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  1. Stardust

    [ Also yes that is an extremely... morbidly obsese guy in the bed there. Don't ask. ]
    Thread by: Stardust, Oct 20, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Stardust

    Quick, KHV!

    Do book titles go in quotation marks or are they italicized?

    [Also. I have to go to school in an hour and I haven't slept because I've been up doing an essay, but guess how much time I actually spent on the essay?

    Like, an hour and a half. If even that. Ugh.]
    Thread by: Stardust, Oct 4, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Stardust


    [ NO. ]
    Thread by: Stardust, Sep 27, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Stardust
    ...Of pacing the room when I listen to music. Basically, music makes me think, and as things fit together in my head I need to move at the same time for some reason. Just don't ask, I know it's strange, everyone thinks so ( ;___; ).

    So while I'm pacing, if I end up going fast enough, I tend to use my hand to push off the wall when I change directions. Guess what? Today I look over at the wall, and there's a slighly dark spot from where I've pushed off the wall over and over again from my skin oils or whatever.

    ...I... I feel...

    ...I don't know how I feel about it actually ._. .
    Thread by: Stardust, Sep 26, 2010, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust
    The old one got deleted due to the attack on the site, so I'm remaking this -- When They Cry general discussion thread. Any fans here willing to discuss favorite characters, theories, etc?

    IMPORTANT: Due to the nature of the series, please use Spoiler Tags as shown below for the benefit of all fellow readers, even for things you may consider minor:
    (EpisodeChapter title, or general subject)
    SPOILER]Spoilery content goes here~[/SPOILER]
    For example:
    (Common knowledge)
    [SPOILER] People die. [/SPOILER]
    A single slip-up without a spoiler tag could ruin the series for everyone, so please be very careful!

    For those new to the series wondering what this is all about, it's a series of murder mystery sound novels (Think visual novels, but more focus on sound/music than art, and no hentai in these) known as Higurashi no Naku Koro ni and Umineko no Naku Koro ni. The names of those might ring a bell due to the anime/manga based off of them, but these are the original source material. I would say more, but it's hard to without spoiling it -- I even hesitate at posting the Wikipedia page here for that reason.

    I will update this post later with more information on the series like reading order and how to obtain them/legal sample editions, but for now I'm being lazy because I had to remake the thread. =P
    Thread by: Stardust, Sep 26, 2010, 33 replies, in forum: Literature
  6. Stardust


    I'm going on vacation for about a week in a few days ~

    I'll be out of state; I make this trip once or twice a year and I usually have internet access, so I may or may not still be able to get on. I'm visiting friends and relatives so I'll have lots of stuff to do there, but I'll get on once or twice if I can! 8D

    I'm making this thread a few days early because I have SO MUCH STUFF TO DO before I leave I might not even get online the next few days. Dx That's what I get for saving stuff for last minute, but oh well.

    Special shoutout to Zhe Axelrific Family because I love you guys and you'd better BEHAVE. Lulu put me in charge when she left the site but while I'm gone... Er, Guardian_Soul and Ace Phoenix, if you're not busy (and you see this) can you look after it? ^^; I guess just let me know if something goes horribly wrong while I'm away. Which it probably won't. But you know.

    See you in a week KHV, AND STAY OUT OF TROUBLE WHILE I'M GONE and all that jazz

    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 28, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  7. Stardust
    New fad?

    [ And I'm doing it wrong. ]
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 28, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Stardust
    [ So other than getting a splitting headache for no apparent reason, today was a pretty average day.

    My dog went nuts at the door a few minutes ago; I looked outside and lo, there was NOTHING THERE. Heh. Whatever, she's a dog, she barks at things I can't see or hear all the time, this was nothing unusual. Or so I thought.

    So I let her out and right after I do I see this... Little... Animal. Right outside the boundary of our yard. And I was like, what is that? A small dog? And then I looked closer and realized...


    Cue me and my mom freaking out and calling her back to us (to no avail) while yanking on the cord that keeps her from running off (note: We have no fence, don't ask). She was SO CLOSE to being sprayed, but we managed to pull her back and the skunk decided it wasn't worth it and ran away (Thank goodness. We just got a brand new couch, and last time a dog of ours got skunk'd they proceeded to rub themselves ALL OVER THE COUCH in an attempt to get rid of the smell).

    It was the first time I'd seen a live skunk. And for those of you who are wondering, skunks must only be smelly when they've sprayed something/they're roadkill because it smelled perfectly normal out there. ]
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 21, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Stardust
    [ Current temp: About 100 degrees Fahrenheit

    Mom: So am I correct in assuming you don't want to go anywhere in this godforsaken heat?

    Me: ...I wouldn't mind getting a Frappuccino... 8D

    Mom: PSH. YEAH. RIGHT. KAY. ]

    ;_; So close.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 20, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Stardust

    Lol my dog

    We recently got a new front door put on, the thin kind that are in front of the main door and are just a glass pane inside of a small metal frame.

