Of course I would! Do you know how many people I could scar for life? I'd hide that in my sisters bed, then go to the little kid school, oh man. I could have so much fun with that ****. xD I'd take it on the bus with me and throw it at someone.
Me!!!!!!!!!! =D
((P.s. This means they are going to be fancier. =3 )) ___________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~Season two; A new world.~~~~~~ Chapter Nine: Where I was born?!? This couldn't possibly be happening. It couldn't be real, no way in hell could something like this exist. If losing your home and Riku wasn't bad enough, now you had this on your hands as well! I mean jeez, this guy must be crazy! You were sitting in a nicely lit, stone room that looked like it was out of the middle ages. What the hell was with that? And to top it all off, the guy was extremely old and strange looking. He had wrinkles upon wrinkles, and apparently he knew your real mother. Feeling your left eye twitch with slight annoyance, you took in a huffing breath of denial as you opened your mouth to speak. " Okay, let's get this straight." You started out slowly, wiggling in your hard wooden chair lightly, " So I was born here, my mother was some sort of woman with the power too.. Sew the light back onto people hearts? So you called her the 'Seamstress'." You asked, looking around the bland square room at five men wearing dark blue cloaks with the hooks over their head, and two rather pretty looking maids standing wide eyed in the corner. "That is correct." Huffed out the old mans low, throaty voice. You frowned with annoyance and felt like glaring at him, or even possibly hitting him. How dare he ask such a thing of you, even when you've just lost everything that was ever precious! Including Riku....You felt the lump that had been threatening to grow in your throat finally rear it's ugly head as you swallowed rather harshly and continued on with your inquiries. " Great, so when these weird black things- erm, 'Heartless' showed up I was stolen away and you thought I was dead. Since my mother was the Seamstress you automatically think I got her powers?" You demanded the last part of the sentence rather viciously. Something in the old mans eyes shone for a moment before he laughed, which almost sounded like a cough to you, and replied. " You do have the ability. It was passed down to you by your mother." He said softly. Taking in a deep breath, you decided this was slowly making sense, and it would be good not to lose your temper now of all times. "Grand." You replied, lifting up your right hand and rubbing your temples lightly. " So now I'm back for some MAGICKAL reason, and I've got to do WHAT with the.. 'Kingdom Hearts'?" You asked once more. By now you had gone through this story three or four times, but each time you felt as if it was all a lie, some cruel joke they had been playing on you the whole time. You silently awaited for everyone to jump out of some corner and yell 'Just kidding! Now let's go home!' But so far, in the whole entire three hours you've been here, nothing. " You must help protect the Kingdom hearts from falling into Darkness. If that were to happen, all would be lost." He said rather plainly. You repressed the temptation to valiantly roll your eyes, you were angry, disorientated, starving, exhausted, and everything else that could be wrong with a person was most likely wrong with you. " And how am I supposed to do that?" You asked finally, slightly excepting the story you had just been told. " You shall find that out on your own, child. Until then, you shall stay here and train for the day you will have to confront your Other Half." He finished standing up rather wobbly and turning around, stalking out the door before you could demand to know what your 'Other half' was. You pouted lightly and crossed your arms, glowering over at everyone. Just then one of the pretty maids walked up to you as everyone else walked out of the room without a word. " Miss, we have cloths for you. A bath is running and ready, but by the time you're done supper should be on the table. You will be shown to your room. Shall we?" She asked with a nervous smile, and you nodded rather weekly from across the thick wooden table that stood flatly in front of you. Closing your eyes you felt a sudden wave of relief- a Warm bath, new clothes, a place to sleep, and some food. You couldn't ask for anything better. You stood up meekly and stepped around the table slowly, your skirt was ripped, as well as your shirt. Your bow was almost in shreds, and the Gods only know where your shoes were. They probably got swallowed up when you were sucked into the darkness. The memory stung fresh in your mind. Watching Riku disappear was one of the worst things that you had ever seen in your entire life. Your thoughts ran wild as you walked through the thick open door and down a small hallway. Light came in through windows, there were tons of them, they seemed to litter this place. Various plants ran down the stone hallway as well, bringing some life to the bland Grey walls. They reminded you of your Cave home, and your Rock door. This put the thought of him getting sucked away back into your mind once more. What was with that look on his face? Had he wanted to get sucked into the darkness? And what ever happened to Sora? Kairi? Well, There was one thing for sure. There was definitely other worlds out there, yup. Unless you were just having one long ass crazy dream. You turned a left corner and continued on your merry little way. " The Onsen is this way, Miss." The maid with light blond hair explained and snapped you out of your trance. " Onsen?" You said, suddenly everything else was erased from your mind in that moment. You were going to take a bath in an Onsen?!? That was so cool! You had never been in one of those before! You eyes widened with excitement as you glance around and searched your surroundings. There was a large wooden door right in front of you, and the Maids grabbed both the handles, bowed, and then pulled them open with a hefty creak. You took in a sharp gasp at the scene in front of you. ( Editors note: Anime-fy it in your mind. ;D ) Your excitement gave you an extra burst of energy as the Maids left you on your own. Now you had time to think! The water was cool in the shallow end, and got warmer the deeper it got. You quickly pulled off your old, ripped clothing and threw it aside haphazardly. Looking down at your body, you frowned a little. You had bruises, scrapes and cuts. Your body ached, and your muscles silently begged for the relief of the Onsen. Taking careful steps into the water, you lifted your arms up for balance, you didn't want to slip. When your toes first slipped into the water, you gave a small shiver as the cold seemed to crawl up your body as you went along. It felt amazing, never-the-less. It wasn't until you got knee deep that the water began to get pleasently warm. " Oi, now this is nice..." You whispered as you leaned down and stepped fully into the steaming deep end. First time you'd had a decent bath in a long time. You felt your tight, over stressed muscles unwind and relax gently. You rolled your eyes up and slipped in with a groan. Suddenly, one of the cuts on you arms began to sting lightly, then steam. And to your utter amazement, it was...healing? You glanced down at the crystal clear water and saw that your other wounds were healing as well. "What the- what am I sitting in dammit?" You mumbled beneath your breath, breaking the calming silence with your voice. You decided to shrug it off and looked around, sitting on a rock was what looked like a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, as well as some soap. You smiled over at this, forgetting the strange occurrences and swam briskly over to it, grabbing the shampoo and twisting off the lid, bringing it up to your nose for a bit of a test smell. "Whoa! Smells like STRAWBERRIES!" You half yelled excitedly and poured a rather large amount into your hand. You put the bottle down and with your free hand you cupped some water and let it fly onto your head. With a happily hum you began to work the good smelling stuff into your hair. ______________________________________________((FF to when you're in your new room.)) Your room was gorgeous! It was HUGE! It was a mix between Mid evil and Old Japanese style. You had a Futon instead of a bed, a rather comfortable looking one in the middle of a wooden floor. The walls were made of wood as well, everything in conjunction with the Onsen was made out of wood. You thought it was strange, how half the building was made of stone and the other half wood. But it's not like you were complaining, your room had a huge window, looking out to a beautiful garden with all sorts of plants and flowers. Your room has a Wall Climber plant that seemed to reach every corner of the walls, and a Vanity table right next to a rather spacious looking walk in closet. There was a Sakura Tree right outside your window, it was in bloom and some of the pink flowers leaned into your room pleasently. You had to admit, this big square room was the best room you've had in your entire life. A childish grin replaced your look of Awe as you ran towards your closet and pushed the door open all the way. No way, there was so much clothes! It was a good half the size of the room, and had wall-to-wall outfits. Pulling off the white Robe you had worn out of the Onsen you laughed openly as you began picking through various articles. It took you twenty full minutes to look through the whole thing, and at the very back of the Closet, you found the perfect thing. A silk black, Chinese style dress with white floral patterns and underwear and white stalkings to go with. On either side it was split, it looked gorgeous. Now it was time to try it on. You silently prayed that it would fit. And, as you pulled it over your head and moved your arms through the sleeveless holes, you realized it was perfect. Next you pulled on the Underwear and Stalkings. Smiling at how well it fit, you ran out of the closet and stared at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't believe your eyes. This was the first time you wore something like this. Right when you were about to fiddle with your hair, a knock at the door interrupted you from your thoughts. You glanced over at the door and sighed, you'd deal with your hair later. "Come in!" You yelled at the door, looking to see who it was as the door slid open smoothly. "Pardon me, miss. But I'm here to fetch you for supper." Wow, was he ever good looking- WAIT! That voice! That face! No, it couldn't be... Oh, but it was! "D-doctor?!?" You yelled in shock as his eyes shone with cruel intent. CLIFF HANGER!!! MWUHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! xD
Of course it is! In fact, it's coming out today! =3 ANNOUNCEMENT: Hello everyone! I noticed a shitload of spelling mistakes I should have noticed earlier, but sadly didn't. From now on all my posts will be attempted and checked for bad spelling Free-ness! As well as the fact that the new Chapters are going to come out in a different form, I'm going to code them differently. Thanks for keeping up, if you have even after my long interval of sudden disappearances! =D ENJOY THE NEXT CHAPTER!
I'd save Axel and Murder the rest, screw those guys. ;D Or maybe I'm just mean...O.o;;
I personally can't wait! @0@ And what's wrong with Endless violence? And it had a great hidden story and plot line, you just have to be able to notice the little things to appreciate it. ^^
Pardon me, FIRST Copycat thread. ;D
I win by getting 0/10. You all suck compared to that score. :woohoo:
Copycat thread numbah three FTW. ;D
This post FTW.
HA! xD Nice doooddd xD Awesome Penis pic BTW. ;D
LOL of course you don't know me, I've been gone for Eight months. xD
No me, don't make me post the picture of me Mooning the camera. xD
ForumNinja And no, I did not just cheat.
Guess who's back from a EIGHT MONTH intermission! =D
Why yes it does. >D Don't worry. There's a reason as to WHY it's called the Seamstress of Hearts =D
Chapter Eight; The end of the World. Sora was lifting up your skirt with a stick and Riku had a Camera. The hadn't noticed that you had awakened, well, not until you screamed out in rage so loud that a flock of birds took flight. "OH SH*T!" Sora yelled as you kicked up your leg towards the two, evidently snapping the stick in Mid air as Sora Dropped it. "RUN!" Riku yelled, they were both laughing. "GET BACK HERE! HOW DARE YOU!"You jumped swiftly up from your spot, and as you went on your way chasing them, You crushed the Camera with your foot. You were officially in a rage. "You....YOU JERKS!" They were fast, but they didn't have as much practice at running as you did. You caught up with them easily and preceded to jump onto Riku's back. He tripped, but didn't fall over. You locked your arms around his neck and began to pull backwards. "STUPID!" you yelled. Riku was laughing. LAUGHING! "C-come on, IMS! It was just a joke! Calm down! It was all SORA'S idea!" "WHAT?!?" Sora yelled from somewhere behind you. You immediately dropped Riku and jumped down from off his back, twisting around briskly. "WHADDYA MEAN IT WAS ALL MY-" He never finished his sentence, for you had tackled him into the Water. "Blech!" He squeaked as he forced a mouthful of water out. "OKAY! Okayokayokayokay! I'm sorry! But it wasn't My Idea! I swear!" He yelled out quickly. You turned your body around, once again forcefully, and faced Riku with a Death Glare. He was giggling. "OH-MY-GOD!" You yelled over at him. "APOLOGIZE!!" You demanded. Riku laughed and walked towards you, stopping only about an Inch away from your face. "Yeah, sure. Okay. Sorry." He said, lifting a hand and flicking your nose lightly as he waled away. You blushed lightly without even realizing it. "ARG! You are so INFURIATING!" You yelled and stomped back over to your sleeping spot, sitting down with a harsh thump. You picked up a piece of the Broken stick and began to hit the roof with it. It was then that you remembered your dream. Stopping abruptly, you felt Anger bubbling up inside your stomach. You clenched down on the stick, then lifted your arm and threw it into the Sea. "WHATS GOING ON?" You yelled to yourself. Riku, Sora and Kairi were all on the other side. You were fine to yell at the air, really. Who was that guy? What was with those stupid gloves? Why were you experiencing these weird dreams? You suddenly felt the urge to vent. "OKAY! Honestly, enough is enough! WEIRD GUY IN BLACK THINGER! Come OUT! Now! I'm tired of this, and only you seem to know whats going on! TELL ME DAMMIT!" You yelled, hoping that Wakka and the others were thinking you were still yelling at the Idiots. You just remembered that they were there. Sighing you lay yourself back down and got comfortable. You might as well just wait until Riku, Sora, and Kairi leave so that you could go to bed and think about some things. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(FF) After you had realized that you were practically yelling at yourself and the Riku, Sora and Kairi had all gone home, you left your comfortable position and trudged your way over to your House grudgingly. You had thrust the door open and climbed into bed. That was it. You were going to finally set sail tomorrow, and you needed sleep. Besides, your body wasn't working with you. You flopped onto your Makeshift bed and lay back harshly, staring up at the dark, dank 'ceiling'. Thoughts swirled around in your brain, making it almost impossible to sleep. However, your body told your brain other wise. And it wasn't long before you were walking along the island again... You were walking along the Shore line of the Island. Except something was wrong, the water wasn't moving. In fact, nothing was moving. it was as if Time was standing still. You looked around for your friends. There was nothing. No one. You were all alone. You opened your mouth to speak, and as you did, the ground beneath your feet began to crack. You stared down in shock as the crack branched off into multiple cracks. A strong light was emitting from the cracks in the ground. They spread over the water, the trees, everything. Until finally, everything was cracked. Except for you. The light was so bright, you had to thrust your arms in front of your eyes to protect them. There was a sudden rush of wind and Light as your world fell away beneath your feet. You were suddenly floating above a beautiful pond, there were statues of a beautiful woman all around it, animals everywhere, it was all green, pink, and other colorful flowers. The soft sound of rushing water and Trickling came to ear. You turned around, and there was