Howard Shore, Hans Zimmer, Klaus Badelt, Toshihiko Sahashi and of course John Williams xD.
My fortune? "Golden investment opportunities are arising." ...What kind of fortune is that?
That's right, I'm almost old enough for my license and yet I've never driven before. Most kids are like, "OMFG driving yay," but I don't want to drive. I really, really don't want to. It wasn't even real driving, it was more like releasing and pressing on the break. Thus, I never went faster than about 10 or 15 mph xD. WE HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE THOUGH. It was so terrifying ;__;. My mom made me drive down an entire street and every time I hit the break it was like LUUUURCH (except towards the end where I got the hang of it), but then at the very end she was like OKAY TURN RIGHT except I'm left handed and I wanted to turn left so I was like "No, I wanna turn left" and she was like "NO YOU DON'T" so I put it in park and got the hell outta there. .__. .__________. I hate driving.
My computer says I'm not connected to the internet, but... I'm still able to browse the web >/.
My first time going to one. It was amazing. They had quail eggs. And croissants stuffed with lemon cream. And rabbit meat and goat tails. ...Frick, they had EVERYTHING. Why can't regular grocery stores in the U.S. have all of that stuff? >: Anyway, I also went to some random school and listened to a guy play the polka on the accordion. And woke up at 3 AM from a nightmare. And went all over town looking at houses. And finally fixed my internet connection, which had been dead since Friday. ...So there's my summary of today.
I used to have a dog named Sable and we called her that all the time >: . She got cancer and died when she was sixteen. My mom named her Sable because she was a Shetland Sheepdog, and when my mom saw her for sale in the newspaper (black and white ad) she thought she was going to be sable colored but she was tricolored. So, she named her Sable and turned her into a walking oxymoron. ... I think I'm going to cry, dammit. ;__; I loved that dog.
Holy shit. Everyone needs to go see this show. Now. Your life is not complete until you do it. I mean... Holy shit. ._.
Basically, my friends and I formed a band and signed up for the school talent show, but never practiced. When it came time to go up and perform, they all still seemed willing to go up there anyway (I specifically remember one saying we'd 'wing it')... But I decided to make an an announcement that we wouldn't be performing to save us from complete embarrassment, so I went up on stage. I had forgotten my school clothes that day and was in my pajamas. When I got up there, we didn't even have proper equipment (Only thing I remember, the 'drums' was a plastic box lid with some drumsticks). So I went up there in my pajamas and told the entire school that we won't be playing, and someone recorded it with a camera. Then it became an internet meme via 2chan. Not 4chan. 2chan. I woke up directly afterwards, despite my alarm not set to go off for another two hours or so. I wonder if it's symbolic of something... All of the people in the band are members of my real-life band, and we never ever pracitce, and we're planning on maybe playing something for the talent show at the end of the year. >> Anyway. Just thought you guys should know. I... Think. ._.
...And I have an English assignment due tomorrow that I've barely started. Well, that isn't true. I have a really basic draft I've been working on and I know how I want the plot to work (it's a creative writing assignment) but... I just can't figure out how to do the real thing. My alarm clock normally goes of at 4:50 AM so at this point I doubt I'll be getting any sleep. Just thought you should all know, I really miss summer vacation right about now.
Right. Didn't work. This is as far as I got before I got bored. /dead >:
I have been so dfhgklsdhglkjhs about video editing lately. Every time I start up Vegas all revved up for a project, as soon as I look at the interface I'm like **** and shut it down. >: The last time I completed a SERIOUS video was allll the way back in August '08 and even that was just a mini AMV. I need inspiration to get me back into it because there are videos I NEED to be doing but I'm not because my editor scares me now. SO. KHV. I am setting a goal to actually make something REAL. TONIGHT. So I can get over this endless SLDKJGHLSKDJGHDJK video block and do the things I really need to do. >: KEEP ME ON TASK SOMEHOW. And thanks for letting me vent all over this post.
-Shakes fist at vBulletin-
[I'm sure you do.]
I'm supposed to be asleep right now. I was supposed to be asleep TWO HOURS ago. But see, funny story here. I was sitting with my dog in the family room when I hear SCREAMING on the TV. So I look over, and guess what's on? Yep, you guessed it. Scream. Mhm. And not just ANY part of Scream, but the part where the blonde girl gets brutally murdered and stabbed and dragged through the yard and hung by a tree. And I had to sit through the whole thing whilst frantically looking for the remote. SO. How has your evening been, KHV?
You REALLY DO have no idea how much time this is saving you.
This is seriously the most amusing thing I've had in years. I will probably be entertained by it for weeks. Everyone get one. We can start a kazoo choir. Uh, orchestra. Whatever. KHV KAZOO CHOIR MEMBERS! Stardust bobo.the.nut Plums Vi Britannia DPWolf TacoGrenade The Dream Traveler Gobhoblin