Okay, before you say "Your computer doesn't have good enough specs", read the entire post. (I'm not saying my computer is god-like, but with my situation I doubt that's the issue.) I recently purchased Star Wars: The Old Republic, I can play it just fine when I'm in an out-doors area (In-game is what I mean, not literally playing the game outside), but whenever I go indoors, the FPS drops to a near unplayable level. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end or if it's a problem with the game itself. Here are my specs in case anyone needs to see them: CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 840T Processor Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200 RAM: 7gb If there's any other specs needed, I shall post them. Also, I am playing the game on the lowest settings possible, and it's the same: Good outside, horrendous inside. Any help is greatly appreciated.
-FFFFFFloor 10. it's really hard. 'Tis beginning to urinate me off! That is all.
This is a "preview" part of a story I have been working on lately. This is the only chapter I have done, but it takes place a little bit into the story. Any critique would be great, as I want to know a) If the idea is interesting to you readers, and b) If my writing ability is good enough to undergo such a trial. So without further ado, here's what I've got: Sora, Donald and Goofy finally left (will insert world name in full version) with little more than their weapons and equipment. As they flew through the emptiness of the multiverse, a call came in on the communicator. Donald answered the call and a large screen appeared before the trio. On the screen was the face of Cid Highwind. “Howdy-do.†He said in his usual southern accent. “We just finished up with (will insert info in full version).†Sora responded, paying no attention to the radar. “Ever since the gates separating this multiverse from the others opened, we’ve come across some really strange places.†Cid nodded. “I thought there’d be some…odd places out there. Say, why don’t you three come an—“Cid’s voice and video feed where cut off by a loud crash. Inside the Gummi Ship, there were no lights, everything had shut down. “Ouch…Why weren’t you watching the radar!†Donald quacked. “I was listening to Cid! Why weren’t YOU watching it!?†Sora retorted. “Say, fellas, don’t ya think we should check the damages to the ship?†Goofy asked, hoping the two would comply. Sora and Donald looked at eachother angrily, but they agreed. After managing to open the cockpit doors, they stepped outside to find themselves on the landing bay of a space station. “…Where are we?†Donald asked. Goofy spotted something on the outside of the station and pointed to it. “Frigate Orpheon…Doesn’t ring any bells with me. You guys?†Sora asked. Donald and Goofy shook their heads. “Well, we might as well head inside while the ship does it’s auto-repair thing.†Sora and his party walked through what looked like some kind of training program for a soldier. There were markers and targets all over the place. The weird thing about it was that it looked like it had been used. Sora disregarded it and continued to the entrance. The door looked really unusual, there was no knob or anything, it just glowed blue. “So, uh…How do ya open it?†Goofy asked, scratching his head. “Not sure…Maybe the keybla-“ Sora was cut off by an alarm and a woman’s voice playing over a microphone. “EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY.†The alarm blared over and over. Just as the alarm began to sound, a large pterodactyl-like creature emerged from the inside of the frigate, it’s back toward the three. “Run. Now.†Sora said, frozen in fear. Donald and Goofy quickly complied, dashing back toward the Gummi Ship, Sora right behind them. The creature turned around, eyeing the three like an animal eyeing its prey. “Oh, no. It saw us, keep going! We’re almost there!†Sora yelled. They finally reached the Gummi Ship, jumping inside as quick as possible. Sora, being the last one inside, closed the cockpit. “How far is the repair?†Donald asked. The monitor underneath the steering wheel read: ‘Repair Process: 87%’. “It’s done enough!†Sora said, igniting the ship’s engines. The ship chugged upward, preparing to take off. Before they could get going, an orange ship flew past them and toward the planet below. As the Gummi Ship began to take off away from the space station, the creature sped by, smashing it’s wing into their thrusters. The impact caused the ship to stall out and fall toward the planet below. “We’re gonna die, we’re onna die, we’re gonna die!!!†Sora yelled as they plummeted toward the planet below. I just wanna add that I know it's kinda messy in terms of spacing and stuff, that I plan on fixing later on.
Just recently I have been having some problems with my USB ports in the back of my Computer. They don't work. Period. The only way to get them to work is to run this program called Microsoft Fixit every time I turn on my computer. I think i may know the cause. I recently installed some drivers to my computer to be able to use my PS3 controller as a gamepad. I think it was Xpadder or something like that. My question is: Does anybody know how I can get the USB ports on the back of my computer to work again?