an enormous Waterfall. "Home." A voice said. And then, all of a sudden, everything went black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You awoke gasping for air. Sitting up straight, you thought you were hyper ventilating. It wasn't until you waited a few minutes to wake up that you realized the Rushing air wasn't you. It was coming from out side. Confused, you opened the door to your 'home' with much difficulty. What you saw almost made you want to gag. The world you once knew was being over run by those strange black things. You ran for the entrance, and slammed through the doors, narrowly avoiding the black things. You watched in horror as the world was getting sucked up into a Giant whole of Darkness floating above the little island thing. There, standing on the Island thing, Was Riku and Sora. Your dream was coming true. You tried to yell, but the horrified lump in your throat prevented that for happening. You watched in horror as Riku stuck out his hand, and was sucked into Darkness. Tears formed in your eyes as you watched Sora Struggle to get free from its embrace. Just then, you ran forwards towards him. A sudden burst of light came and You were just about to look up to see what had happened to Sora, the black things began to swarm you. You cried out as they pounced on you and began to attack. That's when you remembered the Gloves, and yelled amidst all the Commotion. "GOD DAMMIT ANYTIME NOW!" And, FLASH. They were on your hands once more. You didn't have time to think about Sora now, all you had to think about now was killing these stupid things. You kicked out viciously, getting rid of the three in front of you. You began to throw punched and kick thrusts every where, because that's where they seemed to be. Everywhere. It took you a few minutes before you could finish. And as you did, you noticed that the world around you was getting sucked up, and it was getting smaller. And SMALLER! You gasped and ran for it. You didn't know where you were running really, you just were. You realized in a minute that you were running towards the Black hole. Why? Why were you running towards it? You just felt the need too... like if you didn't, you'd get sucked up. You continued to run, the world behind you dissipating as you went along. You tripped, and in that instant, were surrounded by Darkness. It was sucking you up once more. You cried out in frustration as your arms flung out in every direction to stop it from devouring you. Too late, you were getting pulled down. "No..." You whispered. There was nothing else you could really do. You were engulfed in darkness, your body was tingling with numbness. How had this happened? More or less, WHY had this happened? Was everyone okay? What had happened to your Island? Sora, Riku? Kairi? You continued to float where you were, floating away into nothingness. You felt as light as air, but as heavy with worry and fear as an elephant. You felt yourself fading away into the blackness without any will power to stop it... You fell into this world. This world of nothingness. And then, you saw it. It was faint, but it was there. A light...You were falling towards it. you stretched out your hand as you fell closer and closer...it was your savior. You smiled and allowed a tear to roll down your cheek as you finally reached the light. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me:CLIFFHANGER! You: NO! GET ON WITH IT! Me: O.o WHY? XD I am all powerf- You: *CLICK CLICK* Me: OKAY! Okay... Just put the Shot gun down.... 0.o You: >D *Pokes you with it* HURRY UP SLAVE! Me:....>.<;!!!OKAY! ;_; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You twitched lightly. Everything around you was damp, and you felt stiff and sore all over. It...smelled nice, where ever you were. Smelled like plants, flowers...water...You heard the sound of Rushing water. You were laying on top of your stomach, your arms just up by your head. You legs were in an awkward position. You used your arms to push yourself up weakly. You stared down at the floor. It was...stone? Yes! Maybe everything was just a dream! Your head flew upwards, and to your horror and disappointment, you were not in Kansas anymore. Just in front of you lay a Waterfall. And you were... behind the Water fall? You sat up and re positioned yourself onto your but. Turning around, you looked for a place to escape from. Nope, nothing. The back was a well polished Stone Cave. Perfectly round. How strange. You sighed and stood up, walking feebly over to the water fall. It wasn't as loud as a water fall should be. "Hello...?" You called out, and reached out for the water. You were shocked as the water began to split, moving to the side like a curtain opening. "What the-" The Light was bright, and you had to cover you eyes with your hand. It took a few moments before you realized there were gasps of surprise coming from all around you. You lowered your hand, and stared Awestruck at the Pond you had dreamed about. Except, there were people standing all around it, and it looked as if they had been praying moments before. They were dressed like some sort of...Monk? The one on the farthest end yelled something to the others, and they all fell silent. 'Home.' The word came into your mind once more as your eyes widened. The eldest one, closest to you took a step forwards and announced, "The Seamstress has Returned!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` REAL CLIFF HANGER! >D