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  1. StardustXtreme
    First Story < -Refer to here for how it all started.


    Story~ Sin, the creature that brought with it, a spiral of death endlessly as the true culprit was none other than Yu Yevon, taking Final Aeons to craft them into new Sin's, however, exactly two years ago to a day, a Summoner named Yuna crossed paths with a man claiming to be from Zanarkand as the man slowly learnt about Spira itself from Yuna's Guardians.

    Tidus, this man became Yuna's Guardian along with Auron, his caretaker and mentor who was once Braska's guardian himself, they journey leads them to many places and a plot that threatened to destroy Spira as Seymour, one of the Maesters of Yevon, planned to save Spira by becoming Sin.

    However near the end of the journey, Tidus discovered he was but a dream of the Fayth and when they destroyed Yu Yevon, he'll disappear, another of Yuna's guardians, Kari had the power of the Final Aeon without any sacrifice's and another was a young man who held an Aeon within him, but these people did not fade as Tidus did.

    Now, two years later, sphere's and ancient ruins are being discovered all over Spira as Sphere Hunting was born, the people of Spira allowing Machina to return to their lives and the Al Bhed becoming a part of Spira’s society once again, but Yuna decides to travel once more when two of her Guardians bring a sphere that held the image of the man she loved and lost... Will Yuna find Tidus and end her story and his on happy endings? That's what we're going to find out!


    This is the sequel to Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Memories, however the plot does remain the same except OC's are thrown in with their side stories.

    Romance is accepted but PG-13 people!

    Posts must be sentenced at 3 lines or more.

    No godmodding, not everyone can be almighty and not escape without any injures.

    OC's are permitted and before any of the members of the previous thread ask, your OC's from X can make an appearance.

    Number of OC's in this thread you can control are two, same as before and you may control up to as many FF characters you are given, your previous OC’s in FA don’t count and are free to be used anytime.

    New Dressphere's are debuting in here too, of course they have drawbacks to each one.


    FFX-2 Characters Available

    Yuna – Aerith G.
    Rikku – Aerith G.
    Paine – Aerith G.
    Shinra – Protecter212
    Brother - Aerith G.
    Nooj – Protecter212
    Baralai –.Aerith G.
    Gippal - Bushy-Brow 1992
    Shuyin - Protecter212
    Lenne - Aerith G.

    OC's from X

    Dean - Protecter212
    Lukya - Aerith G.
    Kari - Aerith G.
    Daichi - Bushy-Brow
    Ryo - TwilightBlader

    OC's for X-2

    Aqua - Aerith G.
    Lockon - Aerith G.
    Yuji - Protecter212
    Shugo - Protecter212
    Haruku Hotaru - Bushy-Brow-1992
    Maylene Oraboros - Bushy-Brow-1992
    Stefan - Dr_Wigglz

    ~Character Sheet~

    Name: Your character's name.
    Age: Their age.
    Race: Can be anything, even half-breeds!
    Appearance: Their appearance of course, pictures are allowed.
    Default Dressphere: The default sphere you'll use in battle
    Ultimate Dresspshere: The ultimate sphere you'll use like Yuna's Floral Fallal, Rikku's Machina Maw and Paine's Full Throttle
    Bio: Their history.

    OC Characters

    Character Name: Aqua
    Age: 6/?????
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human
    Default Dressphere: Dream Giver
    Ultimate Dressphere: Dark Musician
    Bio: A strange little girl who is never seen without her white dragon machina. She clings to Yuna because she reminds her of her mother. The Gullwings believe her parents are musicians due to the fact her only memory of her father playing some kind of organ and bright lights. She gets a headache whenever she watches the sphere.
    Weapon: Boomerang

    Character Name: Lockon
    Age: 26
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Guado, Half-Human
    Default Dressphere: N/A
    Ultimate Dressphere: N/A
    Bio: A guest engineer to the Gullwings when he met Lady Yuna, then he asked to join full time. When asked why, he said he wanted to fulfill his late father's wish of traveling Spira with a well-celebrity, and Brother immediately made him the bodyguard and protector of Yuna since she was the high summoner. Lockon is quite knowledgeable since he was a former scholar of Yevon who left when he discovered the truth. He respects and honors Lukya as the Guado leader and has faith in her choice of a lover. Aqua's machina pet seems to like to bite his hand, while he hides his guado features with machina.
    Weapon: Dual-bladed sword.

