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  1. Bluelazor
    OOC: And Mira joined up with Kairi, Phenox, and Sora wherever they're at with her stuff for the sleepover, unknowing what's going on with Miteta. She noticed that everyone looked worried and asked what was wrong.

    That's a strange thing to promise. There's nothing wrong about crying, it's a good way to let your emotions go instead of bottling them up forever and ever. Being independent has it's positives and negatives, if you're too independent, like you promised yourself, then you'll be standing by yourself and probably end up pushing people away. There's nothing wrong with getting help from others. Besides, you've pretty much already broken that promise a lot today. Riku looked over at Ryoku. He quietly shrugged his shoulders as he continued hugging Miteta, as if to say he was sorry for the sudden silence.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bluelazor
  3. Bluelazor
    Riku watched Miteta, quietly putting his arms around her and hugging her in efforts to comfort her and calm her down. It's alright. You can't expect to be happy all the time. Heck, even Mira has her moments where she starts crying, and sometimes it's over nothing, and she's about as happy-go-lucky as Sora... maybe even more so.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Bluelazor
  5. Bluelazor
  6. Bluelazor
    Riku just let Miteta hug him tighter. He looked over at Ryoku and then back at Miteta, not saying anything, figuring she just needs to cry it out a bit.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bluelazor
  8. Bluelazor
    OOC: Sorry, you're gonna have to talk to MandyXRiku4ever about that. haha, yay for popping up at random. XD

    Riku looked at Ryoku. "It's sad that they die, but most of the time it is for the better for them." He looked at Miteta. "See? So there's no reason to blame yourself for what happened. It's better the kid lived, for even just a little bit than to have never lived at all."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bluelazor
    If that is the case, then wouldn't that mean Xehanort would return? I mean, Sora defeated his Heartless and then his Nobody in that exact order. So that would mean he would return in his original form. At least, that's what I'm getting out of this.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Bluelazor
    Riku just stood there, letting Miteta cry into his shoulder. "This may sound evil, but sometimes it's for the best when a child dies young. I mean... sure they miss out on a lot of really good things like making a lot of friends, but there's a lot of junk that they miss out on as well. They won't have to worry betrayal, or losing a friend, or all those other bad things we have to deal with. I'm not saying death is the way to escape our problems, but we shouldn't blame ourselves for when someone dies." He sighed again. "I'm not making any sense."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bluelazor
  12. Bluelazor
    OOC: lol! Hi there! Well, a lot has happened. Riku's basically saved Miteta a whole bunch of times so far (from Sephiroth, and her own step mother)... and let's see here... um... SoraUchiha made a new character named Kayoko (a bully, by the way) and had Kayoko attack Ryoku and make Mira extremely scared.... but that situation was solved with Riku cornering Kayoko and pretty much threatening him to leave them alone. Now Miteta's planning a little "girl's night in" at her house before school starts (and after the night party). And for this exact moment, Miteta and Riku are on their way to the little cave on Destiny Island to meet with Kayoko when Miteta stopped and started crying.... and talked of a kid she gave birth to whom she gave away to someone who could take care of him, but he passed away a few days ago.

    A sigh came out of Riku as he looked down at Miteta. "Hey, it's not your fault he's dead. You couldn't take care of him, so you did what you knew would be the best thing for him, which was to give him to someone who could. If you hadn't had done that, who knows if anything would be different."
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bluelazor
    Riku's eyes widened while watching Miteta, unsure what to say.
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bluelazor
  15. Bluelazor
  16. Bluelazor
  17. Bluelazor
  18. Bluelazor
    Riku watched Miteta. "Miteta... what is it?" He was clearly lost. What does Yuki have to do with this?
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Bluelazor
  20. Bluelazor
    Riku watched Miteta. "H-hey... what is it?"
    Post by: Bluelazor, Feb 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home