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  1. Lite
    Am I the only one who wtf'd at this?

    It looks iffy to me. If I do see it, I'd wait 'till it comes out on DVD.
    Thread by: Lite, Jan 23, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Lite
    For the last like 9 Years I've been going to a public charter school, and for 6 of those 9 Years, my grades were next to utter crap. With this being my first year of High School, I decided that I was going to try to do much better grade wise, and my mother suggested doing Online schooling, the K12 program to be exact, and so far, I've been doing way better than before. Now here's my problem: Since I'm no longer going to a public place for school every day, I'm afraid that it's going to affect me to the point of being an anti-social freak when I get into college. (By anti-Social freak I mean going out of my way to stay away from people and end up looking foolish when I get into a conversation.) Am I just being paranoid, or is this something I should be concerned about?

    Any and all thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.
    Thread by: Lite, Jan 23, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  3. Lite
    I've had this question in my head for a while. So:

    Yen Sid said that when a person's Heartless and Nobody are defeated, the original is restored. If that is the case, and if Xehanort returns in KHIII, beating him would release his heart, right? or would it just kill him? Because if his heart is re-released, Ansem (A.K.A Xehanort's Heartless) and Xemnas would be re-created. So it'd just be an endless cycle. Unless, of course, I'm wrong, and beating him would kill him.
    Thread by: Lite, Jan 19, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Lite
    I'm thinking of buying a gaming computer that's not at too high of a price, and I'm not too good at figuring out how good PC's are. if it's not too much trouble, could someone tell me how good of a setup this one is:

    If you could give an example of, say, what kind of games it could run, that would be great.
    Thanks to all in advance. :)
    Thread by: Lite, Jan 12, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. Lite
    As I'm typing this, its only been released on the Iphone/Ipod , Wii and PS3(correct me if im wrong).

    Sega claims that this game is the sequel that fans have been waiting 16 years for. Are they right? In my honest opinion, I would have to say yes! There's no messed up storyline, no crappy Voice Actors (No voices at all, actually), and its just Sonic and Eggman. Plus the level design is great in my opinion. They even brought back the Labyrinth Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog 1.

    I have 2 small complaints though...

    1.If you come to a complete stop, it takes a little bit to actually get moving, and even then, you have to hit a speed boost pad to actually get going faster.

    2. The game is kinda short, I got to the last zone in like an hour and a half.

    Not huge issues, so no big deal.

    Anyways, feel free to discuss.
    Thread by: Lite, Oct 12, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  6. Lite
    Ok, If anyone here played Modern Warfare 2, you should know by now that it had a multitude of problems, including that problem that made bullets pass through people, Host selection, or Deathstreaks, to name a few.

    Anyways, what would you like to see added or removed from CoD: Black Ops?(in terms of Multiplayer)

    I would LOVE to see the return of the War game mode, that was a blast to play in WaW. Also I would like to have the killstreaks to be reduced to 3 again, the multiple killstreaks in MW2 made the game un-balanced and irritating to play. Lastly, I would like there to be a playlist that removed all perks, killstreaks, gun attachments. Just you and your gun....and your team with their guns...

    Thread by: Lite, May 12, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Lite
    I have never played a Final Fantasy game in my life(i dont know if Dissidia counts), and i was needing to know which one i could start with. I wanted to start with VII, but i dont know of a place near my home that sells PS1 games. I was considering FFX but i wasnt too sure if that game is worth the $15 its being sold for. Also, do the Final Fantasy game stories tie into eachother? in other words, do i need to play the previous games to get what is going on? I know, i probably sound like an idiot to you Final Fantasy Veterans, but just bear(wrong spelling lol) with me here.
    Thread by: Lite, Jan 3, 2010, 19 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. Lite
    yeah, i wanted to buy God of War for PSP, and the PS3 Game and remakes(God of War Collection). but after reading the content sticker on the gamestop website, i know that i wouldnt be able to play it in front of my younger brothers because of the Nudity and Sexual Themes. is there a way to turn off those two things?
    Thread by: Lite, Dec 11, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Lite
    Ok, so I'm on the Chaos fight in the Shade Impulse section of Story Mode. Chaos is kicking my ass within like 45 seconds into the match.