    Name: Stefan
    Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Appearance: Short black hair,piercing green eyes, semi-muscular build, has sideburns.
    Default Dressphere: N/A
    Ultimate Dresspshere: N/A

    Name: Devln Gancanagh
    Age: 22
    Race: Al Bhed
    Default Dressphere: N/A
    Ultimate Dresspshere: N/A
    Bio: Devln has devoted himself to protecting Lady Claire. After Home was destroyed and the attempts to rebuild going well, he found a better use for his mechanical skills and fighting style. It's the reason he differs from most Al Bhed, for his love of his sword and preservance of honor kept him at a distance from his kin. He speaks when spoken to and not often offers his opinion on matters.
    Weapon: Sword

    Name: Claire Dominick
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Default Dressphere: Lady Luck
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Royal Flush
    Bio: Claire grew up playing games. When she heard of the High Summoner's trials, she thought it would be a good idea to visit those places and see what games awaited her. She met Devln, who has been a loyal protecter of the seemingly defenseless girl, in the Al Bhed desert where she had wandered looking for the places Yuna and her guardians had traveled. Claire was supposed to have grown and trained into a Summoner but she failed and has always resented Summoners for their special recognition.
    Weapon: Dice/magic
    Bio: Stefan is an experienced soldier. He has fought in many battles, and lost very few. He is a thief that values treasure greatly. Agile and nimble, he is extremely fast on his feet,which is useful in his proffession. He has heard of Yuna's past accomplishment with the help of her guardians,and seeks to join them in order to gain treasure.
    Weapon: (Look below this psot for reference)

    Name: Haruka Hotaru
    Age: 15
    Appearance: (click)
    Long red hair down to her waist, orange eyes. Wears baggy navy and black bottoms and a loose fitting red and black sleeveless low-cut top (just above her belly button) ((she likes to feel comfortable)).
    Default Dressphere: Brawler
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Awakened Fighmaster
    Bio: Woke up one day at the age of 10 with complete amnesia, not knowing a thing about her past, anyone or who her parents were. She only knows of her first name because of a tattoo found on the back of her neck which says in small letters: (Haruka 273). When she made her way wearily into Luca she was on the verge of collapse and taken into a medical facility. The authorities were called to see if any young girls had been reported missing, but there was no trace of anyone looking for a 10 year old red headed girl at all.
    She was taken into an orphanage where she has been ever since. Now 15 she works behind the scenes at the Blitz arena and tries to live life the best she can. She gave herself her new surname Hotaru (which is Japanese for Firefly) after her and her friends were hanging out and a Firefly decided to land on top of Haruka's head, it's warm glow matching the colour of her hair, to which all of the girls laughed.
    Weapon: Knuckle Daggers.

    Name: Maylene Oraboros
    Age: 14
    Race: Half Ronso, Half Human
    Appearance: Like Daichi she is half Ronso. She has bright green eyes and pink hair which she ties in a side ponytail and just as pink fur on whitey greyish skin (she has a lot more fur than Daichi). She however is way smaller and petite than other Ronso... even Daichi as she comes up to about 4ft, she also like Daichi has no horn and her face appears rather human... although she does possess some feline like features and she still has a tail. She wears Ronso styled clothing and because of her small stature, surprisingly takes the ranged and magic approach to battle instead of the rough, and brutish style the Ronso are known for.
    Default Dressphere: Gun-Mage
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Feril Maiden.
    Bio: She like Daichi had a tough life being Half-Ronso, however she didn't choose to flee the mountain. 2 years ago, she witnessed Daichi and Kimahri's fight on Gagazet, and now regards Daichi as her hero since he was able to change the view on Half-breeds. However that changed when Seymour arrived. Biran and Yenke, in the spirit of wanting to help Maylene after everything that happened with Daichi and Luna, forced her to run away while they and the other Ronso barred his path and were then slaughtered.
    Since then, the survivor Ronso have adopted similar views to half-breeds again because of Daichi (being a half-breed) having relations with a Guado, and none the less... Seymour's very own sister. Maylene still however regards Daichi as a hero. She continues to live on the mountain under Kimahri's protection and looks up to the elder Ronso like a father figure.
    Weapon: Morph-Guns. (They can be configured into many different types)


    Here are mine to add since Aerith was the first person to make hers.