    So I went to let her out front and she was SO EXCITED because she loves walks... And she ran straight into the new door when I opened the original @__@. Then she sort of stared at it like it was some kind of extraterrestrial being or something.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 27, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Stardust
    I can't even let my dog out to pee. They're all over the place. I even took her out front and one landed on me. Bet the whole neighborhood heard me scream.

    @___@ Help.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 25, 2010, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Stardust

    I lol'd

    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 18, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Stardust
    I've managed to accidentally cut it five times over the last three days >: . Most of the time it was tripping over something. On the sharp painful corner.

    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 18, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Stardust
    Okay so about half an hour ago now I think, I accidentally hit the sleep button on my keyboard. Every time I manage to accidentally hit that button everything freezes up, so I basically freaked out and started hitting buttons in an attempt to bring it back to life again (though to no avail, it completely ignored me and went to sleep and I had to hit the power button to bring it back). When it came back up, surprise surprise, there was something wrong with it. My computer's resolution had been set all the way down to 640 by 480.

    My monitor's native/recommended resolution is 1440 by 900, so I set it to that. But now everything is really really tiny. What's more, the computer doesn't seem to realize this is in fact not 1440 x 900, but the monitor does, and has been periodically giving me messages about the incorrect resolution. I've restarted the computer, I've messed around with the settings, the monitor keeps trying to fix itself with some sort of auto processing, but I can't get the resolution back to the way it was. Setting it to a different resolution that's similar -- the closest I got was 1024 by 768 -- doesn't help much either. The difference is still big enough to tell and the monitor still doesn't like it.
    So I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions. I've never seen anything like this before, so I just thought I'd ask. Oh also, yes, I did press all the buttons down on my keyboard again to see if I could reproduce the issue xD... Help? ._.

    EDIT: Fixed, nevermind :> ... Could someone lock this please?
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 16, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  15. Stardust

    Alien Nine

    I just watched this series and thought it was... Interesting xD, and was wondering if anyone else has seen it?

    If you haven't, it's incredibly short (4 episodes) and you can buy it SUPER cheap (as low as $0.60 on Amazon for the regular edition DVD/About eighteen bucks for the special edition that includes the manga). Be warned however that it is mindscrewy a la Evangelion. Even the plot reminds me of Eva (It's about a group of elementary school girls who defend their school from aliens. Smells like cheese, yes, but it's executed in a way I could never have imagined).

    IMO it was
    A good, however depressing, metaphor for growing up and how brutal the 'real world' is. I thought it was well-done for something so short, but it was a shame the characters couldn't develop more because of the time constraints... Yuri in particular was spineless the entire way through, almost. The development is good for how many episodes there were, I suppose. I have to say that Kumi's suicide was particularly gut-wrenching... Just, eugh.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 15, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. Stardust

    (Note: That clip isn't mine. Hilarious how quickly this stuff makes it onto YT though =/)

    Okay so first it's ice storms.
    Then it's tornadoes.
    Then it's hailstorms.
    Then it's flooding? Somebody get me out of here.

    Also this isn't even mentioning constant 90+ degree weather.

    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 14, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Stardust
    I'm obsessed with my family's new coffee maker.

    So you get to decide KHV.

    What should I make with it next?

    [Also if anyone picks that last option I reserve the right to digitally punch them in the face]
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 12, 2010, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Stardust
    [of online chess with my close friend. This was her second time playing, and it sort of served as a refresher on all of the pieces.
    But she SLAUGHTERED me. I won, but like half of the game was spent running from her queen D: By the end we had almost no pieces left:]


    [I am extremely scared if/when she becomes a seasoned player. ]
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 10, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Stardust
    [So, here I am eating a slice of watermelon. I like to break the slice into pieces as I eat. It makes it easier to eat/less messy, generally, and as I eat the pieces I give the skin to my dog, with a little bit of extra fruit on it.

    Now, she's a bit of a picky eater for a dog. She'll only eat certain treats or foods, i.e. she won't eat grapes. But she thinks watermelon is okay, and she'll eat it if I give it to her. She also usually begs for it. Sometimes she'll just eat the fruit, other times she'll eat it skin and all.

    But just now I was eating a slice and she was totally disinterested... I held out a piece expecting her to take it and nothing happened, and when I looked over she was just lying there with her head down. I set several pieces down on a plate, even, but she just sniffed them and kept looking miserable. Then she walked away with her tail down (she has a curly tail, the kind that's supposed to sit on her back).


    Any suggestions as to why she'd be like that? I've never seen her do it before. Even if she doesn't want watermelon, she usually at least tastes it.

    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 4, 2010, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Stardust

    [This is looking awfully familiar.]
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 4, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone