ALRIGHT! Here is the Preview for the Next Chapter! "No..." You whispered. There was nothing else you could really do. You were engulfed in darkness, you body was tingling with numbness. How had this happened? More or less, WHY had this happened? Was everyone okay? What had happened to your Island? Sora, Riku? Kairi? You continued to float where you were, floating away into nothingness. You felt as light as air, but as heavy with worry and fear as an elephant. You felt yourself fading away into the blackness without any will power to stop it... Comming out soon! =3 Either today or tomorrow. <3
XD Nice dood.
XD You're funny. But you don't know me. XD So you can't really say anything, like i can't say anything about you. Anyways, this is a sensitive subject for me. I ****ing hate that BullSh*t. Pray this, Mary that. *Sigh* All I have to say: EFF THAT SH*T! I'll do what I want too, thanks.
baron von kickass! Xd
From what? XD
oh DANG!!! Ohhhh DANGGG!!! XD
Dude, I would have flipped them off and told them to suck it. I'm a big non-believer, and if Anyone told me off I'd punch them square in the effin nose. >D
Next Chapter!! =D Chapter Seven; The Strange man. You blinked lightly, not knowing what to think. There, standing in front of you, was a strange man. He was wearing an all black cloak. You could tell it was male; no boobs. You were curious, he stood about a foot away. In fact, if you stuck out your leg you could touch him. "Uh, who are you?" You asked timidly, closing the bolder slightly, though the crack was still large enough for you to see him. "We need you alive." His voice was deep and throaty. You cocked your head to the side, and expression of confusion now replacing the look of curiosity. "What?" You said stupidly. "A rough time is ahead. You must not die. We need you alive." And with that, the same strange, black shadows climbed up his body and engulfed him. You stood and stared in shock, rubbing your eyes. But no, he was gone. What's been going on lately? Everything is beginning to fall apart. And that strange dream...Those You thrust the rest of the bolder open and took in a deep breath of fresh, sea air. "UHM." You said aloud, "It was the smoke. Yeah. That's it. The smoke got to my head...Heeheee...." You took in a few more deep breaths before closing it to an appropriate gap. It was getting late. Thank god school was over, and thank god that you didn't have to do the finals. You kept the marks you had, passing just barely. You faintly wondered how you were going to pay for school next year. Shaking your head viciously, you decide not to think about that. You were sure it was some time past midnight, and you needed sleep. You could sleep all day tomorrow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(FF- A few days later.) "-WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! YAY!" You sang, and just as you did, a hand came and smacked the back of your head lightly. "THE HELL?" You yelled, dropping the piece of wood you were holding. "Stop that. You know I hate Dora the Explorer." Riku's cool voice came across slightly annoyed. You pouted Childishly. "B-but she's my IDOL!" You yelled back at him. Okay, not really, but you always did this to piss him off. You watched as he rolled his eyes and walked away, a slight smirk on his face. He was obviously planning some way of revenge. You sighed and continued to carry the Damn wood. Riku had been helping until Sora came and distracted him. They were having some sort of race or something. Kairi was judging. And you were left alone to work on the Raft. You grumbled underneath your breath as you decided you would get to name the raft since you worked so hard and they didn't. You giggled, the perfect name came to mind. 'Dora's Explorer.' Hell yeah. You continued on your way and placed the Piece of wood onto the pile. Just as you did, you felt something extremely cold splash across your back. You whipped you head around and found you self staring into a laughing Riku and Sora. Riku was holding a bucket. Sora was holding his stomach. "Y-you D*ck!" You shrieked and aimed a kick for Riku, but he dodged it just in time, dropping the bucket and running, laughing all the while. You shot after them. "A-am I the only on actually WORKING? Oh-My-GOD! I'm going to get you guys!" You yelled, infuriated as you chased after the couple of Idiots, grabbing Rocks as you did and chucking them at Riku. