Yeah, I know I posted a thread about this before, but it's gotten worse since then. Before, it was the USB ports on the back of my computer that weren't working, but I could still plug my mouse and keyboard into the front USB ports. Now NONE of the USB ports work. I think I know how it happened, but what I don't know is how to fix it. I installed the PSP Type B drivers to use RemoteJoy on my computer, and after the installation finished, everything USB related stopped working, which in my case is just the Mouse and Keyboard. I tried restarting my computer, but to no avail. Now I'm completely unable to use the computer whatsoever. I've tried using other keyboards and mouses, but none of them worked. If anyone's got any information, I would greatly appreciate it.
Anybody heard of these guys? They're a Hard Rock band, similar to bands like Breaking Benjamin. They're not very popular right now, which is surprising, seeing as they've got some really good songs. Here's a couple of my favorites:
Anybody know what I'm in for when it starts?
OOC THREAD Cosmos, The Goddess of Harmony Chaos, The God of Discord Long before Chaos and Cosmos took warriors from the universe we know as Final Fantasy, their options were much wider. At least, it seemed wider for them. You see, they chose warriors from universes we know as Marvel and Capcom, yet within those universes lie countless worlds, each inhabiting battle-ready warriors. Now begins the battle for the fate of the Multiverse. Now for the rules: 1. Be kind to other role-players. We don't need fights breaking out. If you have a problem, please kindly bring it to their attention and attempt to work it out as politely as possible. 2. Don't Godmod/Powerplay. Only I can do that. Don't worry, I'll only do it when it's absolutely necessary. 3. No killing off other character's without the owner's permission. That's just rude. 4. Once a character is taken, it's taken. No exceptions. 5. For now, we're going to start with a maximum or 2 characters. I'll be playing four at first, but that's because of the story. I'll most likely raise that limit as time goes on. 6. I'll allow swearing, but don't go overboard with it. There are children on this website. 7. Have fun! That's what RPing is all about, right? MARVEL: Venom- DarkTraitor Cletus Kasady/Carnage- Boy Wonder Iron Man- NemesisPrime X-23- Ventus108 CAPCOM: Vergil- DarkTraitor Phoenix Wright- ÃeađρooᏝ Miles Edgeworth- ÃeađρooᏝ Samanosuke Akechi- TwilightBlader X- Machina Zero- Boy Wonder Amaterasu- Ventus108 Characters with Red-Colored names are Chaos Warriors. Characters with Cream-Colored names are Cosmos Warriors. This time around, Cosmos and Chaos have taken locations from both of these worlds to form the battleground, though there are still some areas that were there to begin with. The map below will show where each location is: Spoiler: World Map Areas with Red-Colored names are Chaos-Controlled Areas with Black-Colored names are Neutral Areas with Cream-Colored names are Cosmos-Controlled. Now for each faction's intro: Cosmos Spoiler In the sanctuary sat Cosmos, The Goddess of Harmony, where she had just finished explaining the situation to her new warriors, Vergil, Iron Man, Samanosuke, and X. "...So you see, that is why I have brought you here, to fight the forces of Chaos and help protect peace throughout the Multiverse." She said to her warriors. "Before I give you your first assignment, allow me to introduce my assistant. Mr. Wright, could you come here please?" Cosmos called. Next to her throne, a small light glimmered, and suddenly it grew much brighter before fading almost instantly. At Cosmos's side now stood a tall man with black, spiked-back hair, wearing a blue suit. He held several papers in his hands. "Reporting for duty, Cosmos." The man said. Cosmos smiled at him. "Everyone, this is Phoenix Wright, he will be providing you with the information you need to carry out your mission." Cosmos said before Phoenix stepped forward. "Right. So your first mission is to capture the city of Fortuna, just west of here. The reason we're sending you is because there have been several demon sightings there and we need to cleanse it before the demons leak out into the other areas." He explained. "Before you go, I've got maps for each of you." He stepped up to Vergil, "One for you..." Then Iron Man, "One for you..." Then Samanosuke, "One for you..." Then X-23, "One