Windows. Vista. I HATE IT.
Anyone else read this manga? I just started it the other day. It's about a girl who recieves a package that contains 100 million yen (a million dollars) and a postcard that states she is now a part of the "Liar Game," in which she is in a game with another person to steal each other's money. They are both given the same amount in yen to steal from each other, and at the end of the game some collectors come to collect the yen they gave to you. Whatever amount you have stolen from your opponent you get to keep as a prize, and your opponent falls into that amount of debt to the company. I've only gotten through the first round, but it's good so far. Very similar to Death Note and a tad predictable at times, but still good. Thoughts?~
PLAY-ASIA WON'T SHIP MY ORDER AND IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS. I ordered on the FIRST. They said it'd ship by the EIGHTH. And GUESS WHAT TODAY IS? The. 24th. Ughh I should just cancel and order from eBay but I don't think they'll even LET me cancel at this point. I already contacted them and they gave me a bunch of 'restocking issues' bullshit. JEBUS. /rant
A close friend of mine has been having issues with her Macbook lately, and can't really find a decent answer to her question via Google. I was thinking maybe someone here could help, so I'm posting her question for her (she's not a member of this forum): Let me know if you know any means of fixing this/if you need more info. Thanks, Stardust EDIT: It sort of... Fixed itself, so nevermind. Mods can lock this please~.
Why the hell you're not supposed to microwave those Smucker's Uncrustables sandwiches? Because I don't fricking want to wait for this to thaw, I wanna microwave it, dammit! D<
...Cheese shells. Not regular mac and cheese but cheese shells. YES BE JEALOUS. Dx
on Play-Asia on July 1st which was supposed to ship on the 8th. It still hasn't shipped yet. I contacted them about five days ago asking why the hell not and they said there was "restocking problems", but even that shouldn't take THIS long, right? >>; What do I do? Dx
I have two old chunky NTSC U/C PS2s, although one of them is not at the house (it's with another family member I believe). The one I have with me now is the oldest kind of model available in the United States (SCPH 30001), and it's been acting up a little lately. At the same time, though, it's runs great (I'll explain): Basically, the cord that connects it to the TV is causing problems. The Mono/Stereo/Video inputs that connect to the TV are fine, but the side that connects to the PS2 is EXTREMELY LOOSE. As a result, the picture often flickers and the music occasionally sounds distant, and to fix it I have to adjust the connector's position in the PS2 until everything looks/sounds okay. This problem often occurs without me being near the PS2, sometimes even without holding the controller, so pulling on it and moving around is apparently not the issue. I will say, though, that when I DO move it the cord almost always comes out. It's extremely insecure. I don't know if this is a problem caused by the PlayStation 2 or the actual cord, as either one could cause it to connect improperly. It runs fine otherwise -- I've never had a Disc Read Error (except for the one time I put a defective DVD inside, and even then it played on the second attempt), it doesn't overheat and/or shut off at random, etc. ... Basically this console runs great despite the number of times I've left it on overnight and whatever, EXCEPT for this fricking cord. I have no idea what to do -- Should I get a slimline and forget about this one? Is there a way to tell if it's the PS2 or the cord? Should I try finding a replacement cord? ...Is there even a simple solution that won't require me to spend money? Help is very appreciated.
When you download things for free on MegaUpload, you're supposed to have to wait 45 seconds or something. I used to have to do this all the time, but... Now I don't. The 'regular download' button just pops up as soon as the page loads. No waiting time whatsoever, and it functions perfectly, just like it would if I'd waited. I don't have a premium account or anything, so I have no idea why it's doing this. Not that it's a problem xD. But I was just curious, is this happening to anyone else and/or is there some kind of computer setting that bypasses the wait time like that (that I could have accidentally enabled)? I don't know when it started exactly, but it was probably several months ago now.
So I flicked it off, and it just landed there again, so I flicked it off again, but it landed there AGAIN so I swatted at it in a sort of swiping motion against the monitor, which sent it up to the rim of my monitor and crushed it. ...It didn't come back that time.
....The wrong color on the color guide at the bottom of the forum, or is it just me? It looks too bright.
u all shud go 2 its ur altimat sours 4 KH meedeea ha that almost rhymesz sort of, not really, no.
Higurashi boxset comes out in August. ;o ;o ;o. ;o.
I had regular cold-like symptoms until this evening, when my mouth and throat started getting really dried out for no apparent reason. I keep getting really thirsty and have to drink a bunch of water, but it never really helps. ... Should I be worried or not? xD
The rest of the article can be found here. I feel awful for her kids =/. If you ask me though, lying about her age was really selfish. She should have realized that it was possible something like this would happen and that it could put any children she had in danger. Thoughts?
I'll be gone from Friday morning to late Sunday; I'm going out of town and won't have any internet (or at least I don't think), so I'll see you guys when I get back. ;D Don't have too much fun while I'm gone! xD