Cosmos, The Goddess of Harmony. Chaos, The God of Discord. The 13th cycle had ended long ago. Since then, the warriors that the God and Goddess had been using to fight their war had either fallen while fighting in the War of the Gods or by some other means in their own worlds. It was then that Chaos and Cosmos had come face to face to discuss the issue. "Cosmos. I come to you to discuss an issue both of us currently have. The warriors we have been using to fight this war are no more. There are none like them left in that part of the universe." Cosmos nodded. "I am aware. We must find new warriors worthy of fighting. But the question is, who else in the universe is there?" The Gods pondered the question for a while. They eventually came across two worlds that were very similar to each other, and chose to summon warriors from both of those worlds. The warriors have been summoned, and the battle will soon begin. RP HAS BEGUN. PLEASE GO TO THE OOC THREAD TO JOIN. Chaos Characters read this: Spoiler "Greetings, Warriors. I am known as Chaos, the God of Discord. I have summoned you here to fight for me against the warriors of the Goddess, Cosmos. Defeating her chosen will lead you to the goddess herself, and her eventual defeat, leaving the universe to me." Chaos snapped his fingers, which created a black wormhole on the ground in front of his throne. A man wearing a maroon suit stepped out from the portal, bowing to those in front of him. "This is Mr. Miles Edgeworth. He will be observing the battle for me and reporting any...transgressions." "Pleasure to be of service, my lord." "Now go, my subjects. Show me that I did not make a mistake in choosing all of you." The gates that were blocking the stairs from Chaos's throne opened, allowing the warriors to leave. Cosmos Warriors read this: Spoiler "Welcome, my chosen. I have brought you here today to ask for your help." The Goddess stood up from where she was sitting, stepping closer to her warriors. "Many eons ago, a different group of warriors fought for me, collecting 10 crystals that would give them the power to win this war. Those crystals have since been destroyed. What I ask of you today is to keep the warriors of Chaos, the God of Discord, at bay until I can figure out an alternative to the crystals. For without them, we cannot win this war." Cosmos created a light portal, out of which came a man in a blue suit with spiky, black hair. "This is Mr. Phoenix Wright. He will watch over you as you fight." "Happy to be of service, Your Highness." "Now go, fight to protect the fate of your worlds!"
This my first real attempt at creating an RP, so bear with me if it's not perfect. Cosmos, The Goddess of Harmony. Chaos, The God of Discord. ...Sounds familiar, right? Well that's because it is. Marvel vs Capcom needs a story behind it, and what better way to rip off another crossover story in order to do it? Anyways, back to the nitty-gritty. Spoiler The 13th cycle had ended long ago. Since then, the warriors that the God and Goddess had been using to fight their war had either fallen while fighting in the War of the Gods or by some other means in their own worlds. It was then that Chaos and Cosmos had come face to face to discuss the issue. "Cosmos. I come to you to discuss an issue both of us currently have. The warriors we have been using to fight this war are no more. There are none like them left in that part of the universe." Cosmos nodded. "I am aware. We must find new warriors worthy of fighting. But the question is, who else in the universe is there?" The Gods pondered the question for a while. They eventually came across two worlds that were very similar to each other, and chose to summon warriors from both of those worlds. The warriors have been summoned, and the battle will soon begin. NOTE: I'm not going by the actual story past the 13th cycle , so weather or not there actually was a 14th cycle does not matter here. Also, if Chaos ever died or anything (Not sure if he actually did), disregard it. Chaos is alive and well here. ^^READ THAT^^ First off, I know the Dissidia idea has been used quite a bit, but there's nothing wrong with using something that works, right? Anyway, on to the rules: 1.What I say goes. Not to sound like a d1ck, but, unless specified by me, I am the only rule maker...guy. 2. No godmodding, rule-breaking, blah blah blah. You know the drill for this part. 3. You may have up to 3 characters per alliance. 4. I allow only one switch from Chaos to Cosmos and vice-versa per character. This includes if you already have 3 characters on the side that the character is switching to. 5. Minimum 2 sentences per post. 6. If there is a character that is not on the list that you would like to be added, send me a PM and I'll consider it. (In the beginning there shouldn't be a problem, but as more are added some characters might not make it through.) 7. I will control the Gods, Cosmos and Chaos, and the Villain characters, who's identities will be revealed as time goes on. 8. If you read all this, put "Fate of Two Worlds" in your post. Now, onto the character list (NOTE: Not all characters may end up being used): Captain America Iron Man War Machine Hawkeye Thor Spider-Man The Incredible Hulk Cyclops Wolverine (HeartlessOfLight) Storm Gambit Angel Beast Iceman Colossus Cable Deadpool (Fayt-Harkwind) X-23 Mr. Fantastic The Thing Invisible Woman The Human Torch Doctor Strange Nova Iron Fist Ghost Rider She-Hulk Phoenix Taskmaster Blade Ryu Ken Chun-Li Cammy Crimson Viper Morrigan Felicia B.B. Hood Jon Talbain Dante (Ventus108) Trish Vergil (DarkTraitor) Nero Viewtiful Joe Sexy Silvia Amaterasu (Ventus108) Mike Haggar Hugo Andore Mega Man X (Ventus108) Zero (Ventus108) Axl Mega Man Volnutt Tron Bonne Strider Hiryu Chris Redfield Jill Valentine (Before Wesker got her) Sir Arthur Nathan "Rad" Spencer Jin Saotome Frank West Samanosuke Akechi (Requested and Reserved by TwilightBlader) Jubei Yagyu (Requested and Reserved by Fayt-Harkwind) Like I said, Not all of the characters HAVE to be filled, I just made a large list so there is a lot to choose from. You may request one that's not on the list via PM if you wish. Also, I will put a strike through the characters as they are taken to avoid confusion. Here's a character sheet to make things easier. Username: Character Chosen: God they fight for: (Chaos or Cosmos) Short description of character: (For those who may not know much about the character you chose)
