Our school's kickline team is selling candy to raise funds for their trip in a few months. One of the girls in my class was selling out of a bag she brought with her, so my Spanish teacher asks, "How much for the candy?" She responds, "One dollar each." My teacher takes out his wallet, pulls out a twenty dollar bill, takes all the candy from her bag and places it all on his desk. He says to the class, "Jessalyn has brought us some candy. Fight over it." In true American fashion, all fifteen or so students tackled the desk. Got me a Baby Ruth. I love my Spanish class.
Things are getting complicated in her home again. Anyone who knows her fairly well should know what I'm talking about. She's okay right now, but she wanted me to post this just in case she couldn't get on for a while. I along with anyone else who contacts her over text message will post with updates.
Since no one seemed to like the stocks I chose, I'm making this thread for people so submit their own for the poll. Submissions are due by Monday, November Thirtieth. Limit one submission per person.
And suddenly Pokemon sprite avatars are a fad again. KH-V, you so crazy.
And this kid slips on some of the pool water and falls flat on his face. Some people laugh, others look at him with a decent level of concern. Suddenly, without moving, he says, "Help!" and suddenly the laughter stops. There's about a second of silence, then finally we hear him say "I need someboooooody! Help!" in a singsong manner. After that, the ENTIRE locker room (yes, literally EVERYONE minus one or two people) starts singing "Help!" by The Beatles. Best. Gym class. Ever.
Don't even try to deny it.
JacobxBella is SO much better than EdwardxBella.
And then there are visionary ideas.
Your the member in a 3 way tie as my favorite. "your the best male PS3 owner ever. *hugs*
But their new album is pretty sweet. I actually legit bought it.
What the hell should I get?
Alright, folks, you know the drill. Vote for your three favorite entries and put them in sequential order. Voting closes Thursday, October 29th. Misty jojoj13 Roxas is Hot Chevailer cstar7777 DPWolf
It's beautiful.
You are not The Chosen One. Luka is. /awful joke
I got three people from KH-V on the list. .-.
http://mindflexgames.com/what_is_mindflex.php Jesus Christ, this beats moon shoes by miles.
You won the sig quote contest. ... God damn it.
You have two wishes. Gogogo.
Here's where you enter your sigs for this Sig of the Week.Deadline is Sunday, the twenty-fifth of September. Discuss your entries and find more details about this week's contest in the discussion thread.
Yea, I know, Kingdom Hearts on KH-Vids? What a thought! I figure we might as well to commemorate the release of 358/2 Days in North America and Europe. You don't have to use a stock from Days, though; you can use a stock from any Kingdom Hearts game, Chain of Memories and Birth By Sleep included. Deadline is Sunday, the twenty-fifth of October. Enter your completed works in the entry thread.