Hhahahaha! <3 YAOIII XD It certainly is gay. <3 <3<3
Vanilla, Gackt. All about sex. ;)
Haha, Nice. XD
Ah, Ah, ahh! I see Eight! XD
-Insertnameofthreadhere- Is gay. XD
...Nan desu ka?
Well, it's quite simple, Really. See, all you have to do is; I've got absalutley no clue.:)
Kay! So now that the new server thinger is up, I can finally write the next one. XD
ZZZZZOMG! I think I just found the meaning for LIFEEE!!!! :ninjacat:
Hmm, Personally never played it. Im sure you can find good game review on the net. XD
I am answering your answer of a Question by answering with a question by myself answering with a question. Who am I?
Ill tell you. XD Pwned is a much more Kick ass, Much more felt so way of Saying OWND. XD If someone else has a better explination, be my guest. XDD
-_- Im not much into the 4chan thing. ShoopDaWhoop is better XD
That, my friend, just made my long and terrible night. XD
Its six am here, and Ive gotten quite possibly four hours of sleep in total. Forgot my sleeping pills, now my body is going into withdrawls. -_- XD Im stupid. At my friends house, jacked her computer while she sleeps. I have to work today. *Sigh* Till ten O clock at night.
Renegade. Hands down. ;)
こんにちは! いみこです。 =D 私は日本人じゃありません。 <3 m Wn. xD Tk Tht.
Is the president of the INYAOSYL. International Yaoi Association Of Smexeh Yaoi Lovers.
I still give Props xD