    Name: Yuji
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Default Dressphere: Joker, Mage, Gunner (This will be explained)
    Ultimate Dresspshere: Xtreme
    Bio: One of the new recruits of the Gullwings as Yuji is kind hearted and does what he can to help those he sees but he will turn serious when the situation arises, he is also the partner of Shugo who is usually left on the airship to provide intel since Yuji’s the fighter, when the two first met, they used the DoubleGrid to become a warrior with half the powers of their own spheres, becoming a new and powerful force, Yuji’s side handles the body transformations while Shugo creates the mind transformation, together, they become a two-in-one warrior, the left crystallized eye flashes when Shugo speaks through the transformation.
    Weapon: Depends in what form the two are in, Fists, Magic or Gun

    Name: Shugo
    Age: 17
    Race: Human/?????
    Default Dressphere: Cyclone, Heat, Luna, Fang (Will be explained)
    Ultimate Dressphere: Xtreme
    Bio: Another new recruit to the Gullwings as Shugo tends to look up anything he finds interesting to him, he also can delve into Spira’s Library which records all information of the world, he is more of an information gather than a fighter but he can fight alongside his partner Yuji during their transformation as the DoubleGrid requires the two be in synch for it to fully work so Shugo provides the Memory Spheres that are available for use, he does have a 4th Memory, Fang which acts independently of it’s own will and protects Shugo when he’s in danger for an unknown reason, when the two first used Fang, their roles are reversed and the transformation ended, Shugo felt like he was losing a piece of himself to the berserk nature of the form so, he vowed to never use Fang again as the Memory disappeared for a year.
    Weapon; Same as Yuji’s
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Mar 29, 2011, 1,302 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Looked at the threads and gasp! There isn't a thread built on developing your own custom cards for fun, So I proudly present to the Duelists of Yu-Gi-Oh the chance to let their imaginations run free and create fantastic cards!

    This site allows free use of developing a card of your own design with a template at the ready, just remember to Save Picture as and upload it to any photo hosting site and link it!

    I'll show you one of my favourite cards I developed while watching a certain anime show and quite honestly, I'm proud of it.

    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Feb 25, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: The Playground
  3. StardustXtreme
    The OOC threads where you may give ideas what you want your characters to do.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Feb 13, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    I did create the very same thread but sadly, the reboot of the forums deleted in August, why I didn't put it back up again was because I was too busy with other RPs and needed a good hero and villian to choose from

    The OCC Thread will be made and I ask that you post in there for any ideas you wish to do,


    We've all heard about Cosmos and Chaos's War of Discord and Harmony, but what if, within an parallel universe, there was a similar war with different representations but the same exact requirements? I give you...Anime Dissidia.

    Queen Serenity, Goddess of Harmony,
    Beryl, Goddess of Destruction,

    The Two Goddesses summoned warriors from distant worlds to be lead in savage war, it was to be believed that a conflict such as this would last forever, but it was shifting into Chaos's favor with a few warriors on each side, but now, will the light be gone forever or will the darkness obtain it's everlasting victory?

    What will you fight for?

    This is all complete Anime, no video game characters or real life people, however, Tales of the Abyss/Phantasia are exceptional sicne they have their own anime series.
    3 line posting, no less than that.
    Romance is permitted but keep it PG rated
    No godmodding, everyone gets tired eventually, even gods do.
    When creating either a Warrior of Light or Darkness, you must create the opposite so you can do battle with each other.
    2 characters each to a person. That means 2 Light Warriors and Dark at the same time, so it's 4.
    If you wish to OOC, please do so at either yourself and the other persons' conversation or the OOC thread provided.
    EX Mode will be time limited like in Dissidia.
    The stage your characters fight and the hero earns their crystal has to be in the same stage they fought in the anime

    Author's Note: Queen Neo-Serenity and Queen Beryl from Sailor Moon are the personas of Cosmos and Chaos themselves.

    Ichigo Kurosaki
    Son Gohan
    Akiyuki Takehara
    Train Heartnet

    Aizen Sousuke
    Akiyukis Villian (Will be changed for his name)
    Creed Diskenth

    ~Character Sheet~

    Anime Show: Which show does your hero/villain hail from?
    Name: The name of this person
    Age: Their age.
    Appearance: Descriptions or Pictures are satisfactory.
    Weapon: Their weapon used in combat
    Stage: The stage where your hero and villain clash so said hero obtains the crystal.
    Style: This is for like the names such as Jecht's Brutal Blitzer, Terra's Esperkin or Bartz’s Mimic and what it's based around on.
    Crystal: The color the crystal and what it's shaped, take Tidus's Crystal for example, it looked similar to a Sphere that records in Spira while Cloud's represented a Materia, most likely after Aeirth’s white one.
    EX Mode: Your character's most powerful weapon or form.
    EX Attack: The attack your character uses like Tidus’s Blitz Ace, Terra’s Riot Blade, Cloud’s Omnislash
    Biography: A little back story on these characters help as well.


