Alrighty, kids, here's how this is gonna work. Same rules as usual; list the sigs you like in the order that you like them (number 1 receiving 3 points, number 2 receiving 2 points, and number 3 receiving 1 point). You MUST vote for three sigs... especially since we only have four entrees this month... At least everyone will get a vote! B| Voting will stay open for a week, closing at midnight (EST), on Saturday, August 1st. And don't vote for yourself. That's lame. Entries Shade Tail Amethyst Heart Hayabusa DPWolf
I lost my external hard drive (yea, don't ask, I have no idea how anyone loses a fucking external hard drive in their own room) which contains all my music. How do I cope with this loss?
... Seriously, what the hell?
I have to go to the gynecologist today ... I'm so scared D8
Everything went numb for the money and the guns
Who here really misses UTNow? God, I hope someone here has actually seen this.
Called SuperBananaCakes. That just screams epic.
It doesn't. .
Assuming my parents let me go, I'm fucking stoked. Never gone before. Anybody have any past experiences with skydiving?
With text Without text Because you love this show to this day and you know it. CnC for nostalgic justice.
You're just asking for rape now, aren't you?
A very creative idea for SotW that I hope will breathe life into this section. There aren't really any restrictions for this one aside from the fact that it has to clearly represent you and follow the site's rules of course. That's about it. Go nuts. Use this thread for your actual entries; post discussion and feedback here.
This concept pretty much dominated the idea thread, plus it's a fresh concept for a section that's been slowing down a bit lately. Sky's the limit for this one, people. Just keep 'em appropriate. Deadline is Friday, the twenty-forth of July. Talk about your ideas and post your works-in-progress here; post your completed entries here.
Yes, it is a reference to the Jonathan Coulton song, hence why the main character's name is Jon (not a reference to my name *gasp*). I love this song and randomly thought I could write a story based off the lyrics, so meh, let's see how this goes. 2009 He fiddled about with the wrinkled piece of paper pensively. Every possible scenario played by in his head, every possible combination of words, amazed and disgusted, every possible flood of emotions, jubilation and angst, everything. He carefully unfolded it again, small beads of sweat dirtying it here and there. Dear Laura, Everyday I eye you in sheer awe. Your presence emits a glow that captures and contains the attention of my heart's eye. Never have I had the pleasure of seeing one as beautiful as yourself. Nothing can compare to your radiant angelic appearance; its rays make my soul light up for you. I love you, Anonymous friend Cheesy? Oh yes, very much so. In fact, Jon was thinking about just giving up all together and going about his normal mathematical business that he would typically go about everyday fifth period. He looked up at the clock again: five to. Laura would be there any minute. The tiny beads of sweat augmented into liquid hailstones running down his dark hair. Frantically looking about, he stealthily placed the note on her desk and retreated to his own, sitting down with his eyes glued to the floor for the rest of the class. After not hearing a single word about the derivatives of absolute value functions, he stood up and headed for the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Laura standing in the center of a circle of giggling girls. He couldn't make out any words, all he could pick up was light whispering underlying stereotypical schoolgirl laughter. He was far too nervous to wait for a more clear sign; he dashed out of room before another sound from the feminine ring could meet his eardrums. *** Several days had passed, no sign of what Laura's reaction to the note was, though it was fairly obvious to anyone who had an ounce of social ability. Even Jon had essentially figured out what she thought by logic alone, though he suppressed the doubtful thoughts with unreasonable adolescent optimism. Fifth period arrived again. Continuing along with the form of that week, Jon sat at his desk, eying the floor tiles, counting the cracks and dots throughout as to avoid seeing a less-than-perfect reaction from Laura. Suddenly, a shadow obscured his view of crack number fifty-seven. He looked up slowly, then jumped back in shock upon discovering that Laura was hovering over him with a smirk. "Hey there." she said with an heir that was trademark of the stuck up popular type. "H-hi." he said, struggling not to stutter any worse than he already was. "So about that note you wrote me-" She was cut off by an abrupt "WHAT!?" accompanied by the sound of desk legs scratching a tiled floor. As Jon darted up to meet Laura's eye level, he only got more nervous. "I know you wrote that note, hell, the whole class does. You stare at me damn near every minute of this class." Jon looked around, almost every single one of the students was snickering, some were full out laughing, and a handful of them were pointing while doing so. He tuned beet red as he stuttered "W-w-w-w-well..." Laura let out a wailing laugh, borderline guffaw, right in Jon's face. "We have these things called leagues for a reason, kid. I'm way above yours." And with that, she turned around and walked back to her desk. About half way to her destination, she turned to him, blew him a kiss and continued on her way. The bell rang. Jon remained standing, even as the teacher began to write on the board. "Jonathan, sit down. Class has started." Without so much as a breath, he plopped into his seat, eyes looking straight forward at nothing in particular, just the open space before him. He truly didn't expect a good reaction, but he never expected her to do something like that. "Now, I've gotten more than my fair share of complaints about how calculus is 'useless.' Well, today we are going to be applying calculus to outer space; I'm sure more than a few of you have been interested in studying the stars at some point." Space... he thought, as he stared out into the open. If only... if only... the possibilities are endless. An intellectual like me... could make discoveries and breakthroughs that could change the whole world. And maybe... just maybe I could break free of my... league...
Because I love this show so damn much. Too bad there aren't a lot of high quality pics of this season. God, I wish.
The new song Headcrusher is fucking awesome. I demand that you download it now.
Enjoy being 14, because it is... um... pretty uneventful. 8D @ Haseo: First is the worst, second is the best.