Riku sighed while remaining afloat, listening to Ansem. Immediately after his speech, Riku took a deep breath and went under water. He searched underwater until he found Miteta, snatched her and pulled her back up and onto the shore. "I honestly don't care why she has her rude moments, it doesn't justify it and make it okay to suddenly talk out like that. She should know better." Mira continued shaking while holding Sora tight, jumping in fright every time thunder striked. She wanted to get out of the rain and in the safety of shelter, but her fright wouldn't allow her legs the freedom to move to shelter.
Riku looked a head while running. "Fine... but I'm only doing it because you told me to." He scanned the ocean when he reached the dock for any sign of Miteta. Why is it me that has to save her even when I'm mad at her anyway? Isn't this Sora's job?
Riku snarled as he ran, at the sound of Ansem's voice he looked over. His eyes widened in surprise."DiZ?"
lol! Yeah really. Since yours was taken away.
Riku snarled and managed to push Larxene off of him. "Fine, I'll go save her! Happy?" He turned and ran off to find Miteta. Everytime, I get mad... she turns emo, and then I have to save her from death itself. I'm getting tired of this.
Why would you need to be an ipod to school anyway? It's not like the world would explode if you're not listening to music.
Riku ignored the voice in his head, feeling like everytime he gest mad at Miteta she somehow turns emo just to get him to not be mad anymore. Unfortunately, it only made him more upset this time. Mira suddenly leaped at Sora in fright and burried her head in his chest at the sound of thunder. She started shaking in fright. Her arms were around him and holding on tight to him, as if something horrible would happen if she let go. "I hate thunder..." a small, frightened voice spoke from her shaking body.
haha! Well, at least you learned your lesson. XD lol! It's good you got it back, though.
Riku just glared down at Miteta. Why is it that something always happens when I'm mad at her? Is it like her way of trying to get me to forgive her or something? He turned and continued walking. "Go freak out in front of someone who actually cares."
Riku looked at Miteta, with an annoyed look on his face. "Oh, I'm the jerk? You're the one who's making immature comments." Mira looked at Sora, unsure if they should listen to Miteta or not... considering she easily ticked Riku off with a comment that made Mira uneasy.
as long as I can stay on. depends on how patient I am when KHV loads slowly and how well I can focus on things more important than KHV (like school)
I don't get it... and please don't explain it. I'm not sure if I want to get it.
lol! Silly. Yeah, I gave up on KHV earlier because it was loading extremely slowly for me again.
Riku sighed out slowly. "I'm outta here." With that, he turned around and walked off, not looking back.
Mira smiled at Sora. "Oh good!" Riku sighed out slowly, grateful relatively all of the attention was veered away from him now. His face was starting to go back to its normal color.
Mira looked at Sora with concern. "Are you okay?" She was clearly worried, I've never seen Sora yell like that, especially at Riku. Riku looked at Sora. "Well, maybe you should think before asking personal questions." Mira looked at Riku. "Riku!"
Awesome! Take your time with it, I don't want to hurry you. :D And my b-day was great! I got to spend a lot of time with my entire family (which...
Riku stammered while looking at the ground. "I-it's nothing, Miteta." OOC: okay, but I'll probably be quiet until loliluvsgummi comes on.... since Riku was originally talking to Sora.