My first stab at poetry in ages. It's awful, but bare with me. Lingering in the Moonlight My longing draws my worn soul To the dimly illuminated balcony How I yearn for the days of ol' When our hands kept us in unity I gaze in awe at the orbiting sphere Whose faint glow catches my eye In hopes that my maiden will soon be here To fill the empty place at my side I ponder intently, if only for a second Thinking maybe she's watching as well Resisting the adamant urge to beckon To her love, and escape her hell For what is the burden of waiting But a hell that time is creating?
I love having a tyrannosaurus rex kill a farmer. That in itself is amazing.
Get in here and wish him a happy birthday, you assholes. c:
I don't care if I sound homo for this, this thing is freaking adorable.
Yea, sorry that I let this kinda sit here for a while, school's been hectic. So yea, same rules as usual: Vote for three entrees in order of which you like them. Voting closes Monday, September 28th. So, without further ado, here are the entries: beezygee Hayabusa Ghetto Naoya
Is the chorus as annoying in this as it is in Agamemnon and The Libation Bearers? If I have to read another fifty-something-line monologue I'm gonna destroy this book.
The main character from inFamous was originally going to be called Dylan, but later on in the game's development, the decided to call him Cole. ... Dylan and Cole...
Go go go. .
So I'm listening to "Please Please Me" on my iPod, and it's playing pretty loudly I guess, since not only could my mom hear it, but she started singing along with it. Her voice is... well let's just say she's no John Lennon. I had to sit there through the two minutes and however many seconds of the song and pretend not to hear. I won't be listening to that song for a while.
Yes, I couldn't resist milking the Beatles fad one last time with that title. Anyway... V1 V2 CnC, por favor.
Once this shit comes out, I'll kick all of your asses on the PSN leaderboards.
I need somebody
Submit your completed entries here. Deadline is Tuesday, the fifteenth of September. Discuss this SotW here.
Yup, sci-fi. I'm sure the bigger nerds among us are excited already. You can use stocks from any sci-fi production as long as it's site-appropriate. Star Wars, Doctor Who, Star Trek and the like; anything from the science fiction genre goes. Deadline is Tuesday, the fifteenth of September. Submit your completed entries here.
How was the very first Pokemon caught?
Assemble. ._.
They vary from older to more recent games, but can someone tell me the average amount of store credits that you'll get for trading in a PS2 game?
In Australia.
How does this make you feel, KH-V?