Riku stopped and turned to look at Miteta. "Yeah?" Mira walked over to Kairi and the others, with a bag over her shoulder. Her smile disappeared when she saw the looks on their faces. "What's going on?" She asked in confussion as she looked at the group, and then at Sora.
Okay... just as long as you don't take over another person's character, then I'm okay with it. :D
Riku sighed, knowing he's not good at comforting people... especially girls. "Let's just get this over with."
Sorry, I had to rush off to do stuff for my mom. I'm pretty sure he will care, since that is against the rules. Why not just wait until he gets on?
Riku quietly walked next to Miteta. "Where we going?"
This looks really good so far. :D It seems they're putting a lot of work into this. I like they're not "modernizing" the story, I don't like it when they do that... unless they did a good job. I know, I'm "old fashioned" XD Can't wait to see how this turns out.
Did she ever have Roxas romantically to begin with? Sure he cared a great deal about her, but there wasn't anything in there that gave me the...
Riku nodded his head a bit. "Alright, then let's get going." His voice having nothing, but kindness and concern in it.
lol! Maybe, I'm not sure. Everytime I do it, though, it always turns out that way where Xion and Roxas are no longer a couple. Guess it's my...
Riku looked over Miteta's shoulder at the message. Who is that? He wasn't sure since he didn't see the previous message. "Miteta... you still haven't answered my question. Do you want me to come with?" He looked at her. It's alright if she doesn't, Sora would be of use as well... or maybe Ryoku, or anyone who could stand up to whoever this is just fine.
aw... I tried to make one where Roxas and Xion were together, but it fell apart and turned into some drama thing and Xion eventually disappeared,...
Riku watched Miteta, still. "You didn't answer my question."
lol! I know. One time I made a video that was a love triangle, between Roxas, Namine, and Xion. In the end, Namine got Roxas... *sighs* the...
Riku watched Miteta. "Want me to go with you?"
Yes.... but I rather like Roxas, so personally I think he should be with me. XD But that's another matter completely.
Mira smiled. "Okay! I'll go get my stuff." With that, she turned and ran off down the street towards her house. Riku smirked as he watched Mira. Perhaps. Her sisters are rather controlling, and know exactly how to get their way as well. It wasn't out of the blue that they all suddenly had plans yesterday, so Mira would have to stay home and do their chores instead of going to the Blitzball game.
heehee! One time I got tricked into a Yaoi video. I was just playing it to listen to the song they were using (because I had heard the song before...
Mira smiled and nodded her head a bit, understanding exactly what Miteta's saying. Riku tried to hide his stiffness. I'm not a matchmaker, neither do I have the interest... but I will admit, I wouldn't mind seeing them together. Although, I'm not sure how her parents would react to Mira getting a boyfriend. Who knows what her sisters would do as well.
You actually took the time to watch that? I skip over them and go to something else.
Riku sighed. Alright... if it makes you happy, I'll answer the quesiton. Yes they were soft. Mira nodded her head a bit. "I see..." He looked at Mira. You know, sometimes I think she's been too protective. A major downside is her innocence really brings in guys I don't like and neither do her parents... and she probably doesn't like either. Like Kayoko, for example.