    Here's my characters to help you start off

    Anime Show: Bleach
    Name: Ichigo Kurosaki
    Age: 16
    Appearance: charecters/b001.jpg
    Weapon: Zanpakuto - Zangestu
    Stage: Mountains of Kakakura Town
    Style: Soul Reaper (AN's: English Dub name of Shinigami), Ichigo uses his Shikai and Bankai to switch between the two, one for slow powerful attacks while Bankai focuses on speed.
    Crystal: Shaped like the Hoygoku
    EX Mode: Final Getsuga Tenshou
    EX Attack: Mugetsu (Ichigo fires an blanket of darkness at the opponent, damaging them immensely)
    Biography: A high schooler who became a Shinigami by absorbing Rukia Kuchiki's power and to protect his family, he takes up on the duties in Rukia's stead and decided to use his new power to protect those he can, Rukia's transference of power however, forced her to be executed so Ichigo along with his friends embarked to Soul Society to save her, they did save her in the end but one renegade Shinigami, Aizen escaped with the Houygoku and soon, Arrancars came forward as the Winter War was about to begin, however, Ichigo had to learn to control his inner Hollow and obtain it's power as he came to the Vizards for help as they also went through the same phase as him, Ichigo could only maintain his mask for 11 seconds and went with Chad and Ishida to save Orihime who been kidnapped by the 4th Espada as he fights the Privarion Espada and soon the 6th Espada, Grimmjow and the 4th Espada, themselves only to return to Kakakura Town to stop Aizen as he was the only Captain-Class Level Shinigami not affected by Kyoka Suigetsu’s hypnosis but Aizen managed to enter the Soul Society as Ichigo and his father ventured into the Dangai but stopped by Isshin to train since the Dangai's hours were so much denser than real time so Ichigo trained to learn the 'final' Getsuga Tenshou within 2,000 hours which was roughly 3 months and emerged victorious and fought Aizen again and let the 'final' Getsuga take form then defeated him enough for Urahara's Kido to take effect but at a price, when he used the Final Getsuga Tenshou, he slowly started to lose his Shingami powers and after being in a coma for a month and lost his power to see spiritual beings, a normal life was given to him in turn.

    Anime Show: Bleach
    Name: Aizen
    Age: Unknown but certainly past 100 years
    Weapon: Zanpakuto - Kyoka Sugietsu
    Stage: Countryside of Kakakura Town.
    Style: Tactiful Mind
    EX Mode: Houygokuifcation
    EX Attack: Devil’s Cero
    Biography: The Captain of the 5th Division in Soul Society who has an evil scheme in wait, he is an intelligent man who executed the creation of Hollowification in 50 years ago when he was Lieutenant of the 5th Division and his Shikai Kyoka Sugietsu casts illusions upon release and whoever is exposed to it sees what Aizen desires, he used it on every powerful Shinigami within the Seireitei which secured him in not being defeated by any of them, the Captains and Vizards, who were previously Shinigami Captains of 50 years ago only had one hope which was Kurosaki Ichigo. Aizen can use facts to twist them into seemingly the truth but he is not without backup plans as he could adapt to any situation and find a counter move such as Shinji Hirako’s Shikai reversing everything he saw, he could even use a Bakudo level 90 without the full incantation but Aizen’s true plan was to become the King of Soul Society but Ichigo evolved farther than other Shinigami as the Houygoku gave Aizen a similar process but there was simply one flaw, the Houygoku decides by it’s own will while Ichigo accepted his power would certainly be lost, but in the end, Ichigo probably is the only one who realized Aizen’s true motive to his plan was not to become a God but to abandon his own Shinigami powers as if it cursed him.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Feb 13, 2011, 95 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    All right, now that I'm back for a week, I can FINALLY get this OOC thread up

    If anyone has any ideas or want to tell us what your plans are for that character, please say so.

    On another note, if this thread goes well, a sequel will be created to follow the X-2 storyline.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Feb 7, 2011, 216 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    This thread shall be the OOC thread where ideas and plot shall be.

    For everyone's infomation, as soon as Rex Goodwin is defeated, we'll move straight into WRGP Season and this means you can either be a pitcrew of 5Ds, audience member or even make your own team!

