Search Results

  1. Stardust
    This week we have Rayku in the spotlight.

    (Note: I am aware this user has been inactive the last couple months, he is being contacted so no worries <: )

    Keep in mind the following rules when asking questions:

    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 5, and no more than 30 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than five questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    ...And with all that said, get askin'!
    Thread by: Stardust, Mar 6, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Stardust
    YEAH IT'S ME AGAIN 8'D Did you guys miss me?

    Anyway, vote gogo~
    Thread by: Stardust, Mar 4, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Stardust




    [ translation: test chamber 16 is frustrating ]
    Thread by: Stardust, Mar 1, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Stardust
    So today,
    - I overslept and was late to school
    - I didn't get my math homework done
    - I got a bad grade on a quiz
    - I didn't have lunch money and spent all of lunch doing homework
    - I had to go to two after-school activities; one I was stranded at until around 6 pm (half an hour after everyone else had left) and the other some ridiculous school thing where we listened to someone drone for an hour while I starved
    - I was almost hit by a car on my way home
    - Because I was almost hit by a car the cup in the cup-holder fell over and spilled
    - Because the cup spilled I got distracted and hit a pothole
    - I lost the remote to the garage and had to get out of the car to open it
    - My mom commented that my feet smelled bad. >:


    I hope your day was awesome KHV, I really do.
    Thread by: Stardust, Feb 15, 2011, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Stardust
    This week we have Mr. Pumpkin in the spotlight <:

    I ask that (despite the fact that I am not normally running QT) you follow the rules below when asking questions. The staff will enforce them!:


    1 - Keep it within the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13. It's still on KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does NOT have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - You must be nominated in order to be in the spotlight.

    5 - Don't start an argument with the person getting questioned. Keep it clean and don't use it as an attempt to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions. Give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the person in the spotlight by one member is 5, and no more than 30 questions can be put forth at one time. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you ask more than five questions at once your post will be edited, and if you continue to do so you may be taken off the list for the following week's vote.

    And on that note, ask away!~
    Thread by: Stardust, Feb 13, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Stardust
    Yeah, I'm running it for this week =].
    Vote on, QT lovers, vote on.
    Thread by: Stardust, Feb 11, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Stardust

    Haha, a lot of the people in the comments are freaking out, saying the kid's parents are horrible... I do think they should be more careful (and they've probably learned quite the lesson from this!), but to me this is just cute more than anything. What seven-year-old kid wouldn't want a fighter jet?
    And the price makes it a steal, too, for a jet... But the parents are lucky the company was so understanding, lol.
    Thread by: Stardust, Feb 10, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Current Events
  8. Stardust

    brb pulling my hair out ;___; .

    EDIT: OH NO MY SIGNATURE DISAPPEARED TOO D'8 thisisallherfault,itmustbeaconspiracy
    Thread by: Stardust, Feb 9, 2011, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Stardust
    I think I'm on my sixth or seventh. Hoo boy, I'm gonna have fun making these up at the end of the year =/...
    Thread by: Stardust, Feb 9, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Stardust
    And I got to cover it in rainbow dinosaur-shaped sprinkles.

    My day is officially awesome.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jan 30, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Stardust New Years/Anniversary:


    So some of you may have noticed the new 'Pins' tab on your profile. Wondering what that is? Well wonder no longer! In celebration of our recent anniversary as well as the new year, the staff is proud to present the new Pin system!

    What is the Pin System?
    Pins are 'awards' or 'badges' of sorts given to those who complete certain events or meet certain requirements. They're just a fun way to commemorate important accomplishments on the site.

    How Do I Get Pins?
    You may request a Pin after completing an event or requirement, or a moderator/administrator will award one to you.

    Do the Pins Give Me Any Sort of Advantage?
    No, there is no special section or anything for those who have a certain number of Pins, so don't worry and just have fun with it!

    How it Works:
    Pins are classified in two ways:

    [​IMG] Event Pins, which are awarded through many forum wide events.

    [​IMG] Achievement Pins, which are awarded after meeting certain specific criteria.

    After meeting a requirement or completing an event, you can request a Pin (if a staff member has not already awarded it to you). The Pin will be displayed under the 'Pins' tab on your profile for all to see, and your name will be displayed on the Pin showcase page to show that you have recieved that Pin. Pins do not expire or disappear.

    To start the Pin system off with a bang, the first 50 responders to this thread will be awarded the KH-Vids 2010 Anniversary Pin! This is a limited edition first come, first serve Pin which will only be awarded to these 50 members. Please note that after the first 25 replies, the thread will be temporarily locked; it will be reopened later so as to make the Pin fair game to those of all time zones.

    We hope you enjoy collecting and displaying these Pins, and thanks for sticking with us for another year! Here's to a great 2011.

    All the best,

    The Staff
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 30, 2010, 90 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Stardust
    Yeah okay.
    I take it all back.

    This happened at a mall here when a group of kids from a choir went to sing Christmas carols. They called their friends. Who called their friends. Who called their friends.

    And then thousands of people showed up to sing carols with them.

    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 23, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Stardust
    This is sort of trivial, and I'm probably the only one who wants it enough to make a thread, haha. But basically, we can link to threads and specific posts within threads, but it appears we can't link to certain parts of posts.

    The idea is, say you had a long list of something in a post and you wanted to make the post a little easier to navigate. You could provide links at the top to certain points in the post so users could simply click on a link and instantly go to the part of the post they wanted. On most forums with this feature, it looks like this is called [jumpto] and [jumpfrom], but I've also seen [jumplink], [jump]/[anchor], etc. I think it would be especially useful for posts with tables of contents and whatnot.

    Does anyone else think it'd be worth trying, and is there a way to implement this?
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 21, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  14. Stardust
    8D December 19th guysss~
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 19, 2010, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Stardust
    All but one of my finals just need to be fed through a machine to be graded.

    And it's been one to three days since I took them and only one final grade is in.

    What's taking so long it's killing meeeee >:
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 19, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Stardust

    Seriously. My arms hurt so bad from pushing the pegs in to keep them in place. Goddd I can't believe some people do this for a living, I am never restringing my own instrument again. Owww.
    The aching probably won't go away for a couple of days at least =/ I feel like I just ran a marathon on my hands.
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 18, 2010, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Stardust

    Fffffff KHV

    I just stubbed my toe on a chair and it frickin' HURTS.

    Make the pain go away >:
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 18, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Stardust

    So, hiccups.

    Somebody cure me?
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 10, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Stardust
    I searched and I didn't find a thread for this, so I figured why not.

    Basically, when I wrap BBCode around a line of text, it deletes the space between that line of text and the next line, moving the next line up. It's not a big deal, but it's a little irritating.


    This is
    My username here is Stardust. 
    So say I wanted to link '' to the homepage. When I use the button to wrap the tags around, this is w...s [URL=""] username here is Stardust. [/CODE]

    I believe it happens regardless of which button is used. So I guess my first question is, is this happening to anyone else? And secondly, is there a way to fix it?
    Thread by: Stardust, Dec 4, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. Stardust
    [ Really scary stuff. Bright green and tastes like nothing I've ever tasted in my life. ._.

    And I'm drinking it at 10 PM in order to stay up to do an essay... -cracks knuckles-

    Wish me luck guysss ;___; ]
    Thread by: Stardust, Nov 30, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone