Yeah, Once again, note that I am Canadian, and have never watched a speech from someone in the states my entire life. He said he was going to 'Spread the Wealth Around?' Let's face it, you're right. I say wait until we have someone who believes strongly in equality, rather then someone who doesn't. Honestly, all these people running for president go around and say things, but once they get into power they don't give a rats ass. I wonder if he'll be like that if he gets into the White House? Maybe, but who really knows about any of the other candidates? All I know is that George Bush might get charged with Breaking the 'Constitution'. (Personally, I hope he does.) And What's with Obama saying he's going to spread the wealth around? What wealth? I hear most banks and such have gone bankrupt from George spending so much on the war.
I personally think that There should be a first black President. I think it would show that blacks and whites are finally beginning to show equality。Even if this Obama guy isn't a good candidate, I want to see a black president in power. Finally, a symbol of equality. Maybe, just maybe, we can get this horrid hate to stop. The evil, stupid assumptions might finally start to ease. Or who knows, it might get worse. But you never know until you try, am I right? It might be good, it might be bad. I personally am eager to see what happens in the end of this all. I really want to see the first black president in power. It would be a HUGE point in History, and I want to be alive to see it.^^ Keep in mind I'm not saying you should vote for him. I'm not saying he should be president any time soon, I'm just saying, it would be a historical event. Plus I'm Canadain, so I'm just putting out my own opinion.
Any one like the fallowing bands? xD Alice Nine! The GazettE An Cafe Gackt(Randomly on here, I know! xD) And many others!
HOLY HELL WHERE? God damnit! Grrr... I said "I am a Death God!"
Yes. Very Much so. <3 Now wheres my Death Note again? *Searches*
It's true! xD I'm bored. Anyone want to talk about cheese? Or maybe even...YELLOW POLKA DOT PEOPLE????
Now, onto chapter five! Chapter Five I hate hospitals. Pain. That's all you seemed to feel. It was strange, this world you were in. You were disoriented, confused, in pain and could not for the life of you recall where you were. Breathing hurt. Your eyes felt unnervingly heavy. What happened last night? You tried to open your eyes, but couldn't. And you being the intelligent woman you are, tried to sit up. Uh-oh, bad idea. Immediately your head swam,and you felt a wave of nauseating pain come from your clenched stomach muscles. You allowed yourself to fall back down, which didn't help much either, seeing as you were laying on something hard and uncomfortable. You tried to shift your body to stop what ever it was that was poking into your back. Why were you so uncomfortable? That's when you remembered, the fight. Jessica. The park. Alarm slowly rose its way back up into your stomach. What time was it? Oh, you were so dead! You clenched your jaw tightly and attempted to roll over. You are and legs felt heavy, whilst the rest of you felt pain. Especially your stomach. Surprisingly, you managed with much effort, to roll over onto your stomach. Uahg. The weight on your stomach was overwhelming you with pain. You bit down hard though and attempted to bare it. You tried to open your eyes again, this time with what little strength you had left. They fluttered open slightly, and all you saw, was this blinding amount of light and green. You shut them again, fighting back another wave of nausea. You couldn't help it. You collapsed, officially out of strength. You let out a small scream of pain as you landed on your stomach. Then, suddenly, just as you thought you were going to pass out again. You heard familiar voices in the distance. "Huh? Hey, guys, did you hear that? Sound like someones hurt! Lets go check it-" Black. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((FF-some time, where ever you know are.)) Beep.Beep.Beep.Beep. Over and over again. The faint sound of ticking, and the repetitive beeping was all you could hear. You were half awake, half asleep. And the beeping was beginning to piss you off. Angry and disoriented, you shifted. You weren't in the park anymore, that's for sure. The ground you were on was now comfortable and pleasantly cool. As you started to wake up more, you felt your senses coming back. The pain had dulled to a faint throbbing, your body feeling relaxed. You wondered where you were..then the beeping really kicked in. A hospital! Oh hell. Great. Your most favorite place in the entire world. Oh how LOVELY. You breathed in the smell of hospital deeply. Yuck. You felt groggy. Most likely from the pain killers. You body felt