    After WRGP, I suspect that's the end of the RP to tie-in with Anime 5D's end and introduction of Zexal and no, I will not RP Zexal for that matter, I might create a movie thread of Bonds Across Time.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Jan 29, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme
    Okay, I have EU PSP saves of BBS and I don't have Custom Firmware sadly.

    Is it possible to have someone who has their PSP Custom firmwared to use my save and say, level up to 99 or 100 quickly?
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Jan 29, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  8. StardustXtreme
    Story ~ Duel Monsters, a children's card game that is based off Ancient Egypt and the Shadow Games, Maxmillion Pegasus created the game and Duel Monster took the world by storm as Kaiba-Corp expanded on this but creating holographic system to project these monsters, however, a boy named Yugi unlocked the secrets of the Millennium Puzzle and his journey had started, ending with
    the Pharaoh set free from his prison.

    Seto Kaiba built Duel Academy, a school which takes a three year course in Dueling and teaching
    newfound children to enjoy the game, Jaden Yuki was one of these new students as he dueled against Shadow Riders, the Light of Destruction, His Yubel incident and finally, the Darkness itself through the three years as he grown up to be a dependable young man with two spirits within him, becoming an entity that was neither human or Duel Monster.

    We move onto the future where Turbo Dueling and SYnchro Monsters are born as Yusei Fudo attempts to get back his Stardust Dragon from Jack Atlas, one of his friends who abandoned them and left for New Domino City, he eventually succeeded in dueling but then the Crimson Dragon appeared, marking Jack and Yusei with it's mark as Yusei discovers he's a Signer along with Jack, Akiza and Luna as they dueled against the Dark Signers.

    But now, fate throws in a new twist, before Goodwin tells the Signers of their dark counterparts, a flash of light appears before them as three Duelists stand before them and when Goodwin asks who they are, one simply responds. "We bear the Mark of the Knights and we've been told to assist those who bear the Mark of the Dragon in their hour of need."

    ~The Knights~

    Three Duelists each hold a Synchro Monster named after one of the Three Knights that was sealed within the Earth itself, they are.

    Wizel the White Knight (Taken by Protecter212)

    Adolmaea the Sun King (Taken by terra254)

    Rutimus the Moon Princess (Taken by Aerith G.)

    Wisel's Ark (Taken by Protecter212)
    Level 2
    Type: Machine/Tuner
    Effect: This card can only be used as Synchro Material for Wisel the White Knight, once per turn, if this card would be destoryed,
    it isn't.
    ATK: 500 DEF: 350

    Adolmaea's Mask (Taken by terra254)
    Level: 2
    Type: Warrior/Tuner
    This card can only be used as Synchro Material for Adolmaea the Sun King, once per turn, if this card would be destoryed,
    it isn't.
    ATK: 900 DEF: 550

    Rutimus's Bow (Taken by Aerith G.)
    Level: 3
    Type: Fairy/Tuner
    This card can only be used as Synchro Material for Rutimus the Moon Princess, once per turn, if this card would be destoryed,
    it isn't.
    ATK: 700 DEF:700

    3 line posting
    Keep record of the duel and what's on the field as well as your life points.
    Romance is permitted, yes, even with the 5D's characters themselves!
    Post your Deck List to me via PM
    You can use any cards from the game except from the 5D's ace monsters or the Gods, Tag Force cards are also permitted.
    The Banlist will be in effect as of March 2010 list
    You must state the phase you are in before moving to it. This includes the draw and standby phase, even if nothing happens during the latter.
    When summoning a monster you must state the way in which you are summoning it. Normal Summon, Flip Summon, Special Summon, Fusion Summon, Synchro Summon, Ritual Summon etc.
    You must post the image of every card involved in a duel. This includes cards that are discarded or milled. (The Tuners for the Knights are an exception)
    At the end of your turn, you must post your field, including your monster zones, field zone, and spell and trap zone.
    You must post all cards that were sent to the graveyard or removed from play during that turn. This is to avoid confusion and because the graveyard and RFG zone is public knowledge in real duels.

    ~End Rules~

    This RP will start from the beginning of the Dark Signer arc and continue into the WRGP Season too,
    If all the Knight Duelists are taken, we'll start and other Duelists can join too like Leo who isn't a
    Signer but yet dueled Devack as Crow wasn't also a Signer at the time.

    The 5D's characters are also up for grabs, yes, however, the maximum number of control is only 2
    counting your OC as well

    When becoming a Knight Duelist, add in the Tuner monster as well.

