Tomorrow is Monday. [ But I don't have school tomorrow. ...Or the next day. Or the next day. Or the day after that. Or for the next ...80 or so days. No homework. No tests. ] ....Holy shit.
[Also: Inb4tl;dr] So I have been craving ice cream. CRAVING. SERIOUSLY. Ever since... I'm not sure who here put up those pictures of sea salt ice cream, then I got out for summer a day later, and it was like, HELLO, ICE CREAM. We have yogurt here, but... Yogurt isn't ice cream. C'mon. So I found out today that you can make ice cream in a plastic bag, and I figured, HELL YES. Right? So this chronicles my adventure in making ice cream. Enjoy it. I didn't. ============== Their Recipe: Two plastic bags, one quart size and one gallon size 1/2 Cup Reduced Fat Milk 2 Tbsp. Sugar 1/2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract Two trays of ice cubes 6 Tbsp. salt ------------------------------- 1. Put Sugar, milk, and extract into quart sized bag 2. Put salt and ice into gallon sized bag 3. Put quart sized bag into gallon sized bag 4. Shake for ten minutes, remove quart sized bag, and voila. THEIR RESULT: Spoiler DELICIOUS HOMEMADE ICE CREAM. =============================== My Recipe: Two plastic bags, one quart and one gallon size. 1/2 Cup Disgusting-looking table cream because we are literally out of milk that hasn't expired. Three plastic spoonfuls of incredibly chunky sugar followed by another two spoonfuls of Splenda because the sugar was too... chunky What I hope was about a teaspoon of vanilla. I hope. I used a plastic spoon. A shitload of ice cubes A shitload of salt ------------------------------- 1. Put the gross table cream, sugary substances, and vanilla overload into quart-sized bag 2. Dump what you hope is about the right amount of ice and salt into the gallon-sized bag 3. Put the quart-sized bag and the gallon-sized bag and shake for ten minutes while freezing my hands off and trying to use a random shirt I found in my room to keep them warm 4. Attempt to eat ice cream. MY RESULT: Spoiler SEMI-FROZEN TABLE CREAM ... Spoiler Life sucks.
[Note: This is a Buso Renkin AMV, it's incredibly short but it may contain mild spoilers (Depending on what you count as spoilers I guess), so watch at your own risk if you haven't seen the show already. If you ask me, it doesn't really spoil anything, but it does use clips from like episode 23 (out of 26) briefly. Did this quick video to get me back into the mood for editing && for my YouTube friends/subscribers in celebration of summer. It only took about six hours total, give or take an hour maybe.] Comments and critique would be lovely.
Stick around and see how it ends! Get the money and run... Meet me at the parking lot -- Bang, bang, shoot 'em up, yeah!
The only place where it can rain in broad daylight. UGH. ;___; ... No reviews. Pretty cheap. Might be crappy. To buy, or not to buy?
[ I went to bed at like, 8 PM, woke up once at 1 AM, then again at 5 AM, then again at 1 PM feeling like I just wasted the entire day. Because I did. My dream started when I went back to sleep at 5. It resembled an American cartoon, and starred this chick that looked like Misaka Mikoto from To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, except she had a hook for one hand. It also had a typical American cartoon storyline, evil bully picks on kid in wheelchair and main character chick helps him out. The bully had little thug friends with no names but the main guy was named DSL, and he was a scrawny kid with brown hair over his eyes. Oh by the way, the setting is in a store with groceries, household items, and a restaurant at the front, kinda like those SuperTargets with a Starbucks. To determine this kid's fate - to be BULLIED, or NOT to be bullied? -- they seriously start jumping around the store (which was mysteriously otherwise empty) and CUTTING EACH OTHER'S LIMBS OFF. Seriously. They didn't even act like it was painful, but there WAS lots of blood, and they would pick knives up off of store racks and use them as weapons. It only stopped when all the bullies lost their limbs (I specifically remember seeing their hands get sliced into bits), and it was revealed that the kid they were picking on in the wheelchair was so pale (did I mention he was really pale?) because of some disease. The main character lost an arm, by the way. Then the wheelchair kid was able to go home and all was fine and dandy... And I woke up. I'm a little scared. I would totally sit down and make a comic book out of it if I could draw 8D. ]
[...I failed. >: ]
You think of when you think of the 1990's. Gogogogo.
Is amazing.
Yep, I'm that bored, KHV. Heard of this from a friend. This one's really simple. Just don't kill yourself, I'm not responsible if you do. Hold your breath and the letter x down at the same time, for as long as you can. When you can't stand holding it anymore, release the x (and breathe, obviously). Then post them. I'd say the person with the most x's wins, but this is one of those games that could go on forever. And counting them would be extremely tedious. Here's mine: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kay gogogogo~
Is flippin' brilliant, what the hell have I been missing since... Before I was born?
As of today I've been a member here for three years.
...I have to learn it in a month. Wish me luck. ._.
As the title says. And I'm not talking about whether or not you think Christianity is stupid, or brainwashing people, or religion is ridiculous, or whatever. We have enough discussion threads about that. I mean just as a book -- religion aside. As a collection of stories. Do you like the way it's written? The New Testament? The Old Testament? Do you think Jesus was correct in his ideals? Discuss. Me personally, I find the Old Testament scary and for the most part unnecessary. The Ten Commandments are all fine and good as moral guidelines, but most of it is God saying "Follow me or you'll suffer painfully," which isn't what the New Testament shows at all. It seems to me like the Old Testament is more a collection of stories about war and such; it's way too harsh for my tastes. The New Testament, though, is nice in my opinion. Even if you don't believe in it religiously, it teaches about using love and kindness to reach out to people... Perhaps in this world it's a bit idealistic, but it's a place to start and a good example to follow, at least if you ask me. The way the Bible is written is painful to me though. Extremely choppy and has a tendency to state the obvious. So there's my two cents... What do you all think?
[ My fridge has a light sensor on the ice maker/dispenser. Now, one would think that as the lights around the fridge get darker, the light for the ice dispenser would get brighter. However. When I put my hand over the sensor, the light dims. Explain. ]
Post all your favorite pranks from today here, gogogo. [Also I will forever remember a few years back when Xaldin said most of KH2FM sales were from imports so it was probably coming over here, and EVERYONE believed him and got really pissed when they found out it was a joke. FOREVER.]
Brings back memories.
But this place is lagging like hell. I can barely navigate the site right now. Happening to anyone else?