I beat Sora's Story in RE:CoM today, but i dont know how 2 get those key to rewards cards, ive been fighting 4 a while and havent gotten anything. anyone got any tips?
This is my very firsy siggy and i used GIMP to make it, so if there's any other gimpers out there who could give me some suggestions on how to improve, that would be highly appreciated. here's the sig: please comment!
Ok, this is a Naruto RP (duh) but its about when the naruto characters were slightly younger and still in the Ninja Academy. I will allow OC's.(I wont be using one) OC Form: Name: Age(make sure your not TOO old): Appearance: Original Clan(e.g-Hyuga, Nara, etc.): any inner creatures(e.g Naruto's 9-tailed Fox): Anything Else: I will take the place of Rock Lee. Its weird, i know, but lee's my favorite. Characters: Naruto:Bareri-San Sasuke: Sakura: Shikamaru: Ino: Choji: Neji: Lee:HeartlessOfLight Tenten: Kiba: Hinata: Shino: Iruka-Sensei: just post here if you want to join
Ok, i made this fan-dub thing but im not sure if i should continue with it, watch it and tell me what you think, please. ill rep all comments. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXf6iNCWYMU Its about Riku
i recently finished this AMV. its kind of....oh whats the word......amateurish, so, dont expect a perfect vid here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxUw7g0iwdI WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY
post your CoD4 custom classes here. Post weapons, Attatchments, Perks and anything else i may have forgot. (Ive only got 4 so far, but i might not remember them cuz i havent played CoD4 all day cuz i got the red ring of death T_T. they're names kinda self-explanitory) 1. AK-47: Its an AK-47 with the red dot sight. my side weapon is...whetever the 3rd one is, lol. perk 1: Bomb Squad. Perk 2:Sleight of Hand. Perk 3: Deep Impact. 2. dont remember 3. all i remember is that i have an M21 Sniper. 4. MP5: Its an MP5 with a Silencer, side weapon is....2nd one. Perks: 1- Caymore x2. 2- Stopping power. 3- Steady Aim. btw, my rank is 24. its low because i just got the game last weekend and i havent gotten much time to play
Its only 30 seconds because when I uploaded it I was in a hurry when I made the video, for reasons i cannot say. here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCsXUe7m6Jc&fmt=18
It's Also the very first AMV I Made period. http://youtube.com/watch?v=VcjSQRCT9o8 please tell me what you think about it.
As you can see by the title, its a Sonic and Kingdom Hearts RP. PM me if you ant to join. KINGDOM HEARTS Sora: Labomba Riku: MajorSeargent Kairi: Roxas:sora is cute Namine: Axel: Terra: Ven: Aqua: Master Xehanort: SONIC Sonic: HeartlessOfLight Tails: FinalForm Knuckles: FinalForm Amy:sora is cute Tikal: Eggman: Shadow: Fayt-Harkwind Silver: overload Blaze: Cream: Rouge: Emerl: Jet: overload Wave: Storm: Espio: overload Vector: Charmy: Nazo: Shadic: (Nazo and Shadic are Fan Given names from a Fan Flash called Sonic: Nazo Unleashed. Shadic is Sonic and Shadow fused together. Nazo is an Unused Character from Sonic X. Nazo is a Fan Given name by Chakra X, creator of Nazo Unleashed.) Only Mild Cursing can be used. No Sexual References allowed! You can also send me an IM on AIM of you want to join! I'm on right now.
I beat him at lvl 46 and I used the Star seeker Keyblade. I had 3 elixers and 2 ethers. My armor was Cosmic Band, and the difficulty was Proud Mode. How 'bout you guys?
Sonic: Attack of the Heartless Sonic was resting in his quiet home of the Green Hill Zone, minding how own business, when Tails Flew from the east screaming for help, “Tails! What’s Wrong?!?†Sonic Exclaimed, “Sonic, it’s horrible, these weird black creatures are attacking Angel Island! Knuckles is barely holding them off!†Tails yelled, “Alright then, let’s go.†Sonic pulled out a green Chaos Emerald, “Chaos Control!†said Sonic. A green light shined from the Chaos Emerald, and Sonic and Tails were teleported to Angel Island. They appeared in front of the Master Emerald, only to be ambushed by the mysterious “Black Creaturesâ€, Sonic was Spin-Dashing and Jumping everywhere, while Tails was using his Arm-Cannon, but they just kept coming. Sonic was surrounded by these creatures, they all jumped onto him, covering him in Darkness. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Sonic saw a light, and it grew brighter and brighter until it was blinding. When the light faded, the creatures were gone, and Sonic was wielding a strange blade. It was Blue, there was a long Blade with a Spike ball that looked like Sonics Spin-Dash near the tip of the right of the blade. The handle was blue, with a wavy blue Hand Guard. There was a Key chain coming off the end, at the end of the chain was something that looked like a green Chaos Emerald. “Whoa, now this isn’t something you see everyday, Ok, Let’s have some fun!†Not noticing that Tails was missing, he sped across the island, looking for more creatures to fight off. He found Knuckles knocked out behind a bush, covered in bruises and a black eye. Sonic woke him up, “Knuckles, what happened?†said Sonic, “S-Sonic, The creatures, they took the C-Chaos emeralds…†Knuckles lost consciousness. Stay Tuned for Chapter 2!
Hello KH-Vids! Im a newbie here! I Absolutely LUV Kingdom Hearts, then comes FF, then Sonic.