    ~5D's Characters~

    Yusei Fudo - Protecter212
    Jack Atlas
    Crow Hogan
    Akiza - Aerith G.
    Mina Simington
    Trudge Tetsu
    Kalin Kessler
    Carly Carmine
    Misty Tredwell
    Roman Goodwin
    Rex Goodwin

    ~OC Characters~

    Shinji Kudo - Protecter212
    Carson - terra254
    Angel - Aerith G.
    Yuudai Yuki - Jaden Yuki
    Takeshi - KH2man13

    ~Character Sheet~

    Name: Your Name
    Age: Your Age
    Appearance: Description of your character or pictures are satisfactory.
    Personality: How your character acts.
    Favorite/Signature Monster: Your ace monster

    Deck List




    Extra Deck:

    If the other 5D's characters aren't filled in, they shall be NPC for anyone's use, except in Duels with their opponent will control the Duel between them, also check the decks for said NPC for Dark Signer arc, for characters who don't duel in the anime like Mina, use Tag Force Decks.


    I shall take up the role of Yusei and my OC for now.

    Name: Shinji Kudo
    Age: 17
    Personilaty: Friendly and kind.
    Favourite/Signature Monster: Wizel the White Warrior/Gemknight Ruby

    Deck List

    Gem-Armdillo x3
    Gem-Knight Alexandrite x3
    Gem-Knight Emerald x3
    Gem-Knight Garnet x3
    Gem-Knight Sapphire x3
    Gem-Knight Tourmaline x2
    Gem-Merchant x2
    Wisel's Ark x1

    Gem-Knight Fusion x2
    Gaia Power x1
    Gold Sarcophagus x1
    Lighting Vortex x1
    Mystical Space Tyhoon x1
    Swords of Revealing Lightx1
    United We Stand x1
    Heavy Storm x1
    Pot of Avarice x1

    Bottomless Trap Hole x2
    Call of the Haunted x1
    Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
    D2 Shield x1
    Dark Bribe x1
    Gem-Enhancement x2
    Magic Cylinder x1
    Mirror Force x1

    Wizel the White Knight
    Gem-Knight Ruby x3
    Gem-Knight Topaz x3
    Gem-Knight Aquamarine x3
    Gem-Knight Prismaura x3
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Dec 16, 2010, 366 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    Summer Wars


    A film that shows the world being dependant on OZ which handles pretty much everything, bank accounts, fighting arenas, casino's etc, one day Kenji Koiso, a part-timer and math wiz as he's findign it difficult to be with people, especially his crush, Natsuki Shinohara who has him pretend to be her boyfriend since she told her grandmother when she had an attack and lived.

    Kenji solves a mathematical solution giving a program, Love Machine access to his account and potenially, hack into the mainframe and control the whole's worlds accounts, soon it spirals out of control and affects the real world creating a modern war.

    Wabisuke, Natsuki's first crush also appears in the film as wlel as being the creator of Love Machine but after hearing of his adoptive grandmother dying by Love Machine's cause, he joins the Shinohara's to help destory it as it fires milssiles at every power plant in the world

    Throughout this film, Kenji resolves to become a man and does so.

    Personally, I enjoyed this film of it's artwork and transfering from teh OZ world to the Real World in as Funimation aqcuires the rights to dub this so I'll buy it.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Dec 9, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. StardustXtreme
    Final Fantasy X: Forgotten Answers (Finished)

    Story ~ We've all heard about the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle which caused Sin's appearance and the creation of the Aeons as well as a never ending spirla of death, the Final Summoning born to destory Sin only to rebuilt after ten years of the Calm as Machian soon became forbidden,

    The last High Summoner was Lord Braska, a man wed to an Al Bhed who was looked down upon for this action until Sin was defeated, he only had two guardians, Jecht of Zanarkand and Auron of Bevelle, a monk as they journeyed together to defeat Sin.

    Now it is his daughter, Yuna's turn to take up the role of defeating Sin but fate throws in a twist, Tidus, son of Jecht arrives in Spira, claiming to be from Zanarkand but fate throws in yet another twist for the story, a white haired boy arrives in besaid with even stranger clothing than Tidus himself but forgotten his memoires but left with only a name, little does this boy know, he's a special being, what he is, that's his story to tell.


    This is an RP Based on FFX but instead of there only being Tidus, we're throwing in another new surprise into the mix to see the changes in it, certain events will happen of course.

    Yes, we can have OC's become Yuna's Guardians along the way as well as new enemies but Sin and Seymour are nevertheless, anatagionsts of Spira as you know.