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(FF) It's been two months since you moved out and began working on the Raft. yes, two months. And you still were not done. Why? Well, because Sora and Riku had taken out the Raft so many times for a test run JOYRIDE that they killed the first two Rafts they'd made. This was the Last one you were going to work on. Your patience with the Idiots was riding thin. You sighed and relaxed. You were forcing them to find what they needed now. Sadly, it looked like Sora was sleeping on the Shoreline. And it looked almost like he was having a bad dream. You shrugged it off, Kairi was headed over there to wake him up anyways. And besides, it was your turn to Relax. You weren't all that sure about where Riku was, but that wasn't really bothering you right now. Taking in a deep breath you sighed. You were on top of the little Shacks roof. A suddenly pleasing thought came to mind. You remembered the other day when you had been to the Main Island for the first time in a couple of months. Once you went there, you immediately found your favourite Ice Cream Shop and sat down for a bite to eat. In fact, that's why you were there. Was to buy more supplies. The instant you sat down you heard a familiar laugh from the table behind you. You glanced back, and what you saw made you smile. Jessica. You jumped up at the instant. Her and her friends were pointing and laughing at you. They laughed harder when you stood up. Maybe they thought you were afraid? Nah, You'd prove them wrong. You stalked over to their table with a look of pure intent. They stopped smiling. "Hey! Sup? Uhm, Jessica, I just wanted to thank you for that Positively POINTLESS attack on me. A, it did nothing. B, those guys you 'hired' were weak and easily beaten. c, YOU'RE A B*TCH." You said as you picked up her Ice cream and slammed it so hard into her nose you heard a loud, unpleasant Crack. Satisfied and before they could say anything, you had walked back to your table, payed the Tender and left. You giggled at the memory. It was the best thing that happened to you in ages. (Besides moving out, and let's face it. That was a long time ago.) Sighing happily you glanced back over at Sora. He was now arguing with Kairi. You chuckled underneath your breath as you stared at the clouds. It wasn't before long you fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You were walking, no, running down the beach. There were the weird Shadow Monsters everywhere, and your Island was getting eaten up. You ran towards Sora and Riku. Riku was reaching for Sora, and Sora was yelling something. There was Blackness all around them. You tried to yell, but the words wouldn't come out of your mouth. All of a sudden the world around you was engulfed in black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You Shrieked as you shot up. The sight you had awoken too was quite Possibly worse then your dream all together. ~~~~~~~~~~~~` CLIFFHANGE! MWUHAHAHA! Kay, sorry about the Shortness. XD
....ARE A LIE! Okay, So my friend and I went to the mall, right? And I was all "Hey! Let's turn this into a Musical!" Cause in a musical when ever someone starts to sing everyone else around them sings and dances too. I was like that'd be the **** if it actually happened in real life. So, we started to sing. "THESE ARE THE WORST PIES IN LONDON! THE WORST PIES IN LONDON!" (If anyone doesn't know, Sweeny Todd.) Nothing happened. .............. Kay, so we thought maybe it was the song choice. She sang that song alone. So, Korbyn and I decided on doing one from the ****ed up one, you know the one where the chick comes out of a Cartoon and into real life and with the Funny yet ******ed Prince who comes to her rescue? Yeah, that one. XD Anyways, We started to sing. "INSERTLYRICSHERE." ........ *Walks around entire mall, still singing.* .......... ........................................................ IT"S A LIE! It doesn't work! THANKS DISNEY YOU OLD *******! YOU CRUSHED MY DREAM! ;_;
It's like someone took my personality and made it into a song! =D
Will Smith. He's mah big Chunka Fudge! <3
Were at like two hundred something XD
Meaning of life: やおいです!愛!<3
Haha ....Oh no. I forgot how to spell Amerika... Sorry! ;_; I've been on my Japanese chat site too much... anyways, I wonder when It's going to be released here in Canada?
One word: Sexual. XD
You should get rid of the word video and change it to penis XD I know my current name is a mouthful and most people think it's too long...
I have no idea who you are. In other words, I don't remember you. XD
I think I like cats.
OOOOO! I can! =D