    Here's my Character stats if u need them:

    Character: Cloud

    Level:32(This is most likely the problem)

    Brave Attacks:

    Neutral: Double Cut
    Toward Opponent: Climhazzard
    Away from Opponent: Blade Beam

    Neutral Air: Slashing Blow
    Toward Air: Rising Fang
    Away Air: Aerial Fang

    HP Attacks:

    Neutral: Cross-Slash
    Neutral Air: Braver


    Weapon: Hardedge
    Hands: Buckler
    Head: Leather Hat
    Torso: Silken Shirt


    HP Near Loss
    Ex Guage > 70%
    After Summon
    After 30 Seconds


    If there is any other info needed please let me know.
    Thread by: Lite, Dec 7, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Lite
    So yeah, i was playing Halo 2 Vista and i had just wrapped up the level Metropolis (or whatever level it is where you destroy the Super Scarab), and whenever i finish the level, the game crashes. i dont know whats going on, and i was wondering if there was a way to skip the level or something. Also, what i mean by "crash" is when the cutscene after the fight plays or is skipped, the screen goes black and i cant do anything.
    Thread by: Lite, Oct 13, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Lite
    Is it worth it? ive heard mixed reviews and most of them said it was good. one huge factor for me is the ad-hoc mode, do both players need the game to play it together?

    EDIT: sorry if this is a frequent question, if so please let me know
    Thread by: Lite, Aug 30, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Lite
    Ok, my friend is having some 360 problems,whenever my friend tries to load up a game on his xbox 360, it kicks him off of xbox live as soon as the game loads. The game keeps going to the main game menu, but if he tries to sign back in, it takes him to a screen that gives him the option to change or delete his password,there was some others on the bottom, but he sais he left to the dashboard too early to read the bottom options. i dont know whats going on, does any one here on kh-vids know?

    EDIT: if this is the wrong place to post this, please let me know.
    Thread by: Lite, Jul 11, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  13. Lite
    I'm going to get it, i played the demo and its not as difficult as it looks. the only hard part is switching between tracks, but thats what Warm up Mode is for. The demo was stiil good even though the didnt even let you play a song all the way through.

    anybody else getting this game?
    Thread by: Lite, May 29, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Lite
    The Story is a KH and Naruto Crossover, taking place while both the KH and Naruto characters are in their older versions.


    Riku was sitting in his bedroom, thinking of a way he could completely cleanse himself of darkness. He knew that Ansem's Darkness was still residing in his heart. "Maybe getting rid of this keyblade could help...." He thought to himself, "Sora could lend me one of his, that most likely wont work". He turned and looked at his clock, it read '1:43 am'. "its getting late, i should probably get some sleep". Riku crawled himself into bed and went into a deep sleep. Riku started to dream, he was in a large room, it had pillars with snake designs on it, in fact, just about everything in the room had a snake design on it. "Where am I?" Riku said to himself "My Lair" an ominous voice said from nowhere. Then Riku noticed that someone was standong over in the corner, the person stepped out from the shadow and revealed himself. He was tall, had long black hair, his skin white as snow, a purple belt-thing that twisted behind him. Riku stood up and drew his keyblade "Who are you?" Riku asked " I am Orochimaru, and I know how to rid you of your Darkness" he said.

    Hope you enjoyed the small preview i posted here, ill try to get the first chapter up soon. :)
    Thread by: Lite, May 15, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Lite
    its time to guess something about me :D

    guess it right and anyone can close the thread, guess wrong and ill add another question onto the first one.

    ok here goes:

    how old am i?
    Thread by: Lite, May 6, 2009, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Lite
    I'm not sure if this is the correct area to put this, but i could possibly be selling CoD: World at War and Army of Two, and there's 2 games i can choose from if i get enough money. Naruto: The Broken Bond or Ultimate Ninja 4: Shippuuden. I havent played any of these, so which is better?
    Thread by: Lite, Apr 24, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  17. Lite

    H3 DLC Help

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this, but i recently downloaded the Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack, and it works ok when i play them on my account, but when my brother tries to play them on his seperate account, it sais he doesnt have them. The weird thing is, is that when we both play together, it sais he has them, but not when he plays alone. Can someone possibly lend a hand?
    Thread by: Lite, Apr 18, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  18. Lite
    Ok, i rented Call of Duty 4 for the PS3 today, and whenever i try to play online, it wants me to update. when i try to update, it will go up to a random percentage, and stop right there. ive waited numerous times before to see if it will continue, but i just end up with an error message. for those of you who need to know, the error message sais "an error has occurred during the download process" or something to that extent. does anyone have any ideas?
    Thread by: Lite, Mar 12, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Lite
    Are they? because ive heard from the peepz at my school said they were either ok or they said they were crap. ive never played a pokemon game before, and i want to get the opinions of u game pros here at kh-vids.
    Thread by: Lite, Feb 21, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. Lite
    seriously, i need some new ones, all i have as of now is Ratchet & Clank: Size Matter and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2. any suggestions?
    Thread by: Lite, Feb 8, 2009, 17 replies, in forum: Gaming