for you... Then to Amaterasu, but he had to place the map in her mouth, "One for you... And finally X, "And one for you. There. Any questions before you set out?" Chaos Spoiler Sitting upon his throne in the Edge of Madness was Chaos, The God of Discord. After explaining the reason why he took the warriors from their worlds, he called his assistant. "Edgeworth! Come back here immediately!" Chaos called. In front of his throne in a ball of flame was a man wearing a dark red suit. "At your service, my liege." The man said, bowing to his master. "Give them the details on their first assignment." Chaos ordered. "Certainly. But before that allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miles Edgeworth, an expert persecutor and one hell of a-*ahem* excuse me, I meant to say Chaos's assistant. Now, on to your first assignment." Miles said as some papers appeared in his hands in a ball of flames. "On this map you will see that we are in the area marked as "Throne of Chaos". Outside of that is Hell. A demon named Mephisto runs that place, but he has been ordered to keep his demons at bay while you move through it. You must traverse through Hell and up the "Stairway to Damnation" to reach this area here, the "Lake of Souls". You must capture it by defeating the rogue demons that inhabit the area." He explained as he gave a map to each warrior. "Once you have successfully completed your mission, you will report back here immediately. Any questions?" Now you've got your intro's, so you may begin.
MAIN THREAD Alright, I know what you're thinking, "Didn't you just make this RP a few months ago?" To answer your question: Yes, I did. However I put little thought into it and it ended up failing, which is why, after some serious thinking and re-doing of some of the plot, I've decided to reboot this RP and start over. That long character list that took up half the post the first time around? Gone. If the character is from a Marvel Comic or Capcom Game, they're already accepted. Now for the re-done plot: Cosmos, The Goddess of Harmony Chaos, The God of Discord Long before Chaos and Cosmos took warriors from the universe we know as Final Fantasy, their options were much wider. At least, it seemed wider for them. You see, they chose warriors from universes we know as Marvel and Capcom, yet within those universes lie countless worlds, each inhabiting battle-ready warriors. Now begins the battle for the fate of the Multiverse. Now for the rules: 1. Be kind to other role-players. We don't need fights breaking out. If you have a problem, please kindly bring it to their attention and attempt to work it out as politely as possible. 2. Don't Godmod/Powerplay. Only I can do that. Don't worry, I'll only do it when it's absolutely necessary. 3. No killing off other character's without the owner's permission. That's just rude. 4. Once a character is taken, it's taken. No exceptions. 5. For now, we're going to start with a maximum or 2 characters. I'll be playing four at first, but that's because of the story. I'll most likely raise that limit as time goes on. 6. I'll allow swearing, but don't go overboard with it. There are children on this website. 7. Have fun! That's what RPing is all about, right? Now that we have that out of the way, it's time for the form: Username: (Self-explanatory) Character of choice: (Also self-explanatory) Marvel or Capcom: (Are they from Marvel Comics or Capcom Games?) Alliance: (Chaos or Cosmos?) Series of origin: (What series are they from? Ex: X-Men, Street Fighter, etc.) Quick Bio: (A little info on your chosen character) MARVEL: Venom- DarkTraitor Cletus Kasady/Carnage- Boy Wonder Iron Man- NemesisPrime X-23- Ventus108 CAPCOM: Vergil- DarkTraitor Phoenix Wright- ÃeađρooᏝ Miles Edgeworth- ÃeađρooᏝ Samanosuke Akechi- TwilightBlader X- Machina Zero- Boy Wonder Amaterasu- Ventus108 Red-Colored names are Chaos Warriors. Cream-Colored names are Cosmos Warriors. This time around, Cosmos and Chaos have taken locations from both of these worlds to form the battleground, though there are still some areas that were there to begin with. The map below will show where each location is: Spoiler: World Map Red-Colored names are Chaos-Controlled Black-Colored names are Neutral Cream-Colored names are Cosmos-Controlled. We shall begin as soon as we've got some more participants. This time around I'll try to make it more entertaining for everyone.
