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  1. Brooklyn
    You want me to unleash that of which is cheap and ridiculous upon you all?
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Brooklyn
    I would like to comment on how Jaden's take on the Supreme King is really similar to Meruem's personality in Hunter x Hunter.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Brooklyn
    what I'm seeing now is.. pendulums getting restrictions on their pendulum effects. you can't swarm the field without set-up, and that is the skill involved with using archetypes using the pendulum summoning mechanic.

    Edit: Plus you have to time your pendulum summoning since you only get one use of that a turn.. and some archetypes restrict to only being able to special summon monsters from that archetype in their pendulum effect when they act as scales for the pendulum summoning. If you were to throw skill into it, you wouldn't just go pendulum summon at the beginning of each turn like it was nothing.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. Brooklyn
    Ah. Sorry to hear that :/

    Edit: Gods aren't an issue, and from what I'm seeing of Pendulums.. they aren't going to be much of an issue as well. I think everyone's just getting something similar to the synchro rage back when they first got released.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Brooklyn
    @ Jaden
    This probably goes for pretty much all card games.. it's not going to just be luck. For yugioh, it's clear. It's more Skill vs. Luck.. can the opponent use their resources more effectively than you do? does he know all the moves he can do with his hand? can he identify what a good hand looks like? what about predicting moves? all these factor in to the end result. you can't really say that it's just luck. a complete novice would probably be unable to know all his options from a given hand or even tell if it's good or not in some cases. don't forget about missplays either. sure, people who are more skilled make less missplays, but they still happen. we make mistakes, even for a pro. With that being said, you can't really say it's all luck now, can you? Plus, don't forget that it also has a lot to do about your deck building skills. The concept of your deck may be weak. Say for example you built a horakhty deck. Sure, you can insta-win if you summon all three gods and tribute them all to summon horakhty for game, but can you build it so that you can summon them all in one turn? And if not, can you protect your god cards from destruction until you can get out horakhty? You may be able to do that affectively, but even then opponent can easily stop you from completing your move perfectly because the concept of your deck revolves around only one or two win conditions and basically have no plan B/a way to get around or recover from certain situations.

    Maybe you are ready to duel me on DN...

    Edit: The above paragraph was written without solitaire decks in mind, so exclude them when you read it.

    Double edit: Plus, exodia decks are stupid anyway and so if you're playing an exodia deck as your main.. you get the point.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Brooklyn
    Oh Supreme King, I present you with.. Nothing!
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Brooklyn
    it seems Stardust's avatar is of Korrina from pokemon.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Brooklyn
    Korrina, is that you?[DOUBLEPOST=1402877270][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Yes, Dark Fusion can summon things outside the Hero archetype. It doesn't specify that you need the fusion to be a Hero.

    Edit: I would also like to mention they made new hero cards if you're interested.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Brooklyn
    This is actually a pretty good question.. I would assume given that it says "based on the scales", it doesn't matter if the effects of the monster itself restricts it from being special summoned, nomi or semi nomi alike.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 15, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Brooklyn
    *And with this the silent watcher reappears.*
    You cannot chain to Star Eater's summoning if that's what you were going for, and you cannot chain to before its summoning because you've already let Abby continue her move. there is no time in between for you to activate such a card.
    *disappears again*
    Post by: Brooklyn, Jun 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Brooklyn
    My statistics show that skill is involved in yugioh.. just half of it is building the deck. from the duels I've done with Fred, I can say that whenever someone uses a new deck and is still learning the tricks behind it, or if they're facing a new deck and are still getting used to fighting it, they have lower chances of winning. this clearly shows that skill is indeed involved in it. and not just sometimes. losing 2 or more duels every 3 duels consistently means something. I've even tried super luck reliant decks against his decent ones, and the chances of me even getting the hand to pull off the combo was 1 out of 100. chances of me actually winning with said combo.. less than .1%

    Edit: and let's not forget that famous quote.. "you have better chances of drawing all 5 pieces of exodia."
    which is true unless you think people can consistently pull off all 5 pieces of exodia in a non-exodia deck (draw spam deck) two duels in a row. (which is usually what you do in tournaments. you do matches, not single duels.)

    Double Edit: on an unrelated note...
    Legit 16 LP win.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Apr 24, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Brooklyn
    I have been told to inform the arena the second coming of Terra. He, rienzel, Fred, and I are to take part in the actual tag duel which never started.[DOUBLEPOST=1385352152][/DOUBLEPOST]By Terra's request:
    Post by: Brooklyn, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  13. Brooklyn
    Behold! The fearsome power of silly combos!
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 29, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Brooklyn
    seems the image has been taken down.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  15. Brooklyn
    so.. no one mentioned how you can only have a max of four cards with the sentinel skill.. or perfect guarding cards.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 22, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  16. Brooklyn
    this thread's dead, but.. is this photoshopped? who is this person?
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 20, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  17. Brooklyn
    even though link joker are clearly superior.. huh.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Sep 17, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  18. Brooklyn
    and breath of the divine serpent gives you a second SJ use.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Aug 29, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  19. Brooklyn
    They probably banned solemn judgment because once you hit 1k LP, its cost is almost nothing. people would run it at three because it hits almost every single card in the game, and at low LP, cost almost nothing. I am guessing they're trying to make it so that there is more skill involved in duels so you don't just win because of one card, like.. "oh, I have solemn judgment. no matter what you draw next turn, I'll just stop it with solemn. gg.". Same thing with topping monster reborn for game. They probably limited TT, BTH, compulsory, and solemn warning for that same reason as well. and eradicator.. and macro/fissure.. and soul drain..
    Post by: Brooklyn, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Brooklyn
    and no more infinite search capability from looping stratos with the shining + Miracle fusion/fusion gate.
    Post by: Brooklyn, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: The Playground