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  1. Yashamaru
  2. Yashamaru


    Far away from the not that far...just a small apartment attached to several others that frankly looked much more well-kept than this one. Run down and everything smeared in dirt, the wallpaper was peeling and in some places entirely peeled off as if yanked on for several hours. The walls had holes roughly the size of a man's fist in several places. The floor was near invisible with the amount of sand, dirt and plywood covering it. In the center of a mound of dirt was a small lemon tree covered with red tipped thorns and bright green leaves. The red wasn't normal unless someone had pricked their finger numerous times on those thorns and never bothered to wipe off the blood. Bundled in the far corner, away from the sunlight streaming through a shattered window, sat a man with bright blue eyes. Black hair hung short in the back, long enough to touch his eyelashes in the front and even longer on the sides. It brushed against his shoulders as he shifted, his blue eyes fixated on the small lemon tree. He blinked slowly and shifted his gaze to the napping alley cat on top of his pile of jeans. A majority of them were torn, bloodstained or just covered with grass stains.

    "Rough night for you too, Cindy?" The cat opened one green eye and stared at him. "Me too. Sandy's not doing so great here. Maybe we should take her out." He pushed himself up from his corner and the cat, Cindy, as he'd called her, opened her other eye and watched him reach under her warm body for a pair of jeans. Brushing himself off, he decided his clothes couldn't possibly be any cleaner...which they could have been...and promptly snatched up the small lemon tree. Reaching his hands deep down into the mound of dirt, he pulled up the tree and it's small pot where its roots lie.

    Anxiously, he rubbed his dirt covered fingers on his white, button up shirt and glanced out the window. At least there wasn't anyone lurking outside...those damn guys in blue shorts carrying those bulging bags. He knew they were stealing pieces of his and the neighbors' was just a matter of catching them. They came and went, smiling and waving at his neighbors like they were their friends.

    Shaking off his suspicion, he pushed open his door, the only part of his home that wasn't in shambles, and hopped out into the sunlight. After a second thought, he marched back into his apartment and returned to the great outdoors with a gallon of milk in his hand and a pack of cheddar cheese stuffed into his back pocket and a thing of string cheese already wobbling in his mouth. Plant in one hand, milk in another, he kicked the door shut, not bothering to lock it, and swung his self over the railing of the stairs leading up to his apartment. The jarring sensation of his feet connecting to the ground suddenly made him bite off the last bite of his string cheese. Looking down a bit mournfully at it, he shrugged. Just another snack for Barks when he came by with his owner. Unless Larry came by again...
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Yashamaru

    Okay, well thank you, that was very helpful. Seems I stopped reading before things got really interesting. I'll have to read it anyways.
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Yashamaru

    That's a little unfair, don't you think? She can't control how fast her body heals. Can you control how fast you heal?
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Yashamaru

    Like I stated in the very first post I made here...Twilight_Nobody13 will be returning once she's healed. In case you missed that part of my statement.
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Yashamaru
  7. Yashamaru
    Goodness that's a lot to read. Maybe...a summary would be good.
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Yashamaru
  9. Yashamaru
  10. Yashamaru
    Profile Post Comment

    Yes, thank you, I've seen it.

    Yes, thank you, I've seen it.
    Profile Post Comment by Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013
  11. Yashamaru

    I don't have a skype, sorry.
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Yashamaru

    Wow really? I was sure something would be wrong. I'll start reading when I can.
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Yashamaru

    Indeed we do. You have a wide variety of interests. How curious.

    Name: Ash Lelou
    Age: 27
    Appearance: images/Anime-Guy27.jpg?newest=1
    Gender: male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Ability: Osteo-Regenerator
    Side Effect(s) : Increased intake of calcium via milk products and a vitamin supplement along with a drastically shortened temper and a lack of the self-preservation instinct.
    Personality: Due to his abilities Ash cares little about his own self and places himself lower than dirt on a scale of worth. Holding a high threshold for pain and discomfort, Ash often doesn't understand the meaning of "ouch" and thus can't comprehend physical pain in others. When irritated, as easily as that's achieved, he meets opposition with a stubborn wall of anger. Ash cares deeply about what he considers his friends, though his definition of "friend" is a bit loose and varies from human to animal to plant life, and fiercely protective of said "friends".
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Yashamaru
    This looks...really cool. I've never heard of the show, but I'd like to take part. I read you don't have to know of the show. I've never tried my hand at roleplaying...
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Yashamaru
  16. Yashamaru
  17. Yashamaru
    I don't think I could. She's always picked the strangest characters and made them seem...well less strange with a bit of mystery. Twili's an expert at making my head spin.

    Thank you very much. I'm a very patient person. ^^
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Yashamaru

    Kind of missing my point... I want her to smile want to talk to her other friends leave the hospital instead of sleeping all the time.

    Okay, I don't know who's left. I know she has a few favorites. I'd just like to know who's left and if you could keep them for her, for when she gets better and returns.

    As for me...lets see...I've been trying to look back through the pages to see who's taken and such, but I've been kind of busy. I haven't seen the others one question. Toshiro Hitsugaya (I think that's how you spell it) I'm a huge Bleach fan, but I think he's taken...right, or did I imagine that?
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Yashamaru, I don't know who the boss person, or...I don't actually know what you'd call them... of this rp is, but I'd still like to talk to them about Twili's characters. If you could tell me who that person is and when they'd be on, I'd be happy to discuss it with them.
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Yashamaru

    That's great. I'll have to let her know when she wakes up, which is every now and then. Oh, good...I guess the right person then to send the message to earlier... I guess that means I should wrack my brain for a minor character. I've watched Supernatural with Twili since it started. Such a fun series...though I called it on the angels.
    Post by: Yashamaru, Mar 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home