[video=youtube;uAix3_TzOls][/video] This is still brilliant, but not as brilliant as the above: [video=youtube;RKvUsYfSr4o][/video] This has made me more hype for this than when Jin was announced. /nerdgasm:over
Alright, so my brother's Vita started acting up today and we're not sure what's going on. After a series of events, my brother tried to turn off the Vita, but instead the system only showed a spinning circle on the screen, and the PS button began flashing. Over time, the screen went black, but now (about 4 hours after it started) the PS button is still flashing. Here's a quick rundown of what happened before the issue started: He was playing the Unit 13 demo, when suddenly the sound just cut out. He made sure the volume was up, and he was still able to play, but there was no sound whatsoever. He then exited the demo, taking him to the home screen. Then he attempted to start the demo again, but after he tapped the little Unit 13 Demo App bubble on the home page, nothing happened. The bubble went to the middle of the screen, but nothing prompting him to start the game ever appeared. It was at this point that he attempted to power off the system, only to get the spinning circle and flashing PS button. We've tried holding down the power button for several minutes (which is really all we can do since we can't get to the battery), and got nothing. Did my brother get a faulty system, or is there a solution to all this? This is one of the first edition bundle Vita's. Any help is appreciated.
Why do my eyes want sleep but my brain won't let them. I didn't sleep at all last night...And now I feel like a zombie. Somebody get me a Dew.
Welcome, one and all, to the Disorganized Organization of Organized Deadpools Society, or D.O.O.D.S for short. Here you can hang out with your fellow Deadpools, practice your fourth-wall breaking skills, and practice for field work, all while awaiting the chance to be hired by a single customer, or an entire group! There are some rules, believe it or not, that come with being an honorary Deadpool. They are as follows: Rule #1: I am the Deadpool among Deadpools. Any rules placed by me are to be followed to the blood-coated letter. Failure to understand and follow this rule will get you kicked our of the society. Or worse. Rule #2: If you have a problem with another Deadpool within the society, even if it's me, please bring it to my attention, we don't need senseless arguing within the society. If it's with another Deadpool, I will issue a warning. A second infraction will get them "removed", if you catch my drift. If it's with me, I'll do my best to fix the problem. However, DO NOT come to me if you've got an issue with following rules. Rules are placed for a reason. Rule #3: Keep the cursing at a minimum. While we may be Deadpools, who are known for being foul-mouthed jerks, there are rules on KHV that need to be abided by. Rule #4: If you are hired by a member/group, run it by me before carrying out the order, and after the job is complete. Rule #5: This is a rule for those hiring one of our Deadpools: DO NOT post here when hiring one or more of us. Send the person(s) you are hiring a PM or VM, that way there is less of a chance of your plan being discovered by the one that you are going after. Rule #6: If you ever, EVER, attack another Deadpool within the society, you are automatically removed, and your name will be plastered on a black-list. So don't do it! Rule #7: To join, just post in this thread saying you want to join. I'll give you an assigned name and position within the society as quickly as I can. Rule #8: Don't make this into a serious ordeal. This is meant to be fun. Okay, now for some extra stuff to make things interesting: TROPHIES! Yes, trophies. Trophies are earned by completing certain objectives within the society. Simple, right? One Of Us Become an honorary Deadpool! Your spandex and weapons are in the next room.Earned by: DarkPool, NemePool, NoPool, RienPool, DeadMari, DroidPool, DeadBush, DeadMaster, DeadDaxa, DeadPrentice I've got a little "Job" for ya... Get hired by another member to "take care of" an annoyance for them. Proof of being hired must be shown before trophy can be earned. Earned By: RienPool Mission: Accomplished! Completed a job for another member. A screenshot with proof of payment, or one with proof of job completion must be shown before this trophy can be earned.Earned by: RienPool, DarkPool, ÃeađρooᏝ, NemePool, NoPool Ol' Buddy, Ol' Pal! Become friends with another Deadpool within the society. A screenshot with proof is required before this trophy can be earned.Earned By: DarkPool, ÃeađρooᏝ, RienPool, NemePool, NoPool, DroidPool 4th Wall? What 4th Wall? Show the 4th Wall who's boss by breaking it. How do you do it? That's a secret you'll have to find out on your own.Earned by: NoPool, RienPool, DeadBush, NemePool Level Up! Earn your first level-up within the society. Shouldn't be too hard. Earned by: DarkPool, RienPool, ÃeađρooᏝ, NemePool, NoPool Wait, there's a 5th wall!? Break the 5th Wall. (Only Obtainable by Bushy) Earned by: Bushy, and only Bushy That's all there is for now, but there'll be more added in the future. Jobs and Hiring This section will explain the process of hiring, performing a job, and payment. Part 1: Hiring *UPDATED* As of 4/7/2012, a Deadpool may hire another Deadpool to "take care of" someone, so long as it is not another Deadpool. However, we also have a strict rule against finishing someone off out of personal anger. We don't kill for ourselves, only for payment. Also, don't go around asking people to hire you to take out a certain individual you don't like. That'll land you a warning. Now for the part that non-Deadpools should read. When you wish to hire someone, simply VM or PM the Deadpool of your choice with the details of who you want them to take care of. Part 1.1: Hiring Groups When you or a group of people want to acquire the services of one or more of our Deadpools, PM or VM ME, not those you want hired. Group jobs are a much more involved process and need to be thought out within the society before they are performed. Your job will still be carried out, just not as quickly as a 1-person job. Part 2: Performing the job Performing jobs is incredibly simple when it's a one-man operation. Once you have your target, you find them, and leave them a VM with the following: "Bang. -Deadpool". The only difference between this example and yours, is that you would put down your assigned name instead of Deadpool. For example, let's say that a user named "SoraDude" just carried out a job, he would leave this message: "Bang. -SoraPool". His assigned name is SoraPool, so that's what he would leave on his target. Part 2.1: Group Jobs In the case of a group job, the one hiring would come to me with the information including the targets, and the amount of Deadpools needed to take out those targets. Once I have that information, I would choose members of the society and assign them specific targets out of the group of targets given. Once chosen, I will issue the order to move out. As soon as that order is given, all selected Deadpools will go as quickly as they can to leave their mark on the target. Once finished, report back here with proof that you finished your part of the job, and you'll have another success under your teleporter belt. Part 3: Payment Once a Deadpool has carried out and successfully completed a job, they must report back here by making a post showing their success. Once that post has been made, the person who hired that Deadpool must positively rep them for a job well done. This applies to group jobs as well. That is the payment system in a nutshell. UPDATE: Calling Card Thanks to our good friend RienPool and a friend of his, we now have a Calling Card. This is the picture you leave on your targets telling them who it is who took them out. Need a tutorial on how to place it on your target? VM or PM me, I'll be more than happy to explain. Spoiler: Calling Card Members List Head Honcho Deadpool- ÃeađρooᏝ - Available The Dark Falz Fragment-hunting Deadpool - DarkPool - Available The Deadpool with Many Enemies- NemePool - Available The First Premium Deadpool- NoPool - Available The first Puella Magi Deadpool- RienPool - Available The only Deadpool with "Dead" in their Assigned Name- DeadMari - Available The murdering, treacherous, evil Deadpool with a childhood grudge - DroidPool - Available The only Deadpool to break the 5th wall - DeadBush - Available The Keyblade Master Deadpool - DeadMaster - Available The Beautiful, Red-Haired Deadpool - DeadDaxa - Available The Apprentice of DeadMaster - DeadPrentice - Available The Dark Star Among Deadpools - DeadStar - Available The youngest of the Deadpools - DeadBoy7 - Available The DOOD who'd not afraid to share his name - JackPool - Available The Deadpool chosen by the Triforce of Courage - DeadHero - Available The Deadpool with the Buster Sword - CloudPool - Available
I think I'm in love. In other news, Groose is a d1ick. Stealin' my Loftwing an' sh1t.
At long last, Capcom has announced that a fifth entry in the Ace Attorney series is in production. No other details, other than the logo, were reveled. Here's the logo: Along with this announcement, it was also announced that the first 3 Ace Attorney titles are being released on iOS and Android platforms, in the form of Ace Attorney 123. Info for Ace Attorney 123 can be found here. So what do you guys think? Ready for Pheonix Wright and/or Apollo Justice to return yet again?
So today I decided to turn on my Wii, only to find that no picture comes up when I turn it on. The console itself is working, remotes turn on when I press buttons on them and when I insert a disc I can hear the system reading it. I'm positive it's on the right channel, and I've made sure that all the cables are plugged in where they're supposed to be, all to no avail. Do I just have faulty cords or am I doing something wrong? I'm not sure if this is useful, but I'll add it anyway. I've had my Wii since 2006 when it came out, and only had to send it in once last year for repair due to disc-reading issues.
Looks like CyberConnect2 is taking some inspiration from SEGA. [video=youtube;c2_etvlS3LU][/video] (Similar trailer, but longer) [video=youtube;eK9CZelD72M][/video] Quick Summary: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations is the third in the "Storm" series of Ultimate Ninja games. In this iteration, Part 1 of the Naruto story and Part 2 collide, giving the entire Naruto and Naruto Shippuden story in one game. Plus, due to it's exclusion in Ultimate Ninja Storm, the never-before-seen Haku and Zabuza arc will be shown, adding even more to the story. Cutscenes will be a mixture of in-game graphics and brand-new Anime content. Some new characters to the series include: Young Kakashi, Obito Uchiha, The Five Kage, and many more.
Whenever I play the Sonic game in the arcade, I can't move when I begin the game. I can use the menu to select the mode and character I want, but when the level starts, I can't move. I've tested other games, and they work fine. Is it a problem with the game or is it possibly something on my end?
Two more posts 'till i can change this gawd-awful username, and theirs nothing to post in. Fffffffffffffffffffffff.......
[video=youtube;9VQmPgdvdoo][/video] It's because of that commercial that I will be using progressive. F*ck the price.
I am so fecking bored. Entertain me.
I really am at a loss at what to do. I really need some help with this, it's driving me insane. For the past twenty years, my parents have hated each-other. My mother is the victim in the situation, since she's treated like absolute shit by my father for everything she does, and in some cases hasn't done. My father is an alcoholic in every sense of the word. Every night he takes the small amount of money my mother makes and uses it on alcohol, no matter how much she asks him not to. Then, when he's already piss-drunk and called her every name in the book, he goes and buys even more. This has been going on for as long as I can remember, and it's only gotten worse and worse over the years. It's because of him that more than half of the money that was supposed to be used on Christmas gifts for me and my family was wasted away, because of his alcoholism. No matter what anyone sais to him, he doesn't believe spending the majority of my mother's hard-earned money is wrong. He doesn't believe that he's an alcoholic, he just blames it all on my mom, which is incredibly unfair. I've kept my mouth shut for years, and the bottled up anger is starting to get to me. Sometimes I feel like I want him to die from the alcoholism so neither me, my siblings, or my mother have to suffer anymore. I'm at my breaking point and I don't know what to do. The anger sometimes comes out and affects those I care about, and I don't mean for it to, and I end up making myself look like a jerk. Please, any advice on what to do is greatly appreciated.
As a late Christmas present, I am getting a 3DS, the special edition Zelda one to be exact, and I plan on getting one or two more games along with it, making a total of three. Since Zelda is already there, don't put that down. I was thinking about Super Mario 3D Land and Super Street Fighter IV 3D, but I want some recommendations from others to see what games you guys are playing and enjoying.
Whenever I change the forum skin from KHV4.0: Final Mix to KH-Vids 5.0 Dark (Or any skin, for that matter), the skin always changes back to Final Mix whenever I go to another page within the site. Any suggestions?