    Romance is accepted but keep at PG-13, we're not Rated M in this lol

    Posts must be 3 sentences or more.

    Don't godmod, come on people, not everyone's invincible you know, even heroes and villians take damage at some point, sure the villians can retreat and come back stronger each time but in the end be defeated by the heroes.

    Most OC's can be two per person, the FFX Cast are one or two per person, that's up to you to decide.


    Tidus: Protecter212
    Auron: TwilightBlader
    Rikku: Aerith G.
    Wakka: Protecter212
    Lulu: Tsubaki
    Kimahri: Aerith G.
    Rikku: Aerith G.
    Seymour Guado:



    Anything else I missed? No? Good, then enjoy the character sheet.


    Name: This is pretty obivous of course.

    Age: Your character's age.

    Race: Are you a Human, Guado, Al Bhed, Ronso or even a Dream/Fayth? the choice is yours, you could even be halfing like Seymour.

    Appearance: Of course, this is cruicial so your fellow members and guardians know what you look like!

    Weapons: Swords, Staffs, Dolls, Blitzballs, Spears, Fists, the possibliltes are endless!

    Overdrive Name: Yes, your special attack in the game like Tidus's Swordplay, Auron's Bushido or Rikku's Mix

    Overdrive Attacks: You get the option of 4 choices like Spiral Cut, Slice & Dice, Energy Rain and Blitz Ace, for people like Lulu, Kimahri and Rikku, thye have their overdrive slot being one but able to use items, spells multiple times or use fiend's moves.

    Biography: Place of origin, a bit of your character's history with Spira.


    Name: Dean

    Age: 16

    Race: Human/???? (This will discovered during story.)


    Weapons: Dual Guns with dagger like weapons attached, effectively making him a long and short ranged fighter, these can also be considered machina as well.

    Overdrive Name: Twin Bullet

    Overdrive Attacks:

    Freeze Shot (Bullet of Ice)
    Trigger Rondo (Shoots around himself, attacking all enemies with quick strikes)
    Justice - Performs a kick on the enemy, flipping over and firing quick rounds upon a enemy
    Judgement - Kicks an enemy into the air and fires 3 focused rounds into the opponent from each gun before crossing the guns and firing a double shot into the opponent to cause massive damage, making a total of eight bullets.

    Biography: A teenager who has forgotten everything but his name and knows how to fight as he searches for answers to his questions, he mysteriously arrived in Besaid, he travelled around the island but never entered the actual village, keeping out of sight, keeping a close ear on events that occured, but a man from Zanarkand who arrived in Besaid by name of Tidus would hopefully have answers for him, he has yet to make contact with the blonde.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Oct 30, 2010, 2,414 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    I do not own the following anime/games that appears in this story, which is: Cardcaptor Sakura, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z, Digimon, Final Fantasy Games and InuYasha.

    Cardcaptor Sakura is owned by CLAMP, Bleach belongs to Tite Kubo, DBZ belongs to Daisuke Nishio, Final Fantasy by Tetsuya Nomura and Square Enix, Digimon belongs to Toei Animation and InuYasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

    All I own in this story is Daniel, Alex and any new items I introduce into the story

    ~*~*~Chapter I: A Mysterious Post~*~*~

    ~Play Change the World by V6~

    The clouds drifted in the sky very slowly to show the natural progress of the Earth turning and to show time was still moving perfectly as the sun shone warm rays upon the air and the ground.

    We move over to a house amongst other houses as the door opens as a male with light brown hair, fair skin and eyes as blue as the ocean and wearing a school uniform walks out in his teens as he shut the door then locked it as he put the keys away within his pocket and started walk up to the gate, carrying a backpack until his neighbour who was an old lady see him as she stopped sweeping the floor. “My goodness, leaving already for college Daniel?†she asked very kindly and the teen stared at her, smiling.

    “Yeah, lucky for me it is the last day until summer holiday starts.†He said to her and grinned at the thought of the summer as the old lady chuckled a bit. “Ah, to be young again…better be on your way before you are late.â€

    All Daniel could do was nod in reply as he opened the gate and closed it as he ran down the road, leaving the kind old lady and his home behind him.

    ~College Grounds~

    Daniel soon reached the gates leading to the grounds of college as he stood there as student were either going through the gates or already in the grounds, chatting away with any kind of topic they could think off as Daniel sighed and walked through the gates until he heard footsteps and he looked to see who it was.

    Before him was a spiky blonde haired male with eyes as green as the grass and his skin was pretty much fair as himself and he had the exact same uniform except his jacket was unbuttoned and he knew who it was.

