And I lol'd. I should get out more.
I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Yep, leaving at sometime in the afternoon today, getting back around midday next Friday. As everyone's probably entirely aware of at this point, I'm meeting a certain member of the staff while I'm down there. ;D Might or might not have internet, odds are I really won't be on much either way, though. Adios.
I still don't want to play Mafia Wars. Stop asking me to help you.
This button should not exist.
So fucking need.
Yup, pretty straightforward; make a tag featuring your favorite musical artist/group. Deadline is Sunday, the thirtieth of August. Discussion for this SotW goes here.
Quite a few people seem to want this, so why not? Any band, artist, etc. is allowed, as long as they make music, obviously. Other than that, this really has no limitations. Just try to avoid the... raunchier images that are associated with some groups and/or artists; this is still a PG-13 site. Deadline is Thursday, the twentieth of August. Discuss discuss discuss. Entries are to be posted here.
So yea, I'm going to the Poconos in Pennsylvania for a week. We're staying in a trailer. Don't ask why, I'm just as confused as you are. There's, like, one place in the camping place/trailer park that has wifi, and knowing me, I'll be there a lot, so I'll still be on, just not as much. May the Force be with you.
V1 V2 Because I love British sci-fi. CnC for justice.
Not siggies. Thank you for your time.
Imma post a Twilight bashing convo between me and tummer. John = Me Jose = tummer loooooooooooooooooooool real names 9:34pmJose Nothing much, reading Harry potter and watching a funny kingdom hearts playthrough/commentary. After reading many books over the summer, I finally understand why people get pissed at Twilight. 9:35pmJohn Oh God, really? What exactly lead to this revelation? 9:35pmJose Well, Haruhi was a little better and Harry potter was way better. And Edward is a giant ****** bag. 9:36pmJohn Isn't Bella a bigger ******? I mean doesn't she ditch him for that werewolf guy or something? 9:37pmJose Oh yeah she's all "oh I'll settle for you then" and then she goes for the ****ing vampire! Then she keeps playing with his emotions in the next few books. Oh, but it's okay, because he fell in love with her baby. Can someone say "loli." 9:38pmJohn ... wat? Okay okay hold on So first he wants to bang a girl But then she ditches him And he settles for her daughter? I hate people 9:39pmJose Yeah. Well, she ages like crazy and he doesn't age. Life doesn't make sense anymore 9:39pmJohn Wait wait, so just how old was she when this guy decided he'd try to get into her pants? 9:41pmJose Well, it's a love at first sight thing. It's a legend where you find your true love or something, and it happens when you first she them. 9:41pmJohn ... Please tell me he didn't see her as a baby 9:41pmJose So when the baby's born, he "imprints" on her, which is WTF? 9:41pmJohn ... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 9:41pmJose But it's not romantic at first more like friendship 9:42pmJohn Oh, okay, that's not so bad 9:42pmJose but when she's of age... 9:42pmJohn It's like 9:42pmJose And since she's half vampire, she ages faster. Sounds like a bad fanfiction 9:42pmJohn So how old was she when she was of age? God, it really does with all this half breed stuff 9:43pmJose Well, she'll look 16 i think but she'd technically be about 4 when that comes. I know there's bad fanfiction of what happens somewhere. The New Moon movie is pissing me off too.
We've already got Jack Gilardi and Tony Danza on the roster.