Alrighty, here's the thing: I installed the homebrew channel on my wii specifically to use Texture, sound etc. Mods on Brawl, only to find out later that there's a way to use them WITHOUT the HBC. My wii is currently on version 4.3u and I want to remove the HBC as it makes playing regular games a pain in the backside to play. Would updating my system do the job? Or is there something I have to do manually? Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
First off, I just want to say, that this is NOT a "Which is better?" thread, it's a "What's your opinion?" thread. Just thought I'd put that out there. Fighting games. The genre of Video games where one (or more) character(s) are put against one (or more) other character(s). They both fight it out until the opponents Health Gauge is depleted. (Or in the case of Super Smash Brothers, Enough points are earned/You are the last one standing.) So here's my question for those who enjoy fighting games over other genre's: Which style of fighter do you like best, 2D or 3D, and why? Examples of 2D fighters would be games like Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Blazblue etc. Examples of 3D fighters would be Soul Calibur, Tekken, Bloody Roar, etc.
...I feel old. Do YOU feel old?
[video=youtube;T5y4DtkFO00]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5y4DtkFO00[/video] I did this mainly to see what it looks like on youtube. If anybody's got any ideas on how to improve the video in terms of quality, feel free to post it here, I would really appreciate it! By the way, ignore the sucky gameplay included here. :lolface:
Okay, At the end of this year, there are 3 games that I am looking forward to, but I can only get 2. The games are as follows: Gears of War 3 Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Sonic Generations I say I can only get 2 because I can only get one for Christmas and the other I can earn money for (I don't get paid frequently enough to be able to pay for more than one out of my own money.) So, what are your opinions? Which one should I pay for on release date, which one should I get for Christmas and which one should I just hold off on? Any and all opinions are appreciated.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Since the rumor of this game has been confirmed for quite a while now, I thought I'd update this thread with accurate info. First off, all trailers for the game as of now: Character Overview Trailer- Spoiler [video=youtube;oVVT8XadsHk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVVT8XadsHk[/video] Ghost Rider Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;Y8xmmrGk3UM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8xmmrGk3UM[/video] Strider Hiryu Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;ov88o4hq5-E]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov88o4hq5-E[/video] Hawkeye Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;cMi0mXRuNv0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMi0mXRuNv0[/video] Firebrand Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;u60-L4SOuoU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u60-L4SOuoU[/video] Dr. Strange Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;ObUF8bn60Vk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObUF8bn60Vk[/video] Nemesis T-Type Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;4EO_9w608Ig]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EO_9w608Ig[/video] Iron Fist Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;LUkr8wo3DBM]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUkr8wo3DBM[/video] Vergil Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;8AE_o6LDwfk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AE_o6LDwfk[/video] Tokyo Game Show Trailer- Spoiler [video=youtube;QkUuZP5ELMk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkUuZP5ELMk[/video] Nova Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;gz4hfMYSiSs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz4hfMYSiSs[/video] Phoenix Wright Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;SZBXsZi3g88]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZBXsZi3g88&feature=relmfu[/video] NYCC Trailer- Spoiler [video=youtube;Z2sUfcb4yu0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2sUfcb4yu0&feature=feedu[/video] NYCC 11 Cinematic Trailer- Spoiler [video=youtube;csXJGZC2-Bs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csXJGZC2-Bs[/video] Heroes and Heralds Mode Trailer- Spoiler [video=youtube;e1heEK-8aa8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1heEK-8aa8&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] *NEW* Frank West Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;CwyV7ZQL7AI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwyV7ZQL7AI[/video] *NEW* Rocket Raccoon Vignette- Spoiler [video=youtube;4hDjttNGgYA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hDjttNGgYA&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] Alright, now onto the details: Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is an updated edition of the popular Capcom fighter Marvel vs Capcom 3. In this rendition, 12 new fighters are added to the mix, 8 new stages, a Spectator mode for Online lobbies, and more modes to be announced. The game will be released on November 15th, 2011 in the US, November 17th, 2011 in Japan and November 18th, 2011 in Europe. Pre-Order Bonuses: Pre-Order at Gamestop and recieve: Spoiler The Femme Fatale Costume Pack. This pack includes Chun-Li's Street Fighter Alpha costume, Storm's Morlock costume, X-23's X-Men Evolution costume, and Morrigan's Business Attire costume. Pre-Order at Amazon.com and recieve: Spoiler The New Age of Heroes Costume Pack. This pack includes Strider's "First Strider" costume, Dr. Doom's "Doomwar" costume, Sentinel's Classic X-Men costume, and Akuma's Cyber-Akuma costume. Pre-order from Best-Buy and recieve: The Villans Costume Pack. This Pack includes: Agent Suit C. Viper: Spoiler S.T.A.R.S Wesker: Spoiler Black Suit Super-Srull (Don't know exact name): Spoiler Elvis M.O.D.O.K: Spoiler More information will be added when revealed.