    “Alex, I see you are still the same as always.†Daniel said to his friend as his friend just grinning like Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland except his smile couldn’t compare with the actual creature. “Of course, I am always myself, anyway, last day of these annoying lessons then it’s hello summer!â€

    His friend was just excited to finally relax after being through boring lessons for a total six weeks every time the week holidays end as the College bell rang three times to signal all students to enter the building and begin their dreaded form of lessons as both friends entered the college building.

    ~After College~

    The sky was shown to be in a shade of orange signifying it was evening and the day was nearly over as the student were coming out of the entrances into the building and heading off home as Alex stretched out his arms and yawned a bit as the two friends were walking.

    “Finally, the summer holidays have just begun for us, dude, I am so psyched to see what happens this year!†he exclaimed and was pumped up to see what events would unfold as Daniel laughed.

    “Knowing you Alex, you’d probably stay at home and lie in bed nearly all day,†He said jokingly to his best friend as Alex scowled almost looked like Ichigo from Bleac

    “You can’t blame me, I deserve those good lie-ins instead of waking up early!â€

    The two passed various shops and houses before reaching Daniel’s own house and Alex grinned. “See you later dude.†Daniel nodded as Alex continued on to reach his own house as Daniel opened up the gate and shut it as he walked up to the door and unlocked it as dogs were heard barking and he entered the house as a springer spaniel and a bullterrier were trying to jump on him as he heard a woman’s voice as her head came out from the kitchen door down the hallway leading to the front/living room, she had short dirty brown hair as the rest of her body was still in the kitchen.

    “Hey Daniel, how was college?†his mother asked him and Daniel smiled. “It was all right, but I am glad to be home.†Daniel replied to her as he stopped the two dogs from jumping anymore and his mother nodded and went back to work in the kitchen and then, she called out as Daniel was just about to head upstairs

    â€Oh Daniel, you got mail in the post, I placed it in your room.â€

    “Thanks mom.†Was all Daniel said and headed upstairs and went into his room as he threw his backpack onto the bed as his room had a bookcase containing black video tapes in three parts as the top section contained PS2, PSP, DS, GBA games and in front of the window was a dark blue sofa and in front of that, separated by about 50 centimetres was his bed, at the other side of it to the right, was a three sectioned drawer but on top was a shrine of sorts as Final Fantasy 7 merchandise such action figures, the games, artwork above the drawer.

    To Daniel’s left was a brown desk with a pc occupying it and the keyboard was in a sliding section of the desk as the left side of the window was yet another desk having a TV on it as the bottom part had a black Playstation 2 and a video player placed there, on the PC’s desk was a brown letter and Daniel picked it up, it did indeed have his address on it and he opened it and pulled out two tickets with his and Alex’s names on them.

    â€Tickets? Where to though?†he asked himself and looked closer as he was shocked. “No way, to Japan!?†He was very surprised and soon forgotten about who would have sent the tickets as he picked up his cell phone nearby and called Alex to tell him the news.


    The sky was soon turned into night-time as the moonlight shone upon the dark alleyway stood two hooded men using the moonlight to show themselves as they were wearing different coloured robes, one was in lighter tone of black as another was wearing grey as the black figure spoke.

    “How is the plan coming along?â€

    “It has already been done, the tickets are already sent to his house, he should be opening them shortly.†The two figures voice sounded male as the black obed man laughed.

    “Excellent, now, let us go Japan and begin our next plan.â€

    ~*~*~End of Chapter I~*~*~
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Jan 4, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. StardustXtreme
    Does anyone play the game because it would be nice to meet up once in awhile and train or quest together, I knwo you ahve to pay monthly but FF11 became my first actual MMORPG so to speak.

    Sure the level up system takes a heck of a long time but you travel to foregin lands, do quests, heck even make a villager hide in monster shells!

    The registering and loginning in is a pain as well as updating too, but I'm a hardcore fan so I'm not really bothered, if anyone plays FFXI, please come here and chat about it
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Jul 26, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  13. StardustXtreme
    Hello there and I hope to have fun with everyone here.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Jun 30, 2008, 27 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. StardustXtreme
    I need codes for Rogue Galaxy in PAL version, such as getting 999 Hunter Coins, all of the characters costumes/weapons and bug stats.

    I would like them to be converted to ARMAX UK version please

    Anyone who can help me with this, thank you.
    Thread by: StardustXtreme, Mar 21, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Code Vault