tingly all over. You swallowed. Your mouth was so dry. This time, you didn't even try to get up. You knew the pain it would cause. All of a sudden, you heard the door open, and then voices. "-Found her under a tree. Passed out. We don't know who attacked her, but what we do know is that she ruptured some of her external stomach muscles, and quite nearly broke her jaw." "And how much is this going to cost again?" You almost jumped with surprise, your fathers angry whisper came from your left. You heard you mother give her usual angry hiss that demanded silence. "And? How is she? Will She be okay?" Your mothers sweet, worried voice came from behind you. You almost threw up in your mouth a little. She could put on quite a show if she wanted too. "If it all heals well, yes. She should be fine." Your doctor had a cool, male voice to him. Kind of attractive, and even a little seductive. Weird.... doctors weren't supposed to sound hot. You dismissed the thought, though, after hearing your father speak again. "How long will she be in here? We don't have much mu- erm, Time, you see. We were planning something for the summer. I hope you know who did this too her, maybe you can get them to pay for-" You mother interrupted before he could make it any worse. "Thank you so much, Dr. Koaru. For all your help." She said in a voice that sounded like she was going to cry. Ha, fat chance. She could win a damn award with that ****. You could hear the sympathy in the doctors voice.. and something else too. What was it? You couldn't tell. "Now, now, don't cry, Mrs. Naru. She'll be fine. And you should really be thanking the boy who brought her in. Ah, what was his name again...? Ah, right, Riku. He was quite concerned, and even more so angry. Well, I'm off too tell her friends the news. You can have ten minutes with her, then I'm afraid you'll have to leave. She needs to rest, you know." His voice had become more distant. Alarm rose in your stomach... your parents. In the same room with you. Together. You heard footsteps and then something shut...silence. Uh-oh. "That little ***** is costing us a fortune!" You finally heard your father announce in an angry whisper. Oh great. "I know. First she so damn demanding and wants her own room, and now this! I've had it with her. We let her live in our own damn house and this is what we get?" She sounded even more pissed then your dad was over the munny. "...I say we let her live with us for a day or two more, then kick her out. She'll live with that Rika boy, that ****." You heard her hiss. Oh great. This was bad. First, they think you're demanding! Living with them? HA! Living there was a hell hole! 'If that's living, I might as well be dead.' You hissed angrily in your mind. You heard them walk out, slamming the door behind them. Yeah, like they were even going to stay for more then a minute, let alone ten! You fumed silently inside your mind. Hey, there was room in the Tree house at the Island, was there not? Oh, and his name is RIKU! Not RIKA! Rika is a freakin girls name, you- UGH! You felt anger grow inside your stomach. That's when you heard the door open, and someone else come in. No, there were lots of them. It was quiet, until you heard this huge CRASH!!!Then.... "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!" Sora's familiar voice popped up. You heard Kairi's laughter. "Sora, you idiot!" She said, and you heard her laughing at him. "Quiet you two, you'll wake her." Came Riku's voice. It sounded strained and wary. She giggled, and then cringed from the pain. "T-Too late." You managed to get out. "Water...." And you licked your lips. They were cracked and painful. "WHOA! Sorry! Water, okay there's a-OW! What was that for?????!!?" Sora voice came once more, it sounded like he was hit. "For being stupid. There was a water jug outside the room, I got some before I came in, baka." You tried not to laugh at Sora's stupidity, but failed and only ended up hurting yourself more. You groaned from the pain, and you felt someone come up beside you, carefully lifting your head a bit. "Say aaa..." You giggled. They have to stop doing that. You opened your mouth once more, and oh heaven, oh joy! Cold, sweet water poured into your mouth and drenched your once dry lips. You drank greedily until he pulled away from you, gently placing your head back onto the bed. You let out a soft sound of protest. "Sorry...No more." He said, and you could tell he was smiling. Suddenly, you got this, strange, feeling... like someone else was in the room.. besides those three. This feeling.. it irked you. You shifted uncomfortably in your bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!<3 Hope you likey! sorry about the shortness! >,<
愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛愛!!!!! <3 xd