I saw Halo 4 had a thread, but this one didn't, sooo... Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is an HD Remake of the original Halo, along with major graphical updates, there is Co-op Campaign, locally(I think) and Online, and Competitive Multiplayer over Xbox Live, which was not included in the original Halo: Combat Evolved. Here's a trailer: [video=youtube;gEuCT3kSH_s]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEuCT3kSH_s[/video] I never got the chance to play the original Halo, so I'm really looking forward to this one! Anyways, enjoy and discuss.
This one's for the Metal fans of the site. When I say Metal, I'm including all sub-genre's (Thrash, Speed, Death, etc.). You could include Rock in here, since that's where Metal originated. So, What are your opinions of one of the heaviest musical style's? To me, The heavier the better. That being said, I absolutely dread the Death Metal vocal. It just ruins the song for me.
Who the fawk is Gorg and why has he sent me the same PM 3 times in the last hour? On a lighter note....There is no lighter note.
And There are these crowns floating all over the place. Might someone explain what they are for? Also, Is Spoiler Limit Form Unlocked through story progression or special conditions?
And it's....Well, just take a look yourself: [video=youtube;lC_m0kUM5LY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC_m0kUM5LY[/video] From the small amount of info I have dug up, it's called Sonic Generations. That's it. Since there's no real gameplay or anything I can't really give an opinion, so.... Discuss. EDIT: Here's a gameplay trailer that was released a couple days ago: [video=youtube;2JxWsjSnGHI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JxWsjSnGHI[/video] To me it looks very promising. With Classic Sonic having Classic gameplay and Modern Sonic with Unleashed/Colors gameplay, this could be the best 3D Sonic game yet. In my opinion, anyway. It is set to be relased Holiday 2011. EDIT AGAIN: Here's a much more clear gameplay video showing both Classic and Modern Sonic's gameplay. Sound and everything. http://www.4players.de/4players.php...6733/71509/Sonic_Generations/Spielszenen.html Awesome music remixes, if I do say so myself.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzfQwXEqYaI&feature=feedf Gotta love those perfect vocals. Plus it has a good moral.
Yes, this is a Halo RP. (I didn't know if this belonged in the Sci-Fi area or if that was for original ideas, so if it does belong there, please move it.) The year is 2525 (Around the time of Halo Wars). Planet Harvest is under attack by the Covenant, and the Spartans have been sent to hold off this threat. Your first mission: Protect the O.N.I Science Lab in Fortune City. Rule 1: No Godmodding. 'Nuff said Rule 2: Follow the orders given, Don't go off and screw around with something else. That being said, you could add in some witty banter from your character to make it interesting. Rule 3: You are all Spartan II's. Just Throwing that out there. Rule 4: Keep language (and Romance, if there is any) PG-13. Rule 5: ...There is no Rule 5 So I know you read this, put "Spartans Never Die, they're just Missing in Action" In your first post. Also, I will play the part of your commanding officer, who will also be a part of the fight at times. He mainly stays on-board the Pillar of Honor. Alrighty, here's the character sheet: Username: Character's name(First and Last preferably): Service Tag(First initial then three numbers, for example: N123): Weapon of Choice: Head Appearance(Since Spartans never really take off their armor): Other: You've been given your mission, Spartans. Now get out there and make me proud!
I'm thinking of buying Steam's Weekend deal thingy, which includes Assassin's Creed (1), Call of Juarez: BiB, Farcry 2: Fortune's edition and Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Now here's my question, with my computer specs (shown below), would I be able to run them ok? I'm not the best when it comes to that kind of stuff. Ok, I'll try and explain my specs as good as I can: I have an AMD Phenom II X4 840T Processor, 5.7 Gigs of RAM, Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (build 6700) 64-bit, My video card is an ATI Radeon HD 4200, my Sound Card is a Realtek High Definition Audio, I have 832.4 gigs of Hard-drive